sábado, 24 de agosto de 2024

THE MATHEMATICS OF THE TYRANT'S FALL. (Edited) "Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." "Every great political revolution is a moral revolution, and every moral revolution is a political revolution." During the forced exodus of Matías, a 13-year-old Venezuelan boy, who longed to return to his land to see his grandparents, friends, cousins ​​and pets, coercively abandoned, if the expression is appropriate, asked his invisible friend, who was really his guardian angel. -And if Maduro is so bad, why doesn't the universe's elimination mechanism eliminate him? How does the body eliminate dead cells from it or a malformed fetus. As you told me happens? -It's a mathematical question but from the astral plane. -What does the mathematics of the astral plane have to do with all this? -Everything. Whether you are an athlete, an artist, a businessman, a scientist, if you reach the edge of the sphere of your knowledge you will always fall into the fourth dimension: the astral plane, the matrix, that is where everything comes from. And the political-military will not be the exception. All the great kings, conquerors, dictators or statesmen were supported by a spiritual reason. All of them, and Maduro will not be the exception. What was the support of the kings of Israel? Yahweh, and in the pagans, pagan deities. -He says he is a Christian but he is a Santero like Fidel and Chavez. -Correct. That is his strength. -Darkness overprotects him so that there is more darkness, suffering and death. Those entities that serve him eat from the suffering of the Venezuelan. God is like a great perfect and impartial scale. If people, after being instructed and with complete freedom, choose evil, lies, death, pagan gods again and again, when they were told "You shall have no other gods before Me," and they themselves are raising a wall of darkness so that God cannot come and evil can have a picnic with them, and that is depicted in the Bible again and again in all of Israel's rebellions against God and their consequent suffering because the power that should be with them went to their enemies, Egyptians, Philistines, Romans. -The Santeros must stop worshiping demons and letting themselves be possessed by them. That would bring the righteous light of God. Removing Maduro is attacking the surface. -To start with that, but then or simultaneously, atheists must believe, Christians must be very good Christians, and those who are already very good must be excellent, and these must pray for everyone. All of society, each at their level, must go up a step. Salvation and freedom are something more orchestrated than what is believed. You will be free if you have been free, and you will be a slave if you have been a slave, and this at an individual and collective level, for this reason the righteous could suffer because of the evil ones, because for God we all count as one. "Evil will triumph if the good do not do their work..." remember?... For those ignorant people who in Monte Sorte let themselves be possessed by demons from the underworld that smash their heads against the ground, to take total possession of the body, for these self-destructive people you and all the good Venezuelans scattered around the world against their will pay for it. The downfall of Venezuela began with the friendship of the presidents and the entry of all the Cubans with that religion that came from Africa and the underworld and there is poverty in record time for leaving Christ for cracked sources. - What can we humans do here and now? -To be the best they can and pray for a change and a true spiritual awakening in the pagans so that they abandon their satanic cults and return to the fold of God and Jesus. Both joined hands and prayed a deep and heartfelt prayer imploring God that his light awaken many hearts from the darkness in which they are submerged and repentant return to God so that finally the divine justice promised in Isaiah 3:11 is fulfilled. "Upon the wicked shall fall his iniquity" With his 4 grandparents, 3 pets, 5 friends and 2 cousins ​​​​all squeezed in his heart they merged in a prolonged embrace that is why none could see the shooting star that illuminated the already starry Chilean night. That night the enemies of his guardian angel, for having generated such a flare of light after having reached such a high level of wisdom acquired by talking with his angel, prepared a powerful counterattack to keep him from sleeping and make him spend a hellish night. They projected nightmares and morbid dreams on him that did not reach him clearly, but he could not sleep anyway, he dozed rather and attacking the immense with the immediate, as if fused with the mind of his angel, of Christ, and of God himself, "it occurred to him" (note the quotation marks) Imagine a gloomy tower, like a black obelisk, full of satanic symbols like the inverted star, the swastika, 666 and of course the oz and the hammer and the triangular eye. And he bombarded it with missiles and rays of light and a copious storm of holy water. For him it symbolized evil, the devil, Maduro, communism, satanism, the matrix, which resides precisely in the astral plane, where this mental war was unleashed and well into the early morning, a few hours before dawn, after hours of dozing and bombing, suddenly he saw, and he did not imagine, how enormous walls fell, towers, doors were broken and crossed by a multitude of people who saw them run free and happy. His angel told him: these souls were freed because the darkness exceeded its annoyance to you and you did not even get angry, the scales of God indicated that many souls captured by evil in astral regions be freed and returning to their bodies made not one but many paleros and santeros begin a path of redemption and repentance towards the fold of God. Do you see how everything is mathematical and with a fine analysis there are no victims? - Wow ... yes! he said ecstatic. But much more ecstatic was when he turned on the radio and heard euphoric the announcer shout at the top of his lungs: THE TYRANT HAS FALLEN !!!!! FREE VENEZUELA !!!!! FREE VENEZUELA !!!!! END To dream Venezuelans and the world of freedom from the world of tyranny but everything starts right now in yourself, go up a level, and with that the universe breathes easy, just one level we ask you Matías and I, your angel, so that very soon freedom, Christ, God and the Venezuelans return to Venezuela, their beloved and beautiful homeland. Remember that everything is about Yahweh versus pagan gods that in Venezuela that mask of the devil is called santeria or palería. And it is the spiritual root of this conflict, which makes everyone suffer. "If they are not defeated by the truth they will be defeated by lies" said Augustine. There is only salvation in the Bible, everything else is different traps including religions, the best thing is to be a free Christian as Jesus was, one knows when one is doing things right and the conscience is incorruptible, everything is about doing things right. And it is only man who can do that at his own will and that is all that should be done. God bless you.

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