martes, 20 de agosto de 2024


 In Venezuela, an American Armageddon can be realized, the mythical final war of good against evil, illustrating with great fidelity and perfection the universal conflict, identical in the Bible, in man, humanity, and the universe, because as man has two cerebral hemispheres, one rational and one emotional, humanity is composed of divine-celestial genes and nephilim-earthly ones, as the world is divided into two blocks: the capitalist and the communist, and today the cultural battle between the progressives and their women with penises and the liberals and their beloved original design is red hot. But the clearest and most indisputable world division that really separates us into two clear sides is: the Satanists and the Christians, that the neutrals are condemned equally by God and Jesus. Until today, both sides have been living together in a moderate peace, but as if it had always been planned, these days we are reaching a breaking point and an inflection point, which is called Nicolas Maduro, where the phrase that says "the stupid one wants to deceive you with his stupidity" is consecrated. He does not want to convince, he wants to win, out of exhaustion, his lie-fraud-trick is so obvious, crude and ridiculous that it is laughable and all endorsed by the puppet he has for a supreme court, his stupidity is evident and can be explained but the alarming thing is when people as well prepared as Putin, Roger Walter, Lopez Obrador, Diego Ruzarin, or the apostolic nuncio Alberto Ortega Martin endorse this madness, it is enough to tear your hair out with pliers unless you click and see what is really happening. It's like a powerful mental wave that absorbs minds, this is why Maduro wanted to go to presidential summits, when he was not invited to greet, talk, touch, rub, give a strong handshake (like he did to Ruzarin) so that the darkness that took him over would pass to everyone and they would face the obvious concept that says: The objective perception of reality is a right. "I will sustain you from the temptation that covered the world" said Jesus... if you want to know if the irrational zombie wave of the antichrist has you submerged, answer: Are there women with penises? Did Maduro win? Is the grass Fuccia? This would explain why we see how mysteriously the wokes seem all cut from the same cloth, their main characteristics are eccentric and delirious but they share it among all as a common factor, an enigma... Then we see fatal inconsistencies such as that Islam being anti-feminism and anti-lgtbi these two groups support the Arab cause as if they were perfect mk ultra robots directed by the three groups by the same hand that wants "the fatanics to kill each other". Aristotle said that we come together in society and dictate laws through reason is what makes men men. According to that perfect definition we would stop being men, because today the laws are dictated by emotions: if I feel like a woman, I am! and they give me the corresponding documents, with all the attributes beyond what science, reason, eyes, the composition of my DNA say. THE WORLD IS A PARODY OF WHAT IT ONE DAY WAS. What a quality of truthful prophet that man was when he said, "in the end we'll have to raise a sword to argue that grass isn't fuchsia" and that other one who said "in the future people will go crazy and when they see a sane person they will say "eh! why isn't he like us? let's lock him up already!" The prudent seeks the truth, the fool tries to make what suits him the truth" and there are the Lgbti, abortionists, satanists, and the entire community of death, those who want to force the world to see it as they perceive themselves, it is crazy, Maduro perceives himself as the winner with a fraud that is rather a farce, "the child confuses what he wants with what is his." The true mark of the beast will be carried by those who think like a beast, "I am what I think I am" as someone said to a communist in the face "you communists screw the truth" just like that! More precise impossible, and the truth is God. Wake up, make that "click" Nobody should say "I am gay" "I am trans" "I am a communist" but rather should say: "an entity from the astral plane is working on me making me believe that I have an erroneous and artificial dysfunctional inclination, foreign and diabolical". And this is implicitly stated in the Bible but explicitly in a book of theirs, a pagan one, called Pisti Sofia. If we wake up we will inevitably perceive where the light and shadows of that famous metaphor of Plato come from, we are talking about the astral plane, the 4th dimension, the matrix. Where the witches and black magicians who rule the world rule, they themselves inspired the movie Matrix to laugh at our lack of capacity for reaction. We give them a surprise and make a spiritual but biblical awakening! so that they stop laughing. If the United States in the name of reason, truth, justice, freedom invades Venezuela, China, Russia, Iran can oppose it and there is the American Armageddon: rational versus irrational zombies of the antichrist, who had their brains eaten by a wave. Psalm 2 speaks of Aramgeddon, of the nations that want to get rid of God's bond, NO ONE CAN DO THAT! Because what God asks is the indisputable, the basic, the primordial, the correct order, the superior over the inferior, that the spiritual dominates the rational and this the emotional, every emotion that is born from reason is perfect because it knows what it wants: to fulfill the internal mechanism that contains life, the mystical marriage of the soul with the spirit, once the ego is dominated in pursuit of the reasons of the spirit. Symbolized in the Bible when Jesus, the spirit, marries Jerusalem, the soul of God, there is no place for atheism, the Bible is our body. Every emotion that is born from the body is diabolical because the body is hacked by the devil with his hooks in our chakras making us feel what we do not feel, and there, naturally, LGBT, incest, pedophilia, drug addiction, and everything that is now being normalized are left out, trying to fulfill Isaiah 24 in advance, where there is a world depopulation due to laws against nature and common sense. GOD FORBID.




The first family, like a perfect fractal of humanity, was composed of the bad son: Cain, the good son: Abel and Seth, the evolved one. And you, which side of the line are you going to be on? Choose while you can because sin atrophies perception to the point of no return, which is when, like a brainless madman, you accept women with penises and Maduro the winner, and Pasto fuccia, then you are so far from the truth that a constant cognitive dissidence is generated.

Believing in Jesus is a saving vibration that isolates us from that evil wave that is swarming around the world eating coconuts. To be or not to be, that is the question perfectly synthesized the conflict, if you aim again and again, at the lie, the incoherence, the dysfunctional, the nonexistent, you choose not to be and the more times you do it you will reach the breaking point of total separation from your higher self, I call it second death and you remain like a crazy and incoherent puppet, strange like every witch is, without north or south and there are the zombies of the antichrist eager to demonstrate their ineptitude for the kingdom of heaven but also of life itself and the devil is happy and not so much because he knows that he can only catch what he can, those who are incoherent like him, dysfunctional like self-loving animals designed for self-destruction. TO BE OR NOT TO BE, CURSE OR BLESSING YOU CHOOSE.

The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away. 26 When the blade was sprung up and yielded fruit, the weeds appeared also. 27 Then the servants of the householder came and said to him, "Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where then does it have weeds?" 28 He said to them, "An enemy has done this." And the servants said to him, "Do you then want us to go and pull them up?" 29 But he said to them, "No, or else while you pull up the weeds you may root up the wheat also with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will say to the reapers: First gather the weeds and bind them in bundles to be burned; but gather the wheat into my barn.
WANT AND WAKE UP: We are in perpetual conflict YAHVE VS PAGAN GODS elite leaders who make us sin to gain license for more hunger, wars, viruses, vaccines, fires, because we are here and in a perpetual judgment, Jesus defends, Satan accuses: more sins, more destruction. Repent 1st The spiritual 2nd The rational 3rd The emotional 4th The physical. Respect that order, emotion must always be born from reason, never from the body. We must merge with God, not with an AI, because we have a soul and a spirit and they must marry after dominating the ego in pursuit of the reasons of the spirit. What to do? Prayer, fasting, works, preaching, reading, writing, praise., Jesus ordered me to teach people to reason at the level of God to overcome the violent men who snatch the kingdom. If you are interested, contact PRAISE BE TO GOD YAHVE AND UNIVERSAL CHRIST


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