sábado, 11 de mayo de 2024

Beautiful metaphor of the new testament revealed

 Beautiful metaphor of the new testament revealed

On one occasion I thought I found a key in the Bible and it was that many times the author of the OT seems to speak of the end of all ends, but then he adds a comment where he reveals that he was referring to that specific fact of some section of the stories contained within the old testament, (and notice in the Apocalypse of John the opposite will happen). And I said to myself: what if it is a key that one must discover, because yes, in reality the author did refer to the end of everything, but then a comment was added to it to mislead. But not for the one who must find the key, well I made that whole movie and Jesus there told me: "What you still have to find is something from the New Testament that is very small but very round and revealing" and last night finally with some help from He finally revealed this beautiful symbol of the Bible to me, and this after 3 or 4 years of pleading, and it is the following.

First it will be expressed in a synthetic and central way and then we will expand, the only thing I fear is relating things too much, since analogies are my passion, just like Pablo. Who was very good at finding them or perhaps we enjoyed the same and better teacher...

In Eden, unreachable for Adam, the tree of life was guarded by cherubs and a flaming sword. It was said that the perfect tree of life is the blood system because it resembles it, and this is corroborated by the fact that many try to stop the aging by transfusions of blood from younger people, not to mention the andenochrome myth. But perfectly and without poetic license one could understand JESUS AS THE TRUE TREE OF LIFE, BECAUSE BY EATING FROM IT WE BECOME IMMORTAL. Because a wooden cross was made by a carpenter, the profession of Jesus, and a cross is the perfect humanization of the tree, head, arms, legs at right angles, other signs of man, and Jesus merges with the tree in the crucifixion where he dies. in sacrifice for humanity as the divine lamb. The tree became man and man was transformed into the divine lamb that redeems all men from sin, and blood and water flow from its side, to water the earth so that it bears fruit that gives eternal life. To Activate the already programmed DNA of salvation in the people of God so that they bear fruit that does not perish. Fruits that will feed God for his immortality for this specific humanity.

Let us meditate on this: Adam, on a more subtle plane where he could eat everything except the tree of knowledge, disobeys the Father, seduced by the woman seduced by the serpent, and eats and falls to a denser plane, where he must work and where he will grow old. and will die. To redeem him and free him from the fall and death, the Son of God must come to do exactly the opposite path: on an imperfect plane, he must obey the Father under the maximum pressure, reasoning well with all the weight of the devil on top, but undefeated he crosses the veil defeating all the resources of the adversary and since he did not sin, death cannot hold him and he is resurrected with saving power. For his great love, his passion, his mercy endowed him with all the light necessary to dominate everything in heaven and on earth, including the darkness of the underworld. If you want the flaming sword that guards the tree of life, they are the "violent men", mentioned in Matthew 11:12, who must be overcome to reach the kingdom after reaching Jesus, the tree of life. Because these tribulations are essential for the process to be successful because our same suffering, perspiration, effort, to reach the light is the same thing that allows Jesus to reach us and defend us from those same violent men who take away the kingdom if it is not right. nourished by Jesus and God with our good works, our salvation is in danger. They tell us what we should do so that they protect us, yes, they eat from us but with that energy they protect ourselves. Thus they are filled with light, power and reach to overthrow the evil that harasses us. This is the food that God wants, so that Jesus can pierce all the veils and neutralize violent men. "Whoever will stand until he arrives" says God of Jesus himself, in his eagerness to cleanse Israel of all his sins, who are the ones who shout "Yoooo!" I will endure!!!!

The divine lamb had to die on the Cross fused with the tree, pouring its blood into the earth where trees that feed us are born, when they pass through it, what springs from its side? blood and water...water?! where and when was that seen? It is impossible, that has a symbolic power, because the water that is poured on the earth, which is called watering, to moisten the earth and makes it possible for the tree to absorb the minerals and with the light of the Sun (God = Light) make the process of photosynthesis and lives and flowers and fruits and feeds men. There is an analogical union between the minerals and nutrients of the Earth for edible trees and the DNA of man. Let us remember the symbol of Jesus cursing the fig tree for not having fruit out of season! That is, we must bear fruit on time and out of season, because if he demanded it, it is because we can! In MICAH 7 God complains about the bad behavior of his people and says something like "I am so hungry and not a fruit on the branches..." God eats from our good works. May the unfruitful trees, the sour grapes and the tares, go to eternal fire.

We, the people of God, are God's food for his immortality. Be careful, if we fail, God will continue to exist because the real is what continues to exist after we stop thinking about it, as someone said, but for this humanity we are the God's food for his immortality, that is, God's existence will be possible for this our humanity without us feeding him with the best quality, (and of course all kosher). If not, the darkness will engulf everything, "your sins Israel have created a wall between you and me" he says at one point in Isaiah and in that darkness the enemies feast on his people, shearing them with contempt and malice.

It is the word of Jesus, well eaten and well meditated, that activates in us the ability to bear fruit that must be accompanied by tribulation, that passage is the teeth of the key that opens the door that illuminates and empowers God. (Look how successful the Dune script was, Paul receives great power for enduring great pain, that's it). A proverb says "if you fail under pressure, it indicates weakness" because in the absence of time we are all givers, now in shortages and conflicts? Both Paul and Peter indicate that it is okay to suffer as a sinner but much more to suffer for being just, in a world where hypocrisy reigns... that cancels out many questions to God about his "injustices" as someone said "the injustices of the world do not matter." "What matters is what we do with them" is correct. Furthermore, if God complains about the injustices of the world, how are we going to return the question to Him? It is obvious that we are the ones who, with work and prayer, must impose justice in the world. Earth so that the law of reason dominates the law of the jungle, of our body and instincts.

So faith=light=water=fire=life=word of God=life, love, faith, will, resilience, salivation=immortality of God.

So light and water = Christ. which makes nature produce food fruits. And light and water = Christ, which when eating activates in us the DNA programmed not to die, bridging death and the desire of the NOM to merge with an AI, that the obvious meaning of life is to merge with God. coming home, after all this adventure.

Now the next one will give you another more in-depth reading:

"Whoever drinks from me will thirst no more... I am the living bread that came down from heaven... I am the vine." Man will not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God... God calls Jesus the germ or the sprout. Let us also remember that rivers of crystalline water flow from the new Jerusalem that will water trees whose leaves will serve as medicine to the nations. It all started with trees, continued with cross-shaped trees and ends with these medicinal trees.

And we think about it even more, the Sun, the light and its heat evaporate the water and make clouds, and as a cloud God manifested himself to the Hebrews in the desert, and Paul said that there was an analogy of Christian baptism immersing oneself in water, then the rain falls that moistens the ground and the trees are nourished with minerals to flourish and bear fruit, the same with us with the word of God when we eat of Jesus... that those who ate the manna died but those who ate of Jesus are immortal.

"To stop worrying about oneself and think about others is the clearest sign of maturation" "The man who plants a tree knowing that he will never sit in its shadow is a man who understood the meaning of life" "He who does not Live to serve, not serve to live" no matter who said it, those phrases are heritage and fruit of all humanity and those fruits are good signs that the first fruits of the harvest for God are ready.

Another piece of information I heard is that the word “Yahweh” also has the same sound of fire, that is, what is essential for photosynthesis to occur in flora but at the same time in man is the ability to transform information into light. Impossible more round. The masterful completion of God's work.

Jesus said whoever makes an effort to understand, I will give him more understanding, see? by making an effort I open the doors, it is a syncopated, joint work but if I make an effort without clear accounts it will be in vain, be careful, someone said "if inspiration exists He always finds work for me”, this is precisely how inspiration is activated = hard work. The doors of the kingdom open with our effort for the light. That is why the perfect justice of Paul's words “it is necessary to go through many tribulations. to enter the kingdom." It is not a whim of God, it is the very mechanism that shows whether we are suitable or not. That work is the teeth of the key that open the door "I will show him what he must suffer to enter." to the kingdom" says Jesus about Paul. It is not sadism, it is pure functionality, if we kill ourselves for a world cup what not to do for that which is not perishable?! Yes, it is arduous but bearable humanly and if usurpers want to make it unbearable God orders beatings … But in the fair part of the fight, God and Jesus are filled with light and that same light makes Satan fall from heaven, again and again until the last and final one into the lake of sulfur. It's something mechanical. Logical. Natural.

And there is more, Jesus was the assistant of his father's carpenter, what does a carpenter do? He works with the wood of trees and makes useful things to make men's lives easier, with trees everything began and everything ended, because a cross is made of wood, and Jesus merges with the tree but not for perdition like Adam but for salvation and immortality. Wood and gold are perhaps the most noble materials in the world and the ark of the covenant was made of both things, the receptacle of God that contained: the rod of Aron, the manna and the tables of the law. bone tree, bread and spiritual bread because man will not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from God. God made us ignorant and hungry to satisfy us in both ways. and both things often merge.

So the blood of Jesus is the water of life that, when integrated, activates our DNA SO THAT WE BEAR FRUITS, THE POSSIBILITY OF SALVATION AND IMMORTALITY. THE RIGHTEOUS IN HIS OLD FLOWERS... SAYS IN A PSALM about him.

LET US REMEMBER THAT not all humanity is from the same family, therefore the word of God in each one will have a different and opposite effect, which is why a two-edged sword comes out of the mouth of Jesus in the apocalypse, for both harvests, those who believe and for those who do not believe.

Man, like light, is a wave and particle, that is, soul and body, that is, light and water, the portals that activate the DNA by eating and drinking from Jesus, thus he lives in us and blocks evil, the matrix, the astral. , the demon who gave us his mind. Because when the devil wants to knock down our faith with his super powerful incendiary darts and we believe that it is our discernment that is fighting like a pansa cat against those diabolical inquisitions, but no, it is the Jesus in us. fighting soul for soul. That is why it is good to eat a lot of Him and “retain” that is, memorize, for many who enter His path the first task is to learn Psalms by heart, which is perhaps the purest degree of God, Let's get to work... man It is clay, what matters is what is inside, what is better than having God himself, “those who answer me will go to my Father and make our home in him.” HALLELUJAH.

And the antithesis of all this is also true, because the elite know that they do not want our awakening and give us black go, graphene, fluorine, chemsitral 5g, Monsanto. But the worst of all is when they touch our things, especially food, pay attention, when many people pass things to you unnecessarily, they pass them from one hand to the other, I know that this is neutralized by taking it with the left and passing it to the right, when one He does that, his anger is evident, and that says it all "WITCH DETECTED" and all that contamination well seasoned with many sins of the porno-ilumiantis even in the soup, and all this acts like tar with hot pitch between the electrons and the nucleus of our atoms atrophying and Madonna in Rio seems cool to us... because sin diminishes our senses and we no longer remember who we were before and the heights we reached flying with God hand in hand eating his sweet delicacies from his tree of life : Jesus. Wake up that Jesus wants another youth.

EVERYTHING It is written in the DNA that the devil tries to hack but “know the truth it will set you free” because God gave us the freedom so that we can fulfill our destiny, what a paradox, right? And it is by giving everything of oneself that the portals are opened so that the light of God can come to our aid. Another beautiful paradox is that if I remember that everything is written I become dark and with me all my surroundings and everything we go to hell, but if I believe I am free I become enlightened and my positive wave will attract a saver (to whom this note) and will receive the word of God and everything because I thought I was free... see?

Another thing that frees us from the determining written destiny and opens all possibilities is the existence of the multiverse, there is no longer an excuse to fight to transform into the best version of oneself. Because in the infinite multiverse there will always be a universe where each of us is saved and transformed into that SELF, there is no struggle more worth it. Another reason to give your best is that in this way the general concept of humanity for God will rise because for God we all count as one, and thus salvation will be more feasible and notice this: one will be the destiny of the souls that did not enter the kingdom but the humidity was saved, and the fate of the souls will be different if there is no more humanity on the physical plane. Which is what the devil wants with the NOM illuminati. He understood how important it is to even go up one level. Don't want to be perfect, just go up a level, just aspire every day to be a little better, less violence, gossip, pornography, vciosn, and more love, virtue, altruism, generosity, forgiveness. But without pause and without haste like the stars, that "in heaven there is more happiness for one repentant sinner than for a hundred saints who do not need correction", and "those who come to me I make them taste salvation" says a psalm, Well, of course, being the light at his side, I clearly see the essential thing of valuing the essential thing, my salvation and the day of all humanity.


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