lunes, 27 de mayo de 2024

El abortista es peor que el asesino, porque este se encontro un ser que le obstaculiza su camino y lo elimina, el abotista lo crea el, y con lujuria y placer y luego de llamarlo y crearlo lo mata indefenso, desprotegido, encerrado. lo llamo, lo metio en el utero y ahi lo mato sintiendo la vibracion en sus huesos como era triturado y a un ser con toda la sensibilidad del del mundo porque estaba 0 km y ni anestesia le puso!!! IM-PER-DO-NA-BLE. ESAS MUEJERES PIERDEN EL TITULO Y CATEGORIA DE SER HUMANO, DE MUJER Y DE MADRE. Y EL DOCTOR TODO ESO INCLUIDA LA MATRICULA UNIVERSITARIA, DOCTORES DE LA MUERTE? BESTIAS! YAHVE TE REPRENSADA SATAN. QUE OLOR A LA DESPOBALCION DE ISAIAS 24... "aborto libre aborto libre" gritan y la justicia divina?= causa y efecto? = karma? de eso no se puede librar de isaias 3.11 sobre el malvado recaera su maldad.AREPETIOS Y DESPERTAR. CRISTOREY esta sierva tiene mas ser que ustedes aborteras aprendan lo que ser madre empatia= sentir con o compasion sufrir con... NO SE PEIRDAN EST POR ANDA DEL MUNDO

esta sierva tiene mas ser que ustedes aborteras aprendan lo que ser madre empatia= sentir con o  compasion sufrir con... NO SE PEIRDAN EST POR ANDA DEL MUNDO 

The abortionist is worse than the murderer, because he found a being that hinders his path and eliminates him, the abortionist creates him, and with lust and pleasure and after calling him and creating him, he kills him defenseless, unprotected, locked up. He called him, he put him in the uterus and there he killed him feeling the vibration in his bones as he was crushed and a being with all the sensitivity in the world because he was 0 km and he didn't even give him anesthesia!!! UNFORGIVABLE. THOSE WOMEN LOSE THE TITLE AND CATEGORY OF HUMAN BEINGS, WOMEN AND MOTHER. AND THE DOCTOR ALL THAT INCLUDING UNIVERSITY TUITION, DOCTORS OF DEATH? BEASTS!   YAHWEH REBUSHES YOU SATAN. WHAT A SMELL OF THE DEPOPULATION OF ISAIAH 24... AREPETIES AND WAKE UP.   CHRIST THE KING

"free abortion free abortion" they shout and divine justice? = cause and effect? = karma? From that you cannot escape from Isaiah 3:11, the wickedness of him will fall on the wicked.

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