jueves, 4 de julio de 2024

Because the elite wants to destroy humanity.

 Because the elite wants to destroy humanity.

“The message is in the receiver” says a great phrase from the world of communication theory that says it all multidirectionally and even multidimensionally because it includes the concept of God and its parallel in the Bible is in Acts 27: “The God who made the world …he does not dwell in temples made by the hands of men…because in Him we live, move and have our being, just as some of your own poets have said: “For we also are His offspring.” The true receptacle of God is the human body, “those who answer me will go to my father and make our home in him” Jesus said. By eating from Him: His word, Him and God, live in us, faith in His name is a saving vibration. Jesus = Yahweh saves. So every believer is a lit lamp of God's light, every atheist is an unlit one, if there is more darkness than light, the darkness will engulf everything. The elite promotes homosexuality, polyamory, abortion, euthanasia, Satanism and everything that has to do with death and contraception, to sweep away humanity and sweep away the living bastion of God: man. They are bothered by the old, the heterosexuals, the babies, according to mandates they must leave 10% so that later the devil himself with regressive ET races, eliminates everything and so he can shout: "mission accomplished, don't just end my great obstacle with God: man, but ends with the living presence of God in the third dimension.” Because humanity is its true living receptacle in 3D. Of course, without humanity, He would continue to be God of the entire universe and in all dimensions, but he would no longer have the living helm of it in 3D. For the happiness of darkness. Only with his presence in believers can there be life, justice, civilization and human progress as we have enjoyed until now, because there will be an omnipotent God who stops the barbarism desired by his detractors: the pagan gods, fallen angels, enemies of humanity, chief of the elite, who today because of our sins have gained a lot of license to promote what is dysfunctional, unhygienic, unhealthy, irrational, unnatural, sinful, immoral and destructive. Committing the worst sin of all by teaching innocent children to reason badly and telling them that what doesn't work is right. That what matters is what you feel, not what you reason, imposing the inferior over the superior, that is, emotion over reason. UNFORGIVABLE. “Only in me there is salvation, outside of me there is no God to save.” Great and obvious truth. The rest are pagan gods who order all our evils: fires, famines, crises, wars, pollution. To then accuse us and with the excuse of being rebellious, take over power on earth and they are already doing it from the traitor elite but victims of mental control, like all the woke, whose hatred for those who are still free and They take their heads out of the guillotine of irrationality that we live in today. Eurovision was a pitiful pornographic zoo of mutant humans. And the worst is imposed coercively. “Things are what they are and are not what they are not,” says the first law of meaning. “The objective perception of reality is a right” said a very wise tweet. We are experiencing parallels to the exodus where the leaders of the people who were enemies of God's people wanted them to fail with Egyptian witchcraft, so they could mock God. But here we are, year 2024, 4000 years, the people of God shouting the truth of the true God Yahweh. People who cannot abduct, nor kidnap, nor poison, nor kill, nor even depress, much less undermine saving faith, as they so long for, who are like children who confuse what they desire with what is theirs, experts in self-deception. And if, as all this were not enough to demonstrate that salvation is only in Him, He Himself denounces that there is a false Trojan light, which proclaims it but "the devil also quotes the Bible according to his needs", that false light, He wants to steal the crown from the true Jesus, who he quotes so much, but he is just another mouth that leads to hell itself, just another head of the snake and that is all there is around Quanon, yes, the beloved right of many well intentional people who believe they are doing well. Yes, today it seems like the least harmful evil, but it only seems, one of the patterns that most reveals it is the presence of artificial intelligence in his speech, which is another name for the devil, with God you have to merge, not with an AI, for the fact that we have a soul and a spirit and something must be done to merge, once the soul dominates the entire lower ego in pursuit of the reasons of the spirit, merging with the AI ​​is death, part of the elite program that wants us later of homosexulising, synthesizing and turning into holograms, crazy conspiracy theories? But they did say it with a choreography at the last world AI summit in Arabia! Look for it. To be or not to be. Either there is a biblical spiritual awakening or we are the last generation. Wake up people of God and do not marry either the right or the left, theocracy or anything, but also know that when Jesus reigns the world from Israel, God Yahweh will continue in heaven, ergo Jesus is not God, that is the last devil's trap Know that yes, you must vibrate high, but from the hand of God and Jesus, no one is saved, self-sufficient rebellious goat, today that other trap “vibes high” is in fashion: trap. They let you run then they will take their toll on you. Humility and obedience is a law. See clearly that Satan was revealed to Yahweh not the source god that the elite preaches and is just another name for Satan. LONG LIVE YAHWEH! “Those who come to me I make them taste salvation.” And there is no place for atheism because the Bible is written on our body: Israel versus nations, it is the same as the spiritual over the physical. Jesus, the spirit, marries Jerusalem, the soul of God, in a masterful synecdoche of John's apocalypse. 1° The spiritual 2° The rational 3° The emotional. Everything that God wants, no one can get rid of that laso above as Psalm 2 says, what laso? The Bible can validate itself because it is founded on reasons, it contains an internal mechanism that is identical to ours because God made us in his image and likeness, what an honor! The envy of all the ET rasas, which make us sin to remove such an insignia that begins in our soul and ends in our spirit or higher self. To be or not to be. Blessing or cursing, which do you prefer? Prayer, fasting and good luck, the bricks of your bunker, that the trials have arrived, let us defend the human race, let us honor life that “he who wants to save his life will lose it but he who risks it will win it. Praise God Yahweh and Jesus Christ universal and multidimensional king.

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