domingo, 14 de julio de 2024

El tema de los hipnotistas y sus curaciones en nombre de ....nadie

No es la IA, no son los ET, no son los antipoliticos que nos gobiernan hoy, el tema mas importante que nos deberia shokear a todos por igual, son los hipnotistas y todo viagero del astral lo que nos deberia obnubilar en grado extremo porque no es para menos, ellos estan revelandio nada mas y nada menos de dodne vienen las sombras y luces de la celebre, veras y  certera mentafora de Planton, de la caverna, es decir estan revelando la mismisima Matrix porque el astral es la matrix la 4 dimension, y no son haker o tambien lo son pero mas bien son brujos y magos negros. Dios lo hizo todo con su palabra y con sus palabras los brujos hakean la obra de Dios, somos el producto de esas dos fuerzas, miles y miles de programaciones-hechizo sobre nosotros forman nuestras vidas fisicas que son el 10% de todo lo que somos, ese 90% esta en el astral la causa de males enfermedades, obstaculos, osea esta la matrix de la 5 dimension y la 3 dimension, la maldita, que es producida por la 4D: el astral. Esta enorme puerta que estan abriendo y que comenso con Robert Monroe esta descubriendo un mundo mucho mas grande que el que descubrio Colon, ellos estan descubriedolo todo, los simiento de nuestra realidad. Y hacen milagrosas sanaciones instantaneas que ni los mejores sicologos y siquiatras podrian hacer en años, ellos saben el origen y cura de la ezquizofrenia y demas misterisoos males. El punto mas trasendetal es que liberan a la genete de las garras de poderosos demonios de amon Ra, de Asthares sheran, de falsos jesuses y arcangeles miguel, que poblan generosamente el astral engañado a la gente, y ellos por este fraude tiran todo el cristianismo a la basura cuadno esta todo en orden estos falsos Jesuses son el loby al verdadero, si no engañas ni te dejas engañar, llegaras al verdadero Jesus. Calogero grifasi una vez se encontro con el verdadero Jesus, pero se lo olvido con su persepcion selectiva ejem ejem ...  recuerdas Calo la sesion con Alexey??? Ahora despiertos diganme un humano le va quitar un presa al mismo amon Ra, el dios egipcio NUmero UNO? un hombre sin ningun abal de nadie, podra solito? te das las cuentas despiertismo despierto!!! vamos saca las cuentas.... Es obvio lo que esta ocurriendo "al final puras trampas" dijo Jesus, y estos hipnotistas son parte de la fuerza que debe arrasar el 90% de la humanidad con engaños al presipicio tras destruir su fe en Jesus, porque hay trampas estupidas y excelentes como es el caso de la hipnosis, que vasicamente lleban en hipnosis al paciente al punto donde comenso su mal  y hacen que no haga eso que hizo, por lo general es aceptar un contrato, o tener un pico de depresion, evitan eso, y lo traen al presente creando una nueva linea de tiempo zas! por arte de magia desaparecienron sus implantes, suena bien y no tanto porque seguirian con los mismo cuerpos xq desaparecerian? los implantes o parasitos? si es sugestion pero funciona no importa porque la sugestion hace cosas reales el pragmatismod ice nada es real interactuamso cone so ys e vuelve real palñasaso para los ateos y su enfemedad principiod e incertidumbre porque su propia oscuirdad aleja la luz de Dios y exclaman: "no esta! dodne estan las pruEbas?!!!" cuando se debe tener fe que es JUSTAMENTE creer sin pruebas, cuando le digo esto a los ateos todos hacen lo mismo :SILENCIO. pero me voy y seguiran con su caduco discurso revelando su mediocridad. Pero al punto Jesus dijo "si el hijo del homrbe los libera seran verdaderametne libres" pero ahroa viene estos piringundines del como a enfrenarse a Ra,  aterevida es la ignorancia. Luego de ver muchas seciones se ve la huella de la herramienta de la matrix y su verdadera troyana intencion: engaño. En una secion de investigacion sobre el genesis revelan como al apsar que todo se tratod e ahcer una obra para que todos los creyentes den su energia a alos creadores que los que quedn libres son los que no creen en nada. JAJAJAJ ME RIO TANTO QUE SE ME VAN A QUEBRAR LAS COSTILLAS Y ESPERO SE ESTEN RIENDO DE TAMAÑANA ESTUPIDES QUE ATRAPA A MUCHIOS ESTUPIDOS QUE MERECEN SER ATRAPADOS PERO EL DEBER DE TODO HONESTO CRISTIANO Y ES GRITAR LA VERDAD: "!TRAMPA!" CON LA ESPERANZA DE DESPERTAR ALGUNO POR LO MENOS. 

Aclaremos si, hay que salir de la dualidad estando en la dualidad pero no asi, dejando de creer "porque te desempodera" no tontos! asi estas quedando desprotegido porque la fe protege que ahi estan los satanistas que esta de caseria las 25 horas del dia de incautos, sobre cada internatua de estos hinotistas esta la parca lista con su guadaña, y una parca mas grande sobre todo el planeta esperando que la oscuridad llegue a su apogeos. Comprendienron?  estos hipnotis estan siendo mimados por los embaucadores de toda la humanidad luego el pasara factura a ellos, como a los lgtbi, abortistas, satanistas,

MIREN lo siguiente que pego QUE LO DICE TODO, alguien hizo borrar esto de la version en ingles, conclusiones?, me despido aqui. Adios.


Acto Nª1: Jesus dijo que la fe es la ley uno del juego. Y Que al final habra muchas trampas y que muchos caeran.

Acto Nª2 Un ex satanista dice que para ellos no hay nada mas facil que matar un ateo porque no tiene ni un custodio. 

Acto Nª3 Se pone de moda una mentira bien contada: "No creas en nadie exterior, o perdes poder. cree en ti. Vibra alto y se feliz"

Acto Nª 4 Uno de los que enuncian ese mensage troyano, es Juan Carlos Caferata, que dijo que buenos ET han venido ha decirnos esa mentira. Pero comete un fatal acto fallido, en un programa de radio comenta que para los ET malos no hay nada mas facil que abducir a los ateos. Y la locutora le retruca "Pero como? si no creen en nada!" Caferata: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee creen en el sistema! respondio arreglandola con gran improligidad a una de las muchas veces que metio la pata. Ahi quedo expusta la verdad para el verdaderamente despierto: Caferata es un casador mas de almas. Ellos al destruir la fe troyanamente DE TODOS SUS SEGUIDORES quedan listo para que satan se lo trague en su profunda garganta. Despertemos al astral del astral, porque ese loco mundo que nos conforma a la vez esta conformado por el juicio perpetuo que todo estamos simultaneamente donde satan acusa y Jesus defiende, mas pecado, mas paganismo, mas males en astral, mas destruccion en el plano fisico, y succion de energia, el quid de la cuestion de todo. 

Tenga fe hermanos que el poder de Jesus es total, les comento lo que me acaba de pasar para que vean su magnifisidad, los brujos que quieren comer crudo y me rodean por todos lados, un brujo me debia dar un vuelto y como se que me quieren rosar la piel para robar energia le esquivo para que ponga el dinero sobre la billetera, pero se la arregla para rosarme el dedo con algo de improligidad, lo cual me puso muy mal y le rese y ore a Dios con toda potencia por justicia, luego del severo combate, Jesus me hizo reir: te queren matar cruelmente solo pueden rosarte un poquito el dedo y con ese poder que invocas represeta para mi mucho poder para defeder la humanidad en las grandes esferas ONU, OMS, FMI; DAVOS, FBI, CIA, OTAN, ETC. Es realemte comico y glorioso a la vez. MI GRITO TENGA FE Y UN DESPERTAR ESPIRITUAL PERO BIBLICO QUE SOLO SI EL HIJO DEL HOMBRE LOS LIBERA SERAN VERDADERAMENTE LIBRES..!!!Y ESTAMOS BAJO EL CONFLICTO PERPETUO QUE LO ENGLOBA TODO Y NINGUN POLLITO PUEDE ESCAPAR: YAHVE VERSUS DIOSES PAGANOS, LOS JEFE DE LA ELITE QUE NOS HACEN PECAR PARA UNA DESTRUICION TOTAL POR PECADORES Y NO HAY NADA NUEVO BAJO EL SOL: PECADO Y VIRTUDES, CIELO E INFIERNO, JESUS Y EL ANTICRISTO. LA FALSA LUZ DE NOVEDAD NO TIENE NADA PUES PABLO DIJO "SATAN SE VISTE DE ANGEL DE LUZ" ALGUNOS INCAUTOS POR VER ESTO RENIEGAN DE LA FE EN LA LUZ Y SATAN FELIZ MURMURA "MISION CUMPLIDA" MAS ASTUCIA "DESPIERTOS". SER O NO SER, ESA ES LA CUESTION: MALDICION O BENDICION QUE ELIGES?  


este videito de tiktok lo dice todo y aun mismo hipnotistas que lo libera a el de estas trampas? nada

It is not the AI, it is not the ET, it is not the anti-politicians who govern us today, the most important issue that should shock us all equally, it is the hypnotists and all astral travelers that should cloud us to an extreme degree because they cannot It is for less, they are revealing nothing more and nothing less from where the shadows and lights of the famous, you will see and accurate mentaphor of Planton, of the cave come from, that is, they are revealing the Matrix itself because the astral is the matrix of the 4th dimension. , and they are not hackers or they are also hackers but rather they are witches and black magicians. God did everything with his word and with his words the sorcerers hack the work of God, we are the product of those two forces, thousands and thousands of programming-spells on us form our physical lives, which are 10% of everything we are. , that 90% is in the astral the cause of evils, diseases, obstacles, that is, there is the matrix of the 5th dimension and the 3rd dimension, the cursed one, which is produced by the 4D: the astral. This enormous door that they are opening and that began with Robert Monroe is discovering a world much larger than the one that Columbus discovered, they are discovering everything, the elements of our reality. And they do miraculous instant healings that not even the best psychologists and psychiatrists could do in years, they know the origin and cure of schizophrenia and other mysterious illnesses. The most important point is that they free people from the clutches of powerful demons of Amon Ra, Asthares Sheran, false Jesuses and archangels Michael, who generously populate the astral deceived people, and because of this fraud they throw away all of Christianity. Throw it away when everything is in order, these false Jesuses are the lobby for the real one, if you don't deceive or let yourself be deceived, you will reach the real Jesus. Calogero Grifasi once met the real Jesus, but he forgot it with his selective perception ahem ahem... do you remember Calo the session with Alexey??? Now wake up, tell me, is a human going to take a prey from Amon Ra himself, the NUMBER ONE Egyptian god? Could a man without any support from anyone be able to stand alone? You realize the awakening wokeness!!! Come on, do the math.... It is obvious what is happening "in the end, pure tricks" said Jesus, and these hypnotists are part of the force that must devastate 90% of humanity with deceptions to the precipice after destroying their faith in Jesus , because there are stupid and excellent traps such as hypnosis, which basically take the patient in hypnosis to the point where his illness began and make him not do what he did, usually it is accepting a contract, or having a peak of depression, they avoid that, and bring it to the present creating a new timeline wham! By magic his implants disappeared, it sounds good and not so good because they would still have the same bodies because would they disappear? implants or parasites? If it is suggestion but it works it doesn't matter because suggestion makes things real pragmatism says nothing is real we interact with it and it becomes real palñasso for atheists and their illness principled and uncertainty because their own darkness distances the light of God and they exclaim: "no "This! Where is the evidence?!!!" When you should have faith, which is JUST believing without evidence, when I say this to atheists they all do the same thing: SILENCE. But I'm leaving and they will continue with their outdated speech revealing their mediocrity. But at the point Jesus said "if the son of man frees them they will be truly free" but now come these piringundines of how to confront Ra, ignorance is daring. After watching many sections you can see the trace of the matrix tool and its true Trojan intention: deception. In a research section on the genesis they reveal how after all it was about doing a work so that all believers give their energy to the creators that those who remain free are those who do not believe in anything. HAHAHAHA I LAUGHED SO MUCH THAT MY RIBS ARE GOING TO BROKE AND I HOPE YOU ARE LAUGHING AT SUCH STUPIDITY THAT TRAPS MANY STUPID GUYS WHO DESERVE TO BE CATCHED BUT THE DUTY OF EVERY HONEST CHRISTIAN IS TO SHOUT THE TRUTH: "TRAP!" WITH THE HOPE OF AT LEAST SOMEONE WAKENING UP.

Let's clarify yes, we have to get out of duality by being in duality but not like this, stopping believing "because it disempowers you" no fools! Thus you are being left unprotected because faith protects that there are the satanists who are on the hunt 25 hours a day on the unsuspecting, on each Internet of these hinotists is the grim reaper ready with his scythe, and a bigger grim reaper over the entire planet waiting for you. The darkness reaches its peak. Did they understand? These hypnotists are being pampered by the deceivers of all humanity, then it will take its toll on them, as well as on the LGBTI, abortionists, satanists,

LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING THING THAT SAYS EVERYTHING, did someone delete this from the English version, conclusions? I say goodbye here. Bye bye.


Act Nª1: Jesus said that faith is the first law of the game. And that in the end there will be many traps and that many will fall.

Act Nª2 A former satanist says that for them there is nothing easier than killing an atheist because he does not even have a guardian.

Act Nª3 A well-told lie becomes fashionable: "Do not believe in anyone outside, or you lose power. Believe in yourself. Vibrate high and be happy"

Act No. 4 One of those who enunciated that Trojan message is Juan Carlos Caferata, who said that good ETs have come to tell us that lie. But he commits a fatal failed act, in a radio program he comments that for bad ETs there is nothing easier than abducting atheists. And the announcer retorts, "But how? If they don't believe in anything!" Caferata: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee they believe in the system! he responded by fixing it with great impromptuness to one of the many times he screwed up. There the truth was exposed for the truly awakened: Caferata is another matchmaker of souls. By destroying the Trojan faith OF ALL THEIR FOLLOWERS, they are ready for Satan to swallow it in his deep throat. Let's wake up to the astral of the astral, because that crazy world that makes us up at the same time is made up of the perpetual judgment that we are all in simultaneously where Satan accuses and Jesus defends, more sin, more paganism, more evils in the astral, more destruction on the physical plane. , and energy sucking, the crux of it all.

Have faith brothers that the power of Jesus is total, I tell you what just happened to me so that you can see its magnificence, the witches who want to eat raw and surround me on all sides, a witch must have given me a change and how do I know that They want to touch the skin to steal energy, I avoid him so he can put the money in his wallet, but he manages to touch my finger with some carelessness, which made me very upset and I resented him and prayed to God with all my might for justice. After the severe combat, Jesus made me laugh: they want to kill you cruelly, they can only touch your finger a little and with that power that you invoke, it represents for me a lot of power to defederate humanity in the great spheres UN, WHO, IMF; DAVOS, FBI, CIA, NATO, ETC. It is truly comical and glorious at the same time. MY CRY HAVE FAITH AND A SPIRITUAL BUT BIBLICAL AWAKENING THAT ONLY IF THE SON OF MAN FREES THEM WILL THEY BE TRULY FREE..!!!AND WE ARE UNDER THE PERPETUAL CONFLICT THAT ENCLOSES EVERYTHING AND NO CHICK CAN ESCAPE: YAHWEH VERSUS THE PAGAN GODS, THE BOSS FROM THE ELITE THAT MAKE US SIN FOR A TOTAL DESTRUCTION BY SINNERS AND THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN: SIN AND VIRTUES, HEAVEN AND HELL, JESUS AND THE ANTICHRIST. THE FALSE LIGHT OF NOVELTY HAS NOTHING BECAUSE PAUL SAID "SATAN DRESSES AS AN ANGEL OF LIGHT" SOME UNSUFFECTIVES TO SEE THIS RENOY THEIR FAITH IN THE LIGHT AND SATAN HAPPY MURMURES "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" MORE CUNNY "WAKE UP". TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION: CURSE OR BLESSING, WHICH DO YOU CHOOSE?


This TikTok video says it all and even hypnotists that free him from these traps? nothing

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