miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2024

150 DAILY OUR FATHERS FOR VENEZUELA UNTIL THE TYRANT FALLS. "DO NOT STOP PRAYING TO ME UNTIL IT IS FINISHED" GOD TELLS HIM WHEN REBUILDING THE TEMPLE, because it is a pause in the light and something can infiltrate that blocks everything. We must have the same attitude for Venezuela until he leaves on November 5th. We must make a chain of prayer of 150 Our Fathers every day, 50 in the morning, 50 in the afternoon, 50 at night until his Olympic exit. It is 30 minutes for a free future, it is nothing. And it is of vital importance because he is protected by the darkness of the satanism of Monte Sorte and that palería that is pure and hard satanism. Removing Maduro is the beginning of a deep cleansing that must be done in Venezuela because that is where all the evil lies. You will have no other God before me, says the first commandment, but in Venezuela there are no gods but demons from the underworld! What God is going to save a country like that? The paleros' beards are soaked to wake up and repent and the good ones to eradicate that from Venezuela by the roots with the preaching of the gospels. God says in isaiiah: Israel, your sins have created an abyss between us" God says the same to Venezuela but if it leaves its paganism the light of Christ will block that darkness. IT IS NECESSARY 1 BIBLICAL SPIRITUAL AWAKENING NOW because Maduro TAKES PROTECTION IN THE DARKNESS GENERATED IN MONTE SORTE BUT Jesus already paid for a Venezuela repentant of its paganism: divine justice = cause and effect = karma = isaiah 3:11 "on the wicked will fall his evil" our holiness makes poetic justice be executed on Maduro, today being pagan, taking drugs, aborting or watching porn is a kamikaze act and believing in God is a heroic act and is saving humanity, because our body is the only true receptacle of God, Christians: lamps on. atheists, pagans, satanics lamps off. if there is more darkness than light will cover everything, your activism for Jesus in networks and in physical form it is a portal for Jesus to pass to this plane to defend us from the tyranny of the underworld that remote controls these anti-politicians to pagans or progressives. YAHVE MY JUSTICIANO!!! Jesus has already paid for a VZLA that has repented of its paganism: divine justice = cause and effect = karma = Isaiah 3:11 upon the wicked his wickedness will fall upon the mature already YAHVE MY JUSTICIANO!!! http://armasluminosas.blogspot.com/2024/07/afuera CHRISTIAN MENTAL UNION AGAINST MADURO"When you ask for something, imagine that you already have it and sooner you will get it" and "When two or more unite in my Name, I will be there" Two phrases from Jesus that encourage us and indicate what to do against the nefarious Maduro, unite us all spiritually in prayer, visualizations and physical activism and in networks against that darkness that has a spiritual origin: the cursed Cuban paleria, there is your evil Venezuela repent first and open a portal to God and his angels directed by Jesus, towards Monte sorte, that must be dismantled first in your heart, there is the protection of the incredibly clown, mediocre, corrupt, despotic, liar, hypocritical, anticlimactic, drug trafficker and above all a witch dictator, who dares to threaten with a "bath of blood" if you don't vote for him... remember: Chavez spread a zomvifying powder over Caracas, hence his "Teflon effect", which accused Bush of smelling sulfur much more, sulfur because the devil in an eternal present is already in the lake of sulfur, for those who ask for divine justice, but we will see it faster the more holiness there is in us. Let us do this, repentant and in the highest holiness: Say with faith while you visualize it: Spiritually united with my brothers in Christ my God, we ask you in his Name that a glorious portal to your kingdom be opened and a powerful ray of light mined with armed angels descend upon Miraflores, Caracas, all of Venezuela and bind those demons, neutralize all darkness with light, sweep away with great power all that darkness that has us captive and where they have entrenched themselves, but nothing is impossible for your powerful arm, why do you hold it back? crush it with your fist! that the blood of Jesus has already paid for us and left all pagan gods impotent for which we decree in your Holy Name of God Yahweh, and of Jesus Christ the king, that all pagan gods blind themselves: Maria Lionza, Negro Felipe, the Indian Guaicaipuro, by whom Maduro swears, As also may Isis, Serapis Bay, Osiris, Apollo, Dionysus, Moloch, Enky, Enlil, Inana, Marduk, Istahr, Zeus, the Beast, the Dragon, the false Prophet, the woman who rides the beast ... Baphomet. and the devil himself. So that all the sorcerers of the world become impotent Because your word says "In the end I will punish the gods in heaven and the kings on earth" and "witchcraft will be no more" as it also says I WILL BE AN ACCUSING WITNESS AGAINST WITCHES AND SORCERERS. MAY THE MERCIFUL BLOOD OF JESUS ​​LEAVE ALL THE WITCHCRAFT OF THE WORLD POWERLESS FROM TODAY FOREVER BECAUSE IT IS WRITTEN THAT IT WILL BE SO AND SO BE IT. AMEN AND AMEN AND SHALOM ISRAEL.

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