viernes, 12 de julio de 2024


 FAITH IN MY NAME IS A SAVING VIBRATION. On a boring Sunday afternoon like so many others. Domingo, with the little energy he had left, like a drowning man's hand but towards a brilliant idea, had the idea of ​​going to the municipal library to combat his boredom-depression-despair. Feelings that had been accentuated by having been rejected once again in his declaration of love. He didn't have friends, or rather they avoided him, which was the same thing. A black sheep of encyclopedia. Although soon he would know the particular nature of his nature, which does not exist in any book. “My God, guide me to a good book,” he prayed, entering as he was accustomed to doing also when looking for a good movie, an attitude that always gave him good results but this time it would be exceptional. And how the weak flame of a candle enters the fiery and profuse fire that is a library where great minds perpetually say their great ideas, although they always say the same thing? If the reader can interpret it differently? Well, the message is in the receiver and nothing better than the Bible corroborates that truth. It was the ideal place to search for the missing light. For heaven, his request for help was not a moving feat, but due to his depression, it was, everything is relative. Due to his attention deficit, he gave up on a novel and opted to look for stories. The glossy paper illustration on the cover of one caught his attention powerfully and the title even more so: "How Many to Escape", he pounced on the jealous man, right there. He began to read it with the anxiety of a hungry man, and while reading, he went to his desk that overlooked the shutter where he could see the enormous park. He read the story of Peter, who was reading a story called Sofia, where several readers of the same love story about a woman named Sofia were teleported to a kind of limbo, united by the same common factor: the fervent love for her, when They all came from different parts of the world and from different times, but all related beyond time and space by professing the same affection and devotion to the same wisdom united to the company that only aims to love her, the light itself. And as an epilogue, the same thing happened to Peter who appeared in a similar bar but not exactly the same bar, where the readers of the same story were. Thus rebelling a great truth: everything is maya. Demonstrated by merging the fiction of the story with the "real" part of the story. Forming a synecdoche that had just begun... That was the trigger for a fun idea that would transform a pathetic Sunday into the brightest of his entire life. I would write an idea similar to the story of Peter and Sofia but with a variant: the love that unites them is the love of God and Jesus and the salvation of humanity, and it would be reunited with their brothers to fight for the enterprise of saving, but not as super friends, but as a man of flesh and blood with the most powerful of all swords, which is that of the Spirit: the word of God, the primordial vibration where everything was born. Concentratedly immersed in this enterprise, staring into infinity, looking for a way to start, he first felt a slight dizziness, followed by a gentle tremor. He noticed that the light of the place changed like the silence of the place. A powerful whistle was heard from afar. "That hallway wasn't there before," he exclaimed, a hallway where a man appeared with his exorbitant gaze looking everywhere. Two others appeared in another brand new hallway with the same expression. Others entered through the park gate and another through the main door where the librarian and the security receptionist were conspicuous by their absence.

Yes, after reading the same story and writing or thinking about writing the same story, everyone was teleported to a world where they meet brothers in faith as happened in their story. Jesus told them, standing in the middle of them all, categorically calming their confusion. Blessed and beloved of my Father. To all of you who thought you were a failure, I assure you that you are the best version of yourselves, you who failed in the world because of your morals, are the ones who arrived, not intact, because my mercy is still great, but you did achieve the approval and the grace of my Father Yahweh. After being exhaustively selected, you were brought to this, the best of all possible worlds, where only the kingdom of my Father Yahweh would be installed, which "many are called and few are chosen" also applies on a planetary level, because in a Only planet Earth in the entire multiverse will my Father's word be fulfilled. And this is it. Faith in My Name is a saving vibration, and it was the one that brought you here. But there are also many others who are writing the same story but their faith and vibration does not reach the required level, mathematics does not lie and it is freedom because it is true and truth is freedom. Freedom from accusations Freedom from the accusations of the devil and freedom from believing that demands are a whim of heaven. Do I need to tell them what to do? Stay at this level of faith and pass your fire on to others for maximum salvation, that by saving you will be saved, equip yourselves with a sword, but with light, which you will buy with good actions, which must be the bricks of your life. bunker of protection for everything that is coming, but if you follow my commands nothing bad will reach you, you must try to have your arsenal of weapons of Light full and overflowing, if I tell you ten, do twelve and you will be untouchable for the antichrist. They just have to be careful to always be well charged with light. Forget about your families, who who look back are of no use to the kingdom, they will miss you greatly especially because their desire to kill them will leave them frustrated. Surprise? But if I told you: "The first enemy of the son of man is his own family," you escaped from his clutches because I took care of you all your lives from the shadows of their shadows and all their witchcraft, ask the atheists if That can be done by an imaginary friend, as they call this faith. Meditate deeply on Psalm 91 "Shield and protection are his truth." They must be able to reason at the God level. Let man know, let man be able, because man infinitely surpasses man and God does not save them for what they are, but for what they can become: humanly perfect. I will be in Israel shortly to reign over the entire world, the entire universe, in all dimensions because love is the axis of all creation and God is love and lives in you. I am with you until the end of the end of time and remember: "calm down, I conquered the world", as you will conquer it because I will give you an argument to extinguish every incendiary arrow of the enemy, because the last war is mental... Once again a mysterious whistle was heard, immediately afterward and without asking questions or saying goodbye he disappeared but they all understood why, because immediately it manifested itself in their heart as a sweet sensation, and in their mind they also felt ready to respond to anything. concern that may arise spontaneously. “I will call them with a whistle, and gather them, for I have redeemed them; and they will be multiplied as much as they were before.” ZACARIAS 10 END Story based on real events... which you yourself experience every time you read a story or watch a movie, as corroborated by many research sessions of hypnotists, therefore, be very careful which doors you open and enter through them, The Holy Spirit strictly prohibits the genre of terror, nor the divine comedy, it is an open door from your interior and your home to the underworld and if everyone opens those doors the world will soon be an infernal chaos, the cause unthinkable. of the beginning of the apocalypse? when the satanist elite are the owners of the entertainment industry. Logical rather its ingenious strategy, we must overcome its ingenuity by filling ourselves with light and not darkness. You Christians should consider the horror genre a technical sin. Like fear too. I'll tell you a fact that will fill you with faith, I had to write this story twice, I was already 90% ready, I was in the library with two other Internet users on other computers, there was an hour left before closing, but suddenly Everything closes and tells me that I'm out of time, just my computer! The assistant came and couldn't correct it, he was disconcerted by the unpredictable warning, the system engineer came, did the 20,000 operation and we couldn't open and everything was erased. The other two Internet users continued very well, my Angel consoled me from the beginning as if knowing that we were not going to be able to recover what was written and told me "if it gave you so much pleasure writing it the first time, it will give you the same pleasure or more the second time." ". Correct! MATRIX: Obvious and childish attempt to undermine my faith like putting out a fire with gasoline because it multiplied. Furthermore, by telling this truth I give readers more faith that Jesus really spoke in those words. "Faith in my Name is a saving vibration." Elevate in the love of God and Jesus. Dear readers, see you in the astral if mathematics says so, it is truth and freedom. They just have to reach that exact number and nothing is impossible for God. BYE BYE.

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