martes, 15 de marzo de 2022

Once you have overcome the heaviest temptation you are invincible. Once you have taken advantage of heaven's help and managed to overcome the greatest injection that the devil could inject you with libido, temptation (lust, fear, anger, humiliation, guilt, psychological illness, doubt, etc.), you are free, impregnable, immortal. So you fly away with the wings of spirit and reason and you are no longer affected by the gravity of emotions, you have overcome everything and forever! You just have to take the subtle neuronal router to understand this and know that you can. That will naturally make your emotions respond correctly and you rise above all the worldly. There you understand that its power is an illusion, you break the illusion and the temptation was. It is essential to understand the workings of all this in order to achieve it. Knowledge is power and it is freedom. "Know the truth she will set you free", masterful lord Jesus!!!!

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