miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022

Yes to freedom of worship, but we can not allow the worship of evil, if the law is for progress, we will legislate for death? and we can not by the most basic logic, believe in the "symbolic Satanism", in another version of the facts, when the nature of evil is to lie to get away with it, and the worst thing is that if we let ourselves be deceived, they will use it in court and claim: "they let themselves because they want and they are like us. Because hell has two entrances, the deceivers and those who let themselves be deceived, which are two sides of the same coin and they use it as an excuse, so NO TO OPEN SATANISM. NO TO WITCHCRAFT. NO TO SATANIC ROCK THAT IN MANY INSTITUTIONS TODAY THANKS TO GOD SATANISM IS FORBIDDEN HEALTHY AND NATURAL REFLECTION. LIFE VERSUS DEATH the real battle: which side are you on? To be or not to be. "Everything that is exhibited is promoted" is the law one of communication dictated by common sense and experience, because old people even with a minimum intelligence usually say "that's a bad example" because he learned throughout his life that what a little monkey does then everyone does regardless of morals. "Let a madman speak and he will instantly have his acolytes". "Some madness is more contaminating than the most contagious of diseases". They say two famous phrases in this regard and I refer to the evidence: in Colombia they make The Mafia Dolls, they make Narcos, they make The Pattern of Evil, almost making a cult to the demon Pablo Escobar and teenagers and brainless people take him as their idol and crime in Colombia grew exponentially, but the spiritually blind do not see it. Reality is the repeated thought. Everyone wants to be a crazy adventurer on the fringes of the law so that in the future they will worship you with series on Netflix. It will be so innocent these media when they seem to make apology to crime with their billboard and at the same time they make a Gay Jesus, and apology to incest, homosexuality, suicide to the aberration of serial killers. And that nefarious publicity disintegrating MORE society is not only from the show but also from the courts because the divorce law encourage divorce, the legalization of abortion the same, euthanasia the same, not to mention homosexuality marriage and adoption, because the fallen wants others to fall to be standard and not feel bad, not to grow. Why then there is more and more homosexuality? But as for the show, we can ask ourselves without being conspiranoid: there will be a higher order, everyone makes a cult to Matrix, there is a radio interview with Luis Carlos Campos that reveals with many tests and guidelines that Matrix is the perfect mental programming of a murderer. And it was only seen by 3000 people on youtube!!!! In that same program they say that the wachoskis are the creators of the movie "Assassins" I could not believe it because when I saw that movie I told my friend "you realize that there is no moral censorship to murder, they put it as a job more" that the mass read it as "it's okay to be a mercenary" are innocent? the filmmakers and producers? with what Luis Carlos rebelled the answer would be "no" and all this to highlight the aberration of this cult of evil the latest novelty of netflix jefrey dahmer. There is no lack of those who take them for an idol and mention him in songs? Songs sung by teenagers without moral judgement!!!! That death cult is the golden dream of satan, because he desires the complete extinction of humanity, and that a part of that humanity desires the death of his brothers is the door wide open to his misdeeds. Witches, Satanists and Illuminati are his first escorts, our traitors. Life against death seems to be the real battle and which side are you on? To be or not to be. In this regard, look at this biscuit that the Holy Spirit of God gave me to delight you! Light, love, generates life both on the material and spiritual plane. Light, reason, intelligence biologically create. When two atoms of two elements unite (love = cohesion) their electrons unite with very clear patterns, and form a new substance O + CL = "Chlorine Goddess". Without this harmonious and intelligent behavior, there would be nothing. And that "light" and "love" that generates life is also on the physical plane when we join wood, leather and nails to create chairs and furniture. When two partners join together they create a company, when a man and a woman love each other they create a family. And this continues to ascend to heavenly planes. Because Jesus, in his luminous, loving and merciful discernment, played for this humanity and saved us: "light generates life". If he had not done so, we would not be here, because let us remember that God was going to pull down this plant because it did not bear fruit, (good works) but Jesus played and said: no! We will fertilize it, we will prune it, we will water it and we will see, if it bears fruit it will continue, if not we will take it out. THE LIGHT generates and saves life and today pathetically we see some tr of humanity called Illuminati plotted with the devil to leave only 10% when the evil lover of death plans to betray them and eliminate everything, to be able to exclaim "mission accomplished", because as the light generates life, the darkness of the Illuminati acolytes generate life but "the good ones are more" but "evil will triumph if the good ones do not do their job". So Christian brothers if you have read this far you are of the light, the dark ones do not support, they prefer sweetened lies until they are there... But to you the Holy Spirit says "get to work now" to work for the company of Jesus son of Yahweh where there is only salvation because no one will escape from the conflict Yahweh versus pagan gods. And remember whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever takes the risk will save it. You just have to collate all the information CORRECTLY and act with the simplest reasoning to gamble for Jesus' company which is God's: life. Do what you can, with what you can, where it is already! Life depends on insignificant things but it is very important that one does them. God bless you. Praise God and Christ the King very soon. Isias 66.

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