viernes, 26 de julio de 2024

Usted le cambiaria la trama a los mitos griegos? a una obra de shekespeare? a la divina comedia? No seria un atrocidad? pues todo sabemos que contiene un mecanismo interno que no funcionaria si alteramos su forma, que no es hornamental, o si, pero a la vez estrictamente funcional alcansando sus claros objetivos y simultaneamente, nos agrada. GENIAL! No sera que la Biblia y con sus mandatos pasa lo mismo? La acusan que se autovaldia pero si esta basada estrictamente en la verdad y en la razon, no tendria todo el poder de hacerlo? como un prospecto de un medicamento o un manual de uso lo tienen!. Lo que ella nos pide es un lazo que nos podemos quitar como dice el salmo 2, ella pide el orden natural donde lo superior esta sobre lo inferior, esto es 1ºlo espiritual 2ªlo racional 3ºlo emocional 4º lo fisico, haciendo que toda emocion que nace de la razon es perefecta porque viene con el diseño ya determiando de antemano por el espirtu de donde nace. Toda emocion que nace del cuepro es diabolica por el cuerpo es hakeado por el. Si manda el cuerpo es involucion. Es la inversion del orden innegable. La razon es infinitamente superior a la emocion porque ve, analisa, calcula, reasegura la vida, la emocion solo quiere salirse con la suya aquí y ahora satisfaccion inmendiata asi me vaya al infierno. Respetando ese orden divino, se logra el casamiento msitico entre el alma con el espiritu, luego de dominar el ego en pos del espitu y no del cuerpo. Hay una simbologia interna dentro del sexo que ovbiamente no se cumple en ninguna de las letras de los lgtttbidisney+. El gay nunca va a estar en paz siendo homo sino superandolo para estar en armonia con el mandato de yo superior que se muebe estricctamente por razones que es nuestra facultad para llegar a la verdad, ellos estan gastando mucha energia y corriendo en direcion opuesta de dodne deben ir y quien los estimula no es Dios... Entonces no es de troglodita un casamiento gay? Una “mujer trans”, un aborto, un trans especie, edad, raza, loquesea? Un pene en una vagina es una cosa, un pene en un ano del sistema alimenticio es otra cosa. NO ES LO MISMO! El "cambio de sexo" es otra aberración, como el planeta, el cuerpo tiene ríos energético muy sutiles para que se logra la infinidad de objetivos que debemos cumplir, una tatuaje, un pirsing, y si, hasta una operación altera negativamente estos ríos energético, malográndolo todo. El “cambio de sexo” lo desruye todo es forma atroz, eso no esta programado en ningún ADN, ni en el destino, es un hakeo diabólico y ocurre porque no se respeta el orden que Dios quiere. Y lo mas aberrante de todo lo que nos proponen, la locura de la fucion hombre-inteligencia artificial. Con Dios es que nos tenemos que casar por el hecho que tenenemos un alma y un espirtu, la realisacion del hombre no es tecnologica, ni econimica, ni social sino espiritual. Ahi tiene la respuesta a la pregunta del millon, sobre el sentido de la vida. 42 es buena respuesta, 40 + 2, la prueba de la dualdiad. Correcto! Prueba que todos jugamos por igual por el hecho de tenr un cuerpo con un alma y un espiritu. En la 3d. Pero mutidimensional que por exelencia Dios en su obra usa el concepto de pensameinto sistemico y multidireccional y multidimensional, ir en contra de sus mandatos, es un acto kamicase de un decerebrado como un animal autamata diseñado para la autodestruccion, aunque lo que vemos hoy con la nefasta ideologia de genero no tiene origen humano sino de los angeles caidos jefes de la elite que nos manejan con estos anti politicos para tener mas y mas licensia para la destrucion y realisar de antemano la despobrlacion mundial de Isaias 24 por transgredir el orden natural y desde la leyes! Que atros! ay a estos anti politocos y el juicio que se les viene… por su plan kalergia, dictadura lgbti, agenda 2030 y el muticulturalismo, saben que estan entregando sus paises al inframndo son unos traidores. YAHVE TE REPRENDA SATAN. PRRO LO PEOR ES LA PACIVIDD DE LOS BUENOS, EL ESPIRITU SANTO ESTIMULA CON ESTO A QUE TODO USEMOS ESTE GRAN PODER LLAMADO INTERNET PARA DAR BATALLA A ESTA GUERRA ESPIRITUAL QUE TODO DEBEMOS ENFRETAR O PERECEMOS POR PUSILANIMES. DIOS LOS BENDIGA. MANOS A LA OBRA CON TU INICIATIVA PROPIA SE CREATIVO. ALABADO SEA DIOS Y JESUS CRISTOREY UNIVERSAL

 Would you change the plot of Greek myths? A Shakespeare play? The Divine Comedy? Wouldn't that be an atrocity? We all know that it contains an internal mechanism that wouldn't work if we altered its form, which is not ornamental, or yes, but at the same time strictly functional, achieving its clear objectives and simultaneously, it pleases us. GREAT! Could it be that the same thing happens with the Bible and its mandates? They accuse it of being self-validating, but if it is based strictly on truth and reason, wouldn't it have all the power to do so? Like a medicine leaflet or a user manual has it! What she asks of us is a bond that we can remove as Psalm 2 says, she asks for the natural order where the superior is over the inferior, this is 1st the spiritual 2nd the rational 3rd the emotional 4th the physical, making every emotion that is born from reason perfect because it comes with the design already determined in advance by the spirit from where it is born. Every emotion that is born from the body is diabolical because the body is hacked by it. If the body commands it is involution. It is the inversion of the undeniable order. Reason is infinitely superior to emotion because it sees, analyzes, calculates, reassures life, emotion only wants to get its way here and now immediate satisfaction even if I go to hell. Respecting this divine order, the mystical marriage between the soul and the spirit is achieved, after dominating the ego in pursuit of the spirit and not the body. There is an internal symbolism within sex that is obviously not fulfilled in any of the lyrics of the lgtttbidisney+. The gay will never be at peace being homo but rather overcoming it to be in harmony with the mandate of the higher self that moves strictly for reasons that are our faculty to reach the truth, they are spending a lot of energy and running in the opposite direction of where they should go and who stimulates them is not God ... So is a gay marriage not troglodyte? A "trans woman", an abortion, a trans species, age, race, whatever? A penis in a vagina is one thing, a penis in an anus of the food system is another thing. IT IS NOT THE SAME! The "sex change" is another aberration, like the planet, the body has very subtle energetic rivers so that the infinity of objectives that we must fulfill are achieved, a tattoo, a piercing, and yes, even an operation negatively alters these energetic rivers, ruining everything. The “sex change” destroys everything in an atrocious way, it is not programmed in any DNA, nor in destiny, it is a diabolical hack and it happens because the order that God wants is not respected. And the most aberrant of all that they propose to us, the madness of the man-artificial intelligence fusion. With God is that we have to marry because we have a soul and a spirit, the realization of man is not technological, nor economic, nor social but spiritual. There you have the answer to the million dollar question, about the meaning of life. 42 is a good answer, 40 + 2, the proof of duality. Correct! It proves that we all play equally because of the fact of having a body with a soul and a spirit. In 3D. But multidimensional that par excellence God in his work uses the concept of systemic and multidirectional and multidimensional thinking, going against his mandates is a kamicic act of a brainless like an automaton animal designed for self-destruction, although what we see today with the nefarious gender ideology does not have human origin but from the fallen angels heads of the elite who handle us with these anti-politicians to have more and more license for destruction and to carry out in advance the world depopulation of Isaiah 24 for transgressing the natural order and from the laws! How atrocious! Woe to these anti-politicians and the judgment that is coming to them ... for their kalergia plan, lgbti dictatorship, agenda 2030 and multiculturalism, they know that they are handing over their countries to the underworld, they are traitors. YAHVE REBOUND YOU SATAN. BUT THE WORST THING IS THE PACIVICNESS OF THE GOOD ONES, THE HOLY SPIRIT ENCOURAGES US WITH THIS TO USE THIS GREAT POWER CALLED THE INTERNET TO FIGHT THIS SPIRITUAL WAR THAT WE ALL MUST FACE OR PERISH DUE TO COWARDLINESS. GOD BLESS YOU. GET TO WORK WITH YOUR OWN INITIATIVE, BE CREATIVE. PRAISE GOD AND JESUS ​​CHRIST AND UNIVERSAL

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