martes, 13 de agosto de 2024

Aborteros = Nicolas Maduro JUSTICIA DIVINA = JUSTICIA POETICA = CAUSA Y EFECTO = KARMA = LEY DEL BOOMERANG = CONSECUENSIAS ...ENVIA TUS FLECHAS Y DISPERSALOS, TUS SAETAS Y CONFUNDELOS... EL TROBELLINO DEL SEÑOR SOBRE LA CABEZA DE LOS IMPIOS... Las aborteras por insistir con su diabólica locura vencieron la razón y ahora se le permite matar su hijo en su vientre mientras siente la vibración de como lo va triturando luego de haberlo llamado con lujurioso y egoísta placer. Lo mismo pasa con Nicolas Maduro como el man tiene reflejo de loco, piñon fijo, intratable, psicópata, infantil que confunde lo que desea con lo que es suyo, pero como es tenas se lo mima, se le da admitías, salvoconductos, PERO PORQUE? se le va perdonar sus torturas, narcotráficos, mentiras, fraudes, corrupción, difamaciones, porque? que me mensaje se la da a la gente? "hágase el loco y salgase con la suya! y toda la sangre y las lagrimas que hizo derramar en su maldad? "Si permitimos una injustica luego hay que permitir todo lo que hay detrás". "Una injusticia es una amenaza para todos" "Hay que hacer justicia aunque se caigan de los cielos." Dicen tres frases celebres al respecto que lo dicen todo. Pero cual es el criterio para perdonarle todo? porque esa blandura? escuchemos Dios en su Palabra al respecto. ``No harás injusticia en el juicio; no favorecerás al pobre ni complacerás al rico, sino que con justicia juzgarás a tu prójimo. ``No mostraréis parcialidad en el juicio; lo mismo oiréis al pequeño que al grande. No tendréis temor del hombre, porque el juicio es de Dios. Proverbios 17:15 dice: "El que justifica al impío y el que condena al justo, ambos son igualmente abominación para el Señor". Proverbios 19:5 El testigo falso no quedará sin castigo, Y el que cuenta mentiras no escapará. miren aca que presicion: Isaías 26:10-11 Aunque se le muestre piedad al impío, No aprende justicia. Obra injustamente en tierra de rectitud, Y no ve la majestad del SEÑOR. Oh SEÑOR, levantada está Tu mano, mas ellos no la ven. Que vean Tu celo por el pueblo y se avergüencen. Ciertamente el fuego devorará a Tus enemigos. Y no se olvide que si escapa de la justicia de los hombre no escapara de la justicia divina. De Isaías 3 :11 "Sobre el malvado recaerá su maldad". del salmo 7 Si no se arrepiente, él afilará su espada; Armado tiene ya su arco, y lo ha preparado.13 Asimismo ha preparado armas de muerte,Y ha labrado saetas ardientes.14 He aquí, el impío concibió maldad,Se preñó de iniquidad,Y dio a luz engaño.15 Pozo ha cavado, y lo ha ahondado;Y en el hoyo que hizo caerá.16 Su iniquidad volverá sobre su cabeza,Y su agravio caerá sobre su propia coronilla. de romanos 2 el cual pagará a cada uno conforme a sus obras: 7 vida eterna a los que, perseverando en bien hacer, buscan gloria y honra e inmortalidad, 8 pero ira y enojo a los que son contenciosos y no obedecen a la verdad, sino que obedecen a la injusticia; 9 tribulación y angustia sobre todo ser humano que hace lo malo. Le predicamos el arrepentimiento pero todo sabemos seria un acto necio, no hay vuelta atrás para ese cerebro y esa alma, no hay nada imposible para Dios pero a nadie le gusta pasar de Inocencio, de buenudo. que nadie asi puede entrar al cielo. El mundo debe ver que al final los tiranos la pagan nadie escapa de la infalibe justicia deYahve. Como la pago: Gadafi, Sadam Husein, Al Capone, Bin Laden, Yefrey Epsteim y un largo etc que mostraron que nadie escapa de la justicia divina y ni el mismo diablo lo hará porque en un eterno presente el ya esta en el lago de azufre de ahi su olor característico. Y que le diran a todas esas madres que ese loco le robo sus hijos difamándolo de terroristas cuando se auto engaña y quiere englobarnos en la misma locura. Nuestros pecados cobran vida propia y le exigen a Dios justicia. "clamar al cielo por venganza", El Señor dijo a Caín... la voz de la sangre de tu hermano clama a mí desde la tierra"),​ Los pecados se numeran como cuatro o siete; se enumeran de la siguiente manera:2 Entonces oramos a Dios en el nombre de Jesus por JUSTICIA DIVINA = JUSTICIA POETICA = CAUSA Y EFECTO = KARMA = LEY DEL BOOMERANG = CONSECUENSIAS en Venezuela y en todo el mundo. Contra todos los enemigos de la humanidad que le abren la puerta a demonios del inframundo con su satanismo llamado palería para que vengan aca a matar robar y destruir. Como perdonar la muerte de la humanidad por una invasión del inframundo. es que somos estúpidos? NO, SOMOS LA LUZ DEL MUNDO Y DEBEMOS GRITAR LA VERDAD. JUSTICIA! JUSTICA! JUSTICIA! PORQUE YAHVE ES NUESTRO JUSTICIERO. Y JESUS CRISTOREY UNIVERSAL

DIVINE JUSTICE = POETIC JUSTICE = CAUSE AND EFFECT = KARMA = LAW OF THE BOOMERANG = CONSEQUENCES ... SEND YOUR ARROWS AND SCATTER THEM, YOUR ARROWS AND CONFUSE THEM ... THE TROWILDLIFE OF THE LORD ON THE HEADS OF THE WICKED ... The abortionists by insisting with their diabolical madness defeated reason and now she is allowed to kill her son in her womb while she feels the vibration of how she is crushing him after having called him with lustful and selfish pleasure. The same happens with Nicolas Maduro as the man has a crazy reflection, fixed pinion, intractable, psychopathic, childish who confuses what he wants with what is his, but since he is tough he is pampered, he is given admissions, safe conducts, BUT WHY? Will he be forgiven for his tortures, drug trafficking, lies, frauds, corruption, defamations, why? What message does it give to people? "play dumb and get away with it! and all the blood and tears he shed in his wickedness? "If we allow an injustice then we must allow everything that is behind it." "An injustice is a threat to everyone" "Justice must be done even if it falls from the heavens." They say three famous phrases about it that say it all. But what is the criterion to forgive everything? Why this softness? Let us listen to God in his Word on the matter. ``You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not favor the poor nor please the rich, but with righteousness you shall judge your neighbor. ``You shall not show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small as well as the great. You shall not fear man, for judgment is from God. Proverbs 17:15 says: "He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous, both are alike an abomination to the Lord." Proverbs 19:5 A false witness shall not go unpunished, And he who tells lies shall not be punished. he will escape. look here at this precision: Isaiah 26:10-11 Though mercy is shown to the wicked, He does not learn righteousness. He does wrong in an upright land, And does not see the majesty of the LORD. O LORD, Your hand is lifted up, but they do not see it. Let them see Your zeal for the people and be ashamed. Surely fire will consume Your enemies. And do not forget that if you escape the justice of men you will not escape divine justice. From Isaiah 3:11 "On the wicked will fall his iniquity." from Psalm 7 If he does not repent, he will sharpen his sword; He has already armed his bow and made it ready. 13 He has prepared deadly weapons, And fashioned fiery arrows. 14 Behold, the wicked man has conceived mischief, He is pregnant with iniquity, And brought forth deceit. 15 He has digged a pit and deepened it, And he will fall into the pit he has dug. 16 His iniquity will return on his own head, And his wrong will fall on his own crown. Romans 2 Who will repay each person according to his deeds: 7 to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek glory and honor and immortality, 8 but to those who are self-righteous and do not obey the truth but obey wickedness, wrath and anger; 9 tribulation and anguish for every person who does evil. We preach repentance to him but we all know it would be a foolish act, there is no turning back for that brain and that soul, nothing is impossible for God but nobody likes to be innocent, to be good-natured, that nobody can enter heaven like that. The world must see that in the end the tyrants pay, nobody escapes the infallible justice of Yahweh. As paid by: Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Al Capone, Bin Laden, Yefrey Epstein and a long etc. who showed that nobody escapes divine justice and not even the devil himself will do so because in an eternal present he is already in the lake of sulfur, hence his characteristic smell. And what will they say to all those mothers that this madman stole their children, defaming them as terrorists when he deceives himself and wants to include us in the same madness. Our sins take on a life of their own and demand justice from God. "cry to heaven for vengeance," The Lord said to Cain... the voice of your brother's blood cries out to me from the earth"), Sins are numbered as four or seven; they are listed as follows: 2 Then we pray to God in the name of Jesus for DIVINE JUSTICE = POETIC JUSTICE = CAUSE AND EFFECT = KARMA = LAW OF THE BOOMERANG = CONSEQUENCES in Venezuela and throughout the world. Against all the enemies of humanity who open the door to demons from the underworld with their satanism called palería so that they come here to kill, steal and destroy. How to forgive the death of humanity due to an invasion of the underworld. Are we stupid? NO, WE ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD AND WE MUST SHOUT THE TRUTH. JUSTICE! JUSTICE! JUSTICE! BECAUSE YAHVE IS OUR JUSTICER. AND JESUS ​​​​CHRIST AND UNIVERSAL

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