sábado, 29 de junio de 2024

THE RARE ATTITUDE OF PROGRESS, mental control? chips? graphene? vaccine? possession? usurpation? the last thing is most feasible The liberals are acting strangely but obviously like true hypnotized acolytes of the antichrist who complain about all Christianity but say nothing about open Satanism, or the Muslim invasion, pro anti-LGBT nature, pro abortion, I wouldn't be surprised if they love Gates with his evil projects , covering the sun, healing mosquitoes, humiliating and toxic foods and deliberately patenting their things with 666 as if to say it without saying it, do you remember Jose Luis Miranda?, the "Jesus antichrist" that his faithful tattooed 666 on their bodies with unsustainable arguments? It's the same thing, they are possessed by death and acting stupid, they defend their positions with untenable arguments, all disguised as wokism, it's like they have them tightly tied and on top of that they boast about it, for this very reason they tell us everything they do to us in cinema, it is not private, negative, it is a decrease in karma because if they tell us what they do and we do nothing, our passivity allows it, dirty lawyers. That God is going to destroy a world like this? The same thing happens with the blind people who defend Michael Jackson when his whole being speaks of his guilt: his gestures, his appearance, his videos in black or white, in Bad, in Thriler, in Gost, in You rock my word he always showed a side. b malingo, the most obvious thing was in the movie Gost but the worst thing is that in a TV program he told his son referring to water pumps "TONIGHT AT HOME I'M GOING TO GIVE YOU A BIG ONE" WHO DIDN'T FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE? HE DOES IT ON PURPOSE! THEY ARE EXPERTS OF EVIL, LIKE PABLO ESCOVAR AND MANY MORE THAT CONFUSE BUT THOSE WHO LET THEMSELVES BE CONFUSED HAVE THE MARK OF THE BEAST BECAUSE THEY ARE BEASTS FINDING THE LIGHT OF THE TRUTH, "THE STUPID DESERVE TO BE CAUGHT" AND IF... SO... IDIOT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO ENTER HEAVEN, BUT THE CHRISTIAN DUTY IS TO SHOUT THE CROSS AND RUDE TRAPS OF THE ANTICHRIST AND HIS METNAL COTNROL TECHNIQUES BECAUSE IT IS EXACTLY THAT AND IF YOU HATE THIS MESSAGE THAT IS THE ORIGIN OF THAT ANGER. TO BE OR NOT TO BE OR WE WERE RECONCILED WITH GOD OR WE WERE AND THAT METAL CONTROL WAVE COULD ENLASSE US, VADE RETRO SATAN, THERE IS THE ONE WHO CALLS THE BAD AND THE GOOD. TO BE OR NOT TO BE. THAT IS THE QUESTION. They could accuse us of conspiracy, but THAT is preferable to letting the noose be tied around our necks by usurpers who are enemies of the life that God created, HUMAN. TO BE OR NOT TO BE WAKE UP: We are in the middle of the perpetual conflict “Yahweh versus pagan gods” = fallen angels = aliens, heads of the traitor Illuminati elite who were given the command to destroy faith, morality, religion, from politics and the show business, because we are here and in a perpetual trial: Jesus defends; satan accuses. More pornography, heresies, abortion, drugs, lgtbi, satanism, paganism, sins = more viruses, vaccines, wars, crises, chemistry, fluoride, forced gender ideology. Either there is a spiritual awakening or we are the last generation, those that God demands is undeniable: 1° The spiritual 2° The rational 3° The emotional. There is no place for atheism the Bible is written on our body Israel versus the nations means the spirit versus the body. The devil promotes the other way around, that the flesh and its pleasures are above the mind and the spirit, in order to obtain permission to liquidate us because all his promises are unfounded. He can only take all those who believed in them to where he is already condemned. TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION, EITHER THERE IS A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING OR WE ARE THE LAST GENERATION. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FOR HAVING BEEN BORN IN THESE DESICIVE TIMES IS VERY GREAT. BE RESPONSIBLE. DON'T TRY TO BE PERFECT. TRY TO BE A LITTLE BETTER EVERY DAY, WITHOUT PAUSES OR HURRY. THE HEAVEN IS ALREADY HAPPY AND IT WILL BE YOUR DEFENSE: YOU CONTRIBUTED. AND MUCH BETTER IF I PASS THIS CONCEPT TO OTHERS. BLESSINGS

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