martes, 9 de julio de 2024

India Eco dijo que “muchos politicos ha sido suplantado... que se van amandar burradas... y tambien que cuando sepamos lo que ellos nos han hecho, no le van a dar las piernas (las patas, dijo) para correr”. Entonces cuando uno ve a una Irene Montero gritando como una desequilibrada mental: “YO QUIERO QUE LOS NIÑO TENGAN SEXO CON QUIEN ELLOS QUEIREN” uno debe dedir: ZAZ! CLONA DETECTADA!. Cuando vemos a Biden haciendose el viejo gaga adrede, uno exlama “ahi lo tenes al suplantado”. Y cuando ve lo peor, que todos actuan como si no pasa nada, uno piensa “la cosa es grupal!”. Tambien lo sospechamos cuando vemos a Macron que por una fantasmagorica crisis que nunca llego, anuncia: (perque me piache) “SE ACABO LA SUPERABUNDANCIA LLEGA LA ESCASES” y acto seguido se a pasear en su Yate. Uno dice: he ahi un posible usurpado. Las modificasiones del rostro de Putin son delatoras. Si, porque la cosa es de todos lados: derecha, izquierda, elite oriente, elite oxidente. Lao Tse aconceja en el arte de la guerra: cuando tu enemigo quiere sentarse, haslo caminar, si queire caminar haslo sentarse. Obvio sentido comun. Pero lo mismo debemos hacer con lo que el nos quiera hacer a nosotros. Ahroa la elite nos quere en casa, con una destructiva renta universal, adicto a la computadora, bisexual, drogadictos, paganos, abortistas, comunista. Huelga decirlo: debemos hacer todo lo opuesto. Este servidor no es ni de derecha, ni izquierda, ni de centro, sino de arriba, es decir Teocrata, CRISTOREY O NADA. Porque: “Neo todo es Matrix” todas son diferentes cabeza de la misma serpiente. Quanon incluido. Esto lo dice la Biblia, que hacierta mas que los Simpson, Nostradamus y Baba banga juntos!. Y tiene mas prestigio, pues es lo unico que no es matrix, conjuntamente con tu luz interna, luces que debes unir para llegar a Dios y escapar de la destruccion del ser que planea la la elite con sus titeres suplantados: los politcos y la implementacion de: Aborto y Eutanasia permitidos. Dictadura LGTBI. Satanismo abierto. Comida basura. Vacunas obligatorias. experimentales, mortales. Drogas legales. Renta universal para que te compres las drogas. Ideologia de genero impuesta a niños cohersitivamente, quitandole la oportundiad de ser normal separandolo de los que Dios lo unio: su alma gemela. Y el nefasto plan kalergy a pleno vigor para hacer desaparecer al blanco y hacer una raza mestisa facil de manipular. No se entiende una cosa: la elite quiere LGTBI y un matriarcado como nuevo orden mundial, ahora estan permintiendo la invacion del islam en toda europa, cuando no hay nada mas anti feminismo y homofovico que un musulman” quieren que se cumpla “LOS FANATICOS SE MATAN MUTUAMENTE” SI ES ASI, SI SE ENTIENDE. Pero entoces sin temor a ser o sonar paranoico: si un blanco como Soros que esta detras de este plan, siendo el blanco, es el humano ? haga aquí su “a ha” por favor y descubra la verdadera intension...que quien lo dice todo aburre... Ellos le digieron a la elite piramidal donde unos a otros finalmente se traicionan: DEJA SOLO EL 10% Y REINA SOBRE ELLOS” para luego eliminar ese restito y “mision cumplida termine la obra de Dios Yahve y con su pesencia viva en la 3D” porque el unico receptaculo real de Dios es el plano fisico es el cuerpo humano, sin humanos seguiria Yahve siendo Dios, pero no tendria una portador vivo, en la Tierra. Y Aguante la vida, a defenderla y honrarla porque recordemos que Dios iba desraigar esta planta porque no daba fruto pero Jesus le dijo la cuidare y dara frutos, asi que demos frutos: Buenas obras. Por empesar seamos coherentes y no adoremos, enfermos del sindrome de estocolmo, a las vampiresas iluminati, porque ellas son una tradioras, solo te hacen pecar para tener licensia de destruccion, asi te pagan por la vida que le das TU. Quierete bien, reacciona. Escucha tu voz interna, conectate con tu yo superior, llega a Cristo y con El a Dios: la puerta de tres cerradura es mas segura. Los woke estan actuando como robot programado para la autodestruccion y para odiar todo lo que aun sea libre, es ahora cuando debemos a acumular muchas luz que constituiran a ser los ladrillos de nuestro bunker de luz para lo que se venga. El que se quiera salvar se perdera, el que se arriegue por este evangelio, se salvara” dijo Jesús. Quien me solicito conformar un grupo y hasta le puso el nombre el UNA NUEVA JUVENTUD PARA CRISTO, SI QUIERES SER PARTE ORA A DIOS, SERAS EXAUTIVAMENTE PROVADO, DE SER APTO PONTE EN CONTADO. Armasluminosas blogspot. Pero como Jesus dijo: “Los que no estan contra mi, conmigo estan” unidos en Cristo oremos a Dios por todos esos planes siniestros y a poner el grito en el cielo con nuetros activismo en internet y en fisico que tiene un terrible poder porque nuestra pasividad cuenta como consentimiento de la destruccion de la humandiad como evidentemente vemos en estos politcos suplantados, novedad? Si, seguro? La Biblia dice hace 4000 años: “Israel tus gobernantes te traicionan” como los politico que sirven entidades malignas que comen del sufrimeinto de pueblo que procuran adrede. Ellos no dicen lo que nos hacen no por primado negativo, sino para disminuir su karma, por nuestra pasividad, es de vital importansia gritar: “no en mi nombre” a todas esas aberrraciones que se metan su renta universal por donde no le da el sol “no coma yo de sus manjares” que, o son troyando o estan envenedado, llenos de grafeno y blak go, que la realidad estan compleja que hay mas verdad en las teorias conspirativas que en los diarios, por eso ahora nos quiren canselar las Conspiraciones. No quieren que haya un despertar, que debe haberlo pero debe ser biblico, salvarte solo? Se logico, son muy pesado y no hay nadie mas poderoso que Jesus, su poder radica en la luz que prodijo en su sacrificio: misericordia pura y como ellos son oscuros le temen y respetan por siempre. Porque la luz siempre domina sobre la oscuridad. Se logico pero usa la logica multidimensional. A trabajar por los ladrillos de luz de tu bunker. Predica a Cristo unica salvasion, he ahi al razon que todo apunta contra el cristianismo y los wokes se quejan de los pastores de la copa america porque “es coherisitvo”, pero nada DICEN del satansimo abierto y NADIE MAS COERSITIVO QUE SU JEFE: EL DIABL Y SU CONTROL MENTAL CON CHIP, GRAFENO, 5G, BLAK GO Y MAGIA NEGRA QUE LOS LLEVAN AL PRESIPICIO Y NO SE PUEDEN NEGAR, COSAS QUE ESCAPAS SI CREES EN JESUS PORQUE “LA FE EN MI NOMBRE ES UNA VIBRACION SALVADORA”. Dijo Jesus en un cuento mio, pero en la Biblia dice: “YO TE SOSTENDRE DE LA HORA DE TENTACION QUE VA CURIR LA TIERRA” eso PROMETE JESUS PARA SUS FIELES. ASI QUE ALTA FIDELIDAD, PARA ESCAPR DEL RANGO DE ALCANCE DEL ANTICRISTO QUE SOLO ATRAPA A TONTOS Y FLOJOS PECADORES. PARA LOS CREYENTES: LIBERTAD! LA CUAL NUNCA PUEDE SER GRATIS, AHI QUE GANARSELA. Y “CON PACIENSIA GANARAN SU ALMA”. NO HAY QUE FUSIONARSE CON UNA IA SINO CON DIOS POR EL HECHO QUE TENEMOS UN ALMA Y UN ESPIRITU Y LAGO DEBEN HACER: CASARSE... TODO DICHO. DIOS LO BENDIGA. ALABADO SEA DIOS Y CRISTOREY UNIVERSAL.

 India Eco said that "many politicians have been supplanted... that they are going to make nonsense... and also that when we know what they have done to us, they are not going to give them the legs (the legs, he said) to run." So when one sees Irene Montero screaming like a mentally unbalanced person: “I WANT THE CHILDREN TO HAVE SEX WITH WHOM THEY WANT” one must say: ZAZ! CLONE DETECTED! When we see Biden deliberately playing the old gaga, one exclaims “there you have him impersonated.” And when he sees the worst, that everyone acts as if nothing is happening, one thinks “it's a group thing!” We also suspect it when we see Macron who, due to a phantasmagoric crisis that never came, announces: (perque me piache) “SUPERABUNDANCE IS OVER, SHORTAGE IS COMING” and immediately goes for a ride on his yacht. One says: here is a possible usurper. The modifications to Putin's face are revealing. Yes, because the thing is from all sides: right, left, eastern elite, oxidizing elite. Lao Tzu advises on the art of war: when your enemy wants to sit, make him walk, if he wants to walk, make him sit. Obvious common sense. But we must do the same with what he wants to do to us. Now the elite wants us at home, with a destructive universal income, computer addicts, bisexuals, drug addicts, pagans, abortionists, communists. It goes without saying: we must do the opposite. This server is neither from the right, nor the left, nor from the center, but from above, that is, Theocrata, CHRISTOREY OR NOTHING. Because: “Neo everything is Matrix” they are all different heads of the same snake. Quanon included. The Bible says this, which would do more than the Simpsons, Nostradamus and Baba Banga combined! And it has more prestige, because it is the only thing that is not the matrix, together with your internal light, lights that you must unite to reach God and escape the destruction of the being that the elite plans with their supplanted puppets: the politicians and the implementation of: Abortion and Euthanasia permitted. LGTBI dictatorship. Open Satanism. Junk food. Mandatory vaccinations. experimental, deadly. Legal drugs. Universal income so you can buy drugs. Gender ideology imposed on children coherently, taking away the opportunity to be normal, separating them from those with whom God united them: their soul mate. And the nefarious kalergy plan in full force to make white people disappear and make a mixed race easy to manipulate. One thing is not understood: the elite wants LGTBI and a matriarchy as a new world order, now they are allowing the invasion of Islam throughout Europe, when there is nothing more anti-feminist and homophobic than a Muslim" they want it to be fulfilled "THE FANATICS THEY KILL EACH OTHER” IF THAT IS SO, IF YOU UNDERSTAND IT. But then without fear of being or sounding paranoid: if a target like Soros who is behind this plan, being the target, is he human? Do your “a ha” here please and discover the true intention...that whoever says it all is boring... They said to the pyramidal elite where each other finally betrays each other: LEAVE ONLY 10% AND REIGN OVER THEM ” to then eliminate that remainder and “mission accomplished, finish the work of God Yahweh and with his presence alive in the 3D” because the only real receptacle of God is the physical plane, it is the human body, without humans Yahweh would still be God, but not I would have a living carrier, on Earth. And endure life, to defend it and honor it because we remember that God was going to uproot this plant because it did not bear fruit but Jesus told him to take care of it and it will bear fruit, so let's bear fruit: Good works. For starters, let's be consistent and not worship, sick with Stockholm syndrome, the illuminati vampires, because they are traditors, they only make you sin to have a license to destroy, so they pay you for the life that YOU give them. Love yourself well, react. Listen to your inner voice, connect with your higher self, reach Christ and with Him God: the three-lock door is safer. The woke are acting like a robot programmed for self-destruction and to hate everything that is still free, it is now when we must accumulate a lot of light that will constitute the bricks of our light bunker for whatever is coming. He who wants to be saved will be lost, he who risks himself for this gospel will be saved” said Jesus. Who asked me to form a group and even named it A NEW YOUTH FOR CHRIST, IF YOU WANT TO BE A PART, PRAY TO GOD, YOU WILL BE EXTREMELY PROVIDED, IF YOU ARE SUITABLE, PLEASE CONTACT US. Armasluminosas blogspot. But as Jesus said: "Those who are not against me, are with me" united in Christ, let us pray to God for all those sinister plans and to shout to the heavens with our activism on the internet and in person, which has a terrible power because our passivity Does it count as consent to the destruction of humanity as we evidently see in these supplanted politicians, novelty? Yes, sure? The Bible says 4000 years ago: The Bible says 4000 years ago: “Israel, your rulers betray you” like the politicians who serve evil entities that feed on the suffering of the people that they purposely seek. They do not say what they do to us not because of negative primacy, but to reduce their karma, because of our passivity, it is vitally important to shout: “not in my name” to all those aberrations that put their universal income where it does not have the purpose. sol "I don't eat their delicacies" that are either Trojan or poisoned, full of graphene and blak go, that reality is complex that there is more truth in conspiracy theories than in newspapers, that's why now they want to make us tired Conspiracies. Don't you want there to be an awakening, which there should be but it should be biblical, save yourself alone? Be logical, they are very heavy and there is no one more powerful than Jesus, his power lies in the light he provided in his sacrifice: pure mercy and since they are dark they fear and respect him forever. Because light always dominates over darkness. Be logical but use multidimensional logic. Let's work for the light bricks in your bunker. Preach Christ the only salvation, that is the reason why everything points against Christianity and the wokes complain about the pastors of the America Cup because “it is coherent”, but they SAY nothing about open Satanism and NO ONE MORE COERSITIVE THAN THEIR BOSS: THE DEVIL AND THEIR MIND CONTROL WITH CHIP, GRAPHENE, 5G, BLAK GO AND BLACK MAGIC THAT TAKE THEM TO THE PRESIPE AND THEY CANNOT DENY THEMSELVES, THINGS THAT YOU ESCAPE IF YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS ​​BECAUSE “FAITH IN MY NAME IS A SAVING VIBRATION.” Jesus said in a story of mine, but in the Bible he says: “I WILL SUPPORT YOU FROM THE HOUR OF TEMPTATION THAT WILL HEAL THE EARTH” that is what JESUS ​​PROMISES FOR HIS FAITHFUL. SO HIGH FIDELITY, TO ESCAPE THE RANGE OF REACH OF THE ANTICHRIST WHO ONLY TRAPS FOOLISH AND LAZY SINNERS. FOR BELIEVERS: FREEDOM! WHICH CAN NEVER BE FREE, YOU HAVE TO EARN IT. AND “WITH PATIENCE THEY WILL WIN THEIR SOUL.” ALL SAID. GOD BLESS YOU. PRAISE BE GOD AND UNIVERSAL CHRISTOREY.

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