viernes, 7 de junio de 2024

DESPIERTE wake up below in english

CUANDO alguien va decir lo que todos pensamos o deberiamos: El comunismo no es que se volvio loco y de la economia paso a los sexual, ni tampoco es que quiera votos, eso es lo que nosotros vemos en primera instancia, la cosa tiene vueltas mas arriba que incluyen el espacio exterior, lo que algunos llaman exopolitica, es tan obvio que cada partido politco, religion, movimiento social, corresponde a intereses de seres superiores, " porque no tenemos lucha con carne si no contra entidades en areas celestes" dijo Pablo obvio, y aveces los nexos asoman como cuando la elite fue a la Antartida a verlos para que le den mas directrices: ciudades 15 min, insectos de comida, virus, incendios, hambrunas vacunas, y luego nos acusan de revoltoso cuando son ellos: SUCIOS! ES PREFERIBLE QUE NOS LLAMEN CONSPIRANOICOS Y NO DEJARSE ENROSCAR LA SOGA AL CUELLO POR AGUIEn TAN DEPLORABLE COMO IRENE MONTERO, que descaradamente solicita sexo para los niños, entre otras atrosidades satanicas, por Cristiano le predicamos el arrepentimiento, pero Irene es Irene? India eco dijo que muchos politicos ya fueron suplantados, han visto como se ha modificado el rostro de Putin? es alarmante, Ocurre que el diablo tan habil administro todo de tal forma que mientras sus esclavos busca sus objetivos humanos: dinero, poder, votos, el logra sus obejtivos espirituales que es destruir al ser humano haciendolo perder de si mismo, separando lo que Dios unio, con la nefasta ideologia de genero y el satanico aborto, y es un trabajo orquestado porque mientras entidades le hacen creer a la gente que es de otro sexo, influencian politicos o los suplantas para imponer sus leyes para casi coersitivamente enfrentarnos a Dios en el pecado. Y que eso lo hagan en la infancia es imperdonable hoy se le esta diciendo a los niños que los abortibo, insalubre, antihigienico, irracional, contranatura, inmoral y pecaminoso: esta bien, no, no, es una enfermedad pero no por eso deja de ser un defecto que destruye la trama social, como promocioanrlo? y si no es un defecto porque salen adoptar lo que ellos no pueden hacer?, pero al niño adoptado le diran que lo disfuncional esta bien y en su inosencia le enseñan a rasonar mal y lo enfrentan a Dios. el infenro se relame por ti proge. porque los politcos progres, hoy son el principal brazo del anticristo iluminati, teledirigidos por angeles caidos (esos que fueron a ver a la Antartida...), o suplatandos por ellos, como dijo India Eco, usan la politica para denigrar al ser humano, al cual simultaneamente otros demonios ya retorcieron en su interior, para que pidan con orgullo, que su torsedura sea reconosida como norma, legal y hasta se la quiera imponer a otros cohersitivamente. Llamese inclsuion forsada, dictadura lgtbi, cultura woke. Hay una frase celerbe que dice algo como "a veces que dejarse engañar y no decir lo que uno realmente piensa que hacen, porque es demasiado sordido y oscuro" y hay estan esos agentes del mal, con chapa de politco modernoso cuando en realidad su activismo es sanaismo puro y duro, y con la cara labada en cemento defienden lo indefendible y hacen justo lo injusto, por ejemplo: que dos homosexuales hagan homosexual a su hijo adotpado enfrantadolo desde su inocensia con su bilogia, su destino y con Dios quitandole la oportundiad de ser normal. Y todo por nueStro profundo sueño. Pasemoslo en limpio la politica lgtbi, los funcionales le dan los hijos a los disfuncionales para que los vuelvan mas difuncionales, es la maquina perfecta diseñada para la autodestrucion por imbecil. El hombre nace hombre y se hace hombre, las 2 cosas a la vez, es un semicirculo que se debe completar correctamente, la sociedad lo debe apuntalar, solo lo joven se puede enderesar, como con una bara evitamos que una planta salga torcida, la sociedad debe ser heterosexualisante para que cada uno sea lo que deba ser porque o sera eso o no seran nada, ser o no ser esa es la cuestion, perdidos en los laberintos del matrix camino al seol. DESPIERTE: Estamos en medio del conflicto perpetuo “Yahvé versus dioses paganos” = ángeles caídos = extraterrestres, jefes de la traidora elite iluminati a la cual se le dio el mandamiento de destruir la fe, la moral, la religión, desde la política y el mundo del espectáculo, porque estamos aca y en un juicio perpetuo: Jesus defiende; satan acusa. Mas pornografia, herejías, aborto, drogas, lgtbi, satanismo, paganismo, pecados = mas virus, vacunas, guerras, crisis, chemistral, fluor, ideologia de genero forsada. O hay un despertar espiritual o somos la ultima generación, los que Dios exige es innegable: 1° Lo espiritual 2° Lo racional 3° Lo emocional. no hay lugar para el ateísmo la biblia esta escrita en nuestro cuerpo Israel versus las naciones significa el espíritu versus el cuerpo. El diablo promueve al revés, que la carne y sus placeres este por sobre la mente y el espíritu, para asi obtener licencia de liquidarnos porque todas sus promesas son infundadas solo se puede llevar donde ya esta condenado a todos los que creyeron en ellas. SER O NO SER, ESA ES LA CUESTION, O HAY UN DESPERTAR ESPIRITUAL O SOMOS LA ULTIMA GENERACION. SU RESPONSABILIDAD POR HABER NACIDO EN ESTOS TIEMPOS DESICIVOS ES MUY GRANDE SEA RESPONSABLE NO TRATE DE SER PERFECTO TRATE DE SER UN POCO MEJOR CADA DIA, SIN PAUSAS NI PRISA CON ELLO EL CIELO YA ESTA FELIZ Y SERA SU DEFENSA: USTED CONTRIBUYO. Y MUCHO MEJOR SI LE PASE ESTE CONCEPTO A OTROS. BENDICIONES

WHEN someone is going to say what we all think or should: Communism is not that it went crazy and went from the economy to the sexual, nor is it that it wants votes, that is what we see in the first instance, the thing has more twists and turns. above that include outer space, what some call exopolitics, it is so obvious that each political party, religion, social movement, corresponds to the interests of higher beings, "because we do not fight with flesh but against entities in celestial areas" Pablo said Obviously, and sometimes the links appear like when the elite went to Antarctica to see them so they could give them more guidelines: cities 15 minutes away, insects for food, viruses, fires, famines, vaccines, and then they accuse us of being unruly when they are: DIRTY ! IT IS PREFERABLE THAT THEY CALL US CONSPIRANOISTS AND NOT LET THEM TURN THE NOOSE AROUND THE NECK BY WATER. As deplorable as IRENE MONTERO, who shamelessly requests sex for children, among other satanic atrocities, as a Christian we preach repentance, but is Irene Irene? India echo said that many politicians have already been impersonated, have you seen how Putin's face has changed? It's alarming,
It happens that the devil, so skillful, managed everything in such a way that while his slaves seek their human objectives: money, power, votes, he achieves his spiritual objectives, which is to destroy the human being, making him lose himself, separating what God united, with the disastrous gender ideology and the satanic abortion, and it is an orchestrated work because while entities make people believe that they are of another sex, they influence politicians or impersonate them to impose their laws to almost coercively confront us with God in sin. And for them to do that in childhood is unforgivable. Today, children are being told that I abort them, that it is unhealthy, unhygienic, irrational, against nature, immoral and sinful: it's okay, no, no, it's a disease but that doesn't stop it from happening. be a defect that destroys the social fabric, how to promote it? And if it is not a defect, why do they adopt what they cannot do? But they will tell the adopted child that what is dysfunctional is fine and in his innocence they teach him to reason badly and confront him with God. hell is licking its lips for you proge. because the progressive politicians, today are the main arm of the Illuminati antichrist, remote-directed by fallen angels (those who went to see Antarctica...), or supplanting them, as India Eco said, they use politics to denigrate human beings , which simultaneously other demons have already twisted inside them, so that they proudly ask that their twisting be recognized as a legal norm and that they even want to impose it on others coherently. Call it forced inclusion, LGBT dictatorship, woke culture. There is a famous phrase that says something like "sometimes you have to let yourself be fooled and not say what you really think you are doing, because it is too sordid and dark" and there are these agents of evil, with the veneer of a modern politician when in reality their activism It is pure and simple sanaism, and with their faces covered in cement they defend the indefensible and do the unjust, for example: that two homosexuals make their adopted son homosexual, confronting him from his innocence with his biology, his destiny and with God taking away his opportunity. to be normal. And all because of our deep dream.

Let's put LGBT politics straight, the functional ones give their children to the dysfunctional ones so that they make them more dysfunctional, it is the perfect machine designed for self-destruction as an idiot. Man is born a man and becomes a man, both things at the same time, it is a semicircle that must be completed correctly, society must support it, only the young can be straightened, like with a bar we prevent a plant from coming out crooked, the Society must be heterosexualizing so that each one is what they should be because either they will be that or they will be nothing, to be or not to be that is the question, lost in the labyrinths of the matrix on the way to Sheol.

WAKE UP: We are in the middle of the perpetual conflict “Yahweh versus pagan gods” = fallen angels = aliens, heads of the traitorous Illuminati elite who were given the command to destroy faith, morals, religion, from politics and the show business, because we are here and in a perpetual trial: Jesus defends; satan accuses. More pornography, heresies, abortion, drugs, lgtbi, satanism, paganism, sins = more viruses, vaccines, wars, crises, chemistry, fluoride, forced gender ideology. Either there is a spiritual awakening or we are the last generation, those that God demands is undeniable: 1° The spiritual 2° The rational 3° The emotional. There is no place for atheism the Bible is written on our body Israel versus the nations means the spirit versus the body. The devil promotes the other way around, that the flesh and its pleasures are above the mind and spirit, in order to obtain permission to liquidate us because all his promises are unfounded, it can only be taken where where all those who believed in them are already condemned. TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION, EITHER THERE IS A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING OR WE ARE THE LAST GENERATION. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FOR HAVING BEEN BORN IN THESE DESICIVE TIMES IS VERY GREAT. BE RESPONSIBLE. DON'T TRY TO BE PERFECT. TRY TO BE A LITTLE BETTER EVERY DAY, WITHOUT PAUSES OR HURRY. THE HEAVEN IS ALREADY HAPPY AND IT WILL BE YOUR DEFENSE: YOU CONTRIBUTED. AND MUCH BETTER IF I PASS THIS CONCEPT TO OTHERS. BLESSINGS.


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