sábado, 10 de agosto de 2024

QUIERASE Y DESPIERTE: Estamos en el conflicto perpetuo YAHVE VS DIOSES PAGANOS jefes de la elite q nos hacen pecar para ganar lisencia para + hambre, guerras, virus, vacunas, incendios, xq estamos aca y en un juicio perpetuo, Jesus defiende, satan acusa: mas pecados, mas destruccion. Arrepentios 1º Lo espiritual 2º Lo racional 3º Lo emocional 4º Lo fisico. Respetar ese orden, la emocion siempre debe nacer de la razon, nunca del cuerpo. Nos debemos fusionar con Dios, no con una IA, x el hecho q tenemos un alma y 1 espirtu y deben casarse luego de dominar el ego en pos de las rasones del espiritu. Q hacer? Oracion, ayuno, obras, predica, lectura, escritura, alabanza. armasluminosas.blogspot.com, Jesus me ordeno eneseñarle a la gente a razonar a nivel Dios para superar los hombres violentos que arrebatan el reino. Si esta interesado contactece, dediosjuan022@gmail.com ALABADO SEA DIOS YAHVE Y CRISTOREY UNIVERSAL

 WANT AND WAKE UP: We are in the perpetual conflict YAHWEH VS PAGAN GODS chiefs of the elite who make us sin to gain lisence for more hunger, wars, viruses, vaccines, fires, because we are here and in a perpetual judgment, Jesus defends, satan accuses: more sins, more destruction. Repent 1º The spiritual 2º The rational 3º The emotional 4º The physical. Respect this order, the emotion must always be born from the reason, never from the body. We must merge with God, not with an AI, for the fact that we have a soul and a spirit and must marry after dominating the ego in pursuit of the spirit's reasons. What to do? Prayer, fasting, works, preaching, reading, writing, worship. armasluminosas.blogspot.com, Jesus commanded me to teach people to reason at the God level to overcome the violent men who snatch the kingdom. If you are interested contact me, dediosjuan022@gmail.com PRAISE GOD BE PRAISED YAHWEH AND CRISTOREY UNIVERSAL

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