martes, 25 de junio de 2024



His bad relationship with women had led him to drugs, because of the drugs he had begun to hear voices, and the voices were turning his life into a hell that was getting worse every day, an imminent tragedy was foreseen in the personal apocalypse in Mateo's life. Like a satanic raid besieging an unprotected city, the raid was the voices, the city, his mind, which the voices desired. And the lack of protection was his spiritual chaos. They gave him orders all the time or told him what he was about to do to boast: "See how we dominate you? Good boy." He often had to do things dysfunctionally just for the pleasure of disobeying because by doing so the voice became more real, powerful, arrogant, sardonic, intelligent. Many dreams repeatedly harassed him; he saw a man as if mixed with a horse, almost like a centaur but not exactly, he also saw himself between white walls. He saw rivers of crystal-clear water. He saw landscapes, cities, buildings, terminals, ports passing by, and he also saw a succession of men's faces silently watching him. That particular dream filled him with peace. But when he was awake he felt that his life was slipping away from him, he sensed that he had to make a brilliant and unthinkable move or he would perish, but what was the move? Time was running out. He had a group of friends whom he rarely saw, he was like the satellite member of the group. But since he confessed to them that he heard voices and that he attributed it to drugs, they were incoherent, they avoided him, fearing contagion, but they never gave up cannabis. He worked as a mail delivery man and studied piano, much to the dismay of his teacher, who no longer knew how to insinuate that he should give up because he lacked any talent. Lately he had a very bad relationship with his mother, his father had died when he was a child and she had divorced her second husband, but the relationship worsened drastically in the last few months, all together for Mateo, she seemed to have another personality, to the point of many times he felt he did not recognize her which led him to look and look at old photos of her, he did not intellectualize why he did this but this was the reason: he did not recognize her. Hateful, violent, indiscreet, scandalous every day she fought with someone in the streets, he even found her unhygienic. But what bothered him most was that he also found her a sex addict because now she was making sexual advances towards him, his blunt rejection filled her with hatred making her look for excuses to pour out her anger on Mateo. And in addition to this there were many unfinished situations from the past. Like when she took him to a nun for his social inadequacy at the age of 13, and after laying hands on him, she said to him in front of her: your parents are the cause of all your ills. She remained silent and impassive and they never clarified the point. What caught her attention the most was that she said “your parents” knowing that he was dead. But there was an act that began to flourish in Mateo’s mind that at first he thought it was a dream, he saw himself waking up in his room and a nurse was injecting him with something and his mother looked at him from the door smiling with irony and he went back to sleep. As the image came back and came back one day he said “That was real, it was at that Sunday sitting…” and he rebuked his mother with all his fury: “What were they injecting me with? Who was that woman.” She pretended with very little talent not to know what she was talking about and hypocritically diagnosed him with schizophrenia and asked him to go see her urgently. “Because they become violent and dangerous with their hallucinations,” he added, “I think you are ready for Jerusalem.” That was the name of a mythical psychiatric hospital in a nearby town, where people with mental illness and behavioral disorders were admitted, and it was customary in the popular slang of the province to always humorously refer to them as “Jerusalem” whenever someone went off the rails. Mateo thought the comment was exaggerated, but it was the least he could do. She was surprised. He only answered her: the dead man laughs at the beheaded… and he retired to his room. He could not even escape from his hell with television or the Internet, his attention deficit was acute and he could not watch movies. But when he tried to watch the movie Gataca, his head made a “click” and it was not because of a global analysis of the plot but because of a specific scene, when she asks him: “What? Are you the son of God?” That is the reason for all my conflicts, he said with his gaze on the infinite. A succession of clicks took place in his head. At that moment he began an internal journey reconciling himself with God and with Jesus. He bought a Bible and began to read and pray and pray without ceasing. In a park where he found a beautiful sanctuary to Jesus he said: “Since I am a failure on earth, I will be a success for heaven. Goodbye world, I consecrate myself to God.” And then he saw in his head that centaur but its features no longer seemed like a horse but a lamb, it was the Divine Lamb! It was the King of Kings! Jesus of Nazareth who told him: Because you have opened the doors wide open, now I can protect you from everything that was prepared for you... you are the last one..." With tears in his eyes he opened the Bible at random 3 times and read: "Whoever answers me, we will go to my Father and make our home with him" which he was already feeling with great joy in his heart, then he read: "A thousand will fall at your right hand, ten thousand at your left, and they will not touch you" and finally: "Go to the nations and make disciples of me." "Understood. Let's get to work, there's no time to lose." He exclaimed. He already knew what to do: preach, work for God full time, he had already decided to abandon his job and his studies. Due to bad experiences in both the Catholic and Protestant churches, he would not be religious, he would be a kind of free monk living at the mercy of God, leaving home was his golden dream and with God in his heart, the weight of his mediocre life was transformed into pure light. He returned home late at night, after an extensive walk-meditation. It seemed strange to him that his mother had left dinner ready on the table, which was very unusual, chicken with potatoes, still steaming, hungry he devoured it in a second and when there was nothing left he said: "from now on I must bless the food every day." That would be one of the thousands of new habits that he had to get used to in his new state. Because his body, his mind, his soul was in a truly new state and a higher one. And this was reflected even in his appearance, a new light was in his gaze. Which transformed everything he saw. The world of gloom and darkness now seemed to him a warm, bright and welcoming place. But when he tried to get up he felt dizzy, his eyes were stiff and slow, his legs did not respond, everything went blank in his mind, and he collapsed deeply, fainting on the floor. While his mother and the nurse watched everything from behind, smiling almost with laughter, imitating how he fell. Confirming that, indeed, they had exceeded the dose...

“Blessed are those who hope in him” is the most revealing phrase in the Bible” Jesus told him in his mind when he tried to wake up traveling in the ambulance with a straitjacket on the way to Jerusalem, the nurses, seeing him, applied another dose of the powerful sleeping pill. To put him back to sleep, there he could see Jesus radiant, magnanimous, omnipotent, glorious standing over the entire planet Earth. A planet of which few and very few have really known it in truth, but can there be reproaches if it is written that it should be like that? Naturally, the good must be scarce and the extraordinary even more so. And there are the called and the chosen. “Who will stand until He comes?” asks God himself of the exhaustive purification that Jesus must subject the aspirants to in order to be worthy of the kingdom. And despite the demanding nature of the process, the mercy is even greater because Matthew had been a great sinner all his life. But no one innocent and pure can enter the kingdom, but only those redeemed, so that he may love much, for the much that he was forgiven, that “he made us weak to show us his mercy” so that the spirit of humility may always reign in the proselyte, that there had already been a proud rebel and he had caused much damage. As soon as he opened his eyes, Mateo recognized the whiteness of his room, it was from one of his repeated dreams. Much later he would understand that these dreams would be like his guideposts throughout his long pilgrimage that was about to begin. Bewildered but full of faith, Mateo prayed deeply for truth, justice and liberation from his unjust situation, demanding the fulfillment of the word of Jesus in the park but also those of the entire Bible, requesting a liberation as miraculous as that of Peter and John in prison or the spectacular salvation of Psalm 18. And yes, it was something like that, there was a brief but powerful earthquake in Jerusalem, but that was the first surprise for Mateo, the straitjacket fell to the ground on its own, and his door opened softly and not only the one of his room in that long hallway, but other rooms through which came the surprised faces of other men who were those silent faces that he saw in his dreams. “You blessed ones of my Father, my beloved ones, who responded to My call almost as luckily and precisely as Dimas, but also with the same power and determination, go out freely through the great door of this Jerusalem and go to the other Jerusalem preaching the Gospel, so that the heavenly Jerusalem may come down from heaven for the definitive reign of God on Earth, to which I will legislate, that He thought it good to hide His truth from the wise and rich to give it to the last of the world so that they may be first in their hearts. Because God always chooses the least and weakest so that all the glory may be for Him as it should be. And by the luck of that nature, to make you, forgotten and marginalized, participants of His grace, of His good pleasure, dominion and power. Because God reduces the proud and elevates the humble repentant. Tell everyone that there is only salvation in the God of Israel: Yahweh but “to those who believed in Him, He gave the power to become children of God” I said through John then believe because faith in My Name is a saving vibration. Because my name Jesus means Yahweh saves. HALLELUJAH!”

The voice of Jesus resounded throughout the huge hospital. Doctors, nurses and security agents were paralyzed, literally unable to move, because they were all part of the same satanic enterprise, as complicit as the nurse and they knew perfectly well who were the ones freed because they were some of their evil voices. They had worked on them all their lives for their never awakening, perdition and final destruction far from God for the sins they induced. Devils who wanted to break their minds, their mind was the one broken and their heart and their damned hope of a triumph that meant the complete destruction of humanity. And when he was already celebrating the satanic triumph of his work and about to give the final blow and extinguish that light forever, the imminent and saving radiance of Jesus rescued them and removed them from the infamous guillotine of the antichrist. There were a total of 12 patients who escaped from the building with complete freedom, silent without celebrations but all with the same light in their eyes. And a mark on their foreheads that only the angels and demons as well as the human members of the devil's company could see. Sealing their overprotection and untouchability. For the glory of God Yahweh.


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Luke 24:47 = Isaiah 2 = Micah 4

And in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be prepared in the top of the mountains, and it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will flow to it. Many people will go and say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob, and He will teach us His ways, and we will walk in His paths." FOR OUT OF ZION WILL GO FORTH THE LAW, AND THE WORD OF THE LORD FROM JERUSALEM.

Revelation 21:2-27

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell among them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be among them. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, neither mourning, nor crying, nor pain, for the former things have passed away.

For consider your calling, brothers: not many were wise according to the flesh, not many were powerful, not many were noble; But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God chose the weak things of the world to shame the things that are strong. 28 And God chose the base things of the world and the things that are despised, and the things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory before him. 1 Corinthians 1

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