lunes, 15 de julio de 2024



Neither Catholics nor Protestants make a pact of consecration to God when historically, God Yahweh is a God of pacts.

PROGRAM BLESSED AND INSPIRED BY JESUS. Are you willing to give your earthly life for your soul, for being, for God, for Jesus' undertaking to save humanity? The fight for your soul will be worth as much as your soul itself, the majority of humanity has already lost it, it is either possessed, or supplanted, or parasitized, the walk in is the one that rules. “No one will save you” by God is not a future metaphor, it was an incendiary arrow for those of us who are still standing. They put out a fire with gasoline. Long live King Jesus, the Savior!!! This is a much more predatory universe than you think. They gave you the laws and you ignored them and a dragon swallowed you, who would you complain to? your incorruptible conscience will give you away. Jesus risked himself for this humanity when God was going to uproot it because it did not bear fruit: good works. and what are we doing? Abortion, drugs, LGTBI dictatorship, extreme hedonism, pornography, open satanism, they even want to legalize pedophilia. But these traitorous anti-politicians were brought by our sins, and the evil of those of darkness, but also the pusillanimity of those of light, because they have left much to be desired. Every religious or spiritual person is called, he will become a chosen one, when he does not allow himself to be deceived by his own "guides", even if it is "Jesus" because He said "many will come in My Name and will deceive many." But more than deceived, they are self-deceived because "Deception and self-deception are two sides of the same coin." You must have absolute hearing to hear the voice of the angel and that of your higher self. And not let yourself... and become a chosen one. That you are still standing is already a good omen, almost miraculous. This is your great opportunity to demonstrate what you are worth and what you are capable of doing as the spirit dictates through the most perfect reason. Objectivity and impartiality is the big difference with the mediocrity of those who fall into the clutches of false light. To see if you are one of the few or one of the many, if you are worth gold or not, read this initiation inspired by Jesus Christ. If you are willing, do what is indicated to the letter, because obedience is very esteemed and of great value to enter heaven, because everything is about dominating the ego with the spirit, the second name of the devil... “Listen the voice of the angel and do not be disobedient because he acts in My name” God said forever in the Exodus. Notice that you always have to obey someone, but obeying the devil is slavery because with lies he leads you to death and then to hell. And the independent neutrals remain with him, those who love to “vibrate high”, because the false light leads to sheol too. But obeying divine commands is freedom because they lead to life, that is what your DNA asks for where it is written “seek life, avoid death”, the devil is a hacker. “Know the truth it will set you free.” GLORY TO GOD. BLESSED BE HER LIGHT! Remember the proverb that says it all “if you fail under pressure you indicate weakness.” Jesus, under the maximum pressure, reasoned well, he did not break and crossed the veil I invited, exhausting all the devil's resources and opened for us and indicated the way to get out of the matrix. The pain endured is power and power is responsibility. Those who only want pleasure are fools who do not see that pain is natural to life. There is no glory without pain. It is wiser to know how to ask to know how to carry it. That “my burden is bearable” said Jesus and he is faithful.

THE INITIATION: In a moment of solemn solitude, cell phone turned off, after bathing and dressed in white or clerical colors, with a lit candle and a Bible, everything decorated with something of a Christian theme. Say this prayer imagining being with Jesus and his angels. I ………………….. in the Name of Jesus I ask God that I want to be worthy of being part of his redemptive work on humanity. First of all, to fulfill the first commandment “You shall have no gods before me,” I say that in the name of the liberating blood of Jesus I cut every tie that I have established with another god. I am only from God Yahweh and I come to him through Jesus Christ. Amen. I kill my ego right now (imagine that you stab him with a sword of light and he dies) In order to be one with God and have the mind of Christ, only they can handle me because they lead me to life and salvation and thus I will not follow the voice of a stranger no matter how heavy their mental control is. Only God guides me through Jesus and my higher self. I say that I resolve not to commit any kind of sin and I prepare myself for an arduous struggle. I say that I am not of any religion to reach the true Jesus who is in the middle of all of them, but with none ultimately. I say that I am not a Trinitarian, that God said “Your God is one. First God Yahweh. I say that I do not take Jesus to be God but rather as the Holy Son and the only channel to God. I make a pact of non-violence, but I will defend myself with weapons of light. I unconditionally love all of humanity but not the irreversible evil ones, because there are those. Common sense will be the voice of the Holy Spirit here and now that I will obey first. May God bless my intelligence and if I do not allow myself to be deceived in any of them, no one else can. My honesty will awaken God's most jealous protection over me. And may God bless this initiation because I do it with the best intentions. I don't say goodbye to God and Jesus if He said "those who answer me will go to my Father and live in him." AMEN AND AMEN

Imagine that the Holy Spirit enters you and stays forever, imagine a tunnel of light that will run through your entire life from that moment until you enter the Kingdom of Heaven triumphantly. Imagine that every day and repeat “I am already there.” Now read the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5. And if you want to fulfill it point by point, read Psalm 91. Do a quantum meditation on it, "Shield and protection you are his truth" that is, by believing you raise my vibrational frequency and poisons, viruses, shots do not reach me, nor magic. nor abductions, my bell of reality is blessed. Understanding this will put you on another level, but if you opened all the doors with the golden key: integrity. Finally he reads something at random (something that doesn't exist). Blow out the candle saying “may the light of Yahweh always live in me. Amen and amen” END OF THE INITIATION.

NO, chance does not exist. Everything is synchronized, like the fact that you come across this on the vast internet, it is a very good sign but the message is in the receiver, it all depends on you. And the basic program from now on is: PRAYER. FAST. PLAYS. PREACH. READING. WRITING. PRAISE. THIS PRAYER WILL BE WITH YOU, IF YOU WISH YOU CAN GET IN CONTACT. BYE BYE. WHAT DOES IT MEAN THAT GOD DIES IN YOU? CHRIST THE KING

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