jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2024

Removing Maduro is attacking the symptom, the fruit, and not the disease, the root. The thing begins much earlier and that is where we Christians can influence with all our activism, in those first gears of the devil's machinery always driven by monkeys with knives. Let's put things in order: pagan gods (demons) seduced Venezuela, this came largely from Cuba, but also before and it is the satanic palería, santeria, spiritualism, Yoruba, that darkness that spreads like gangrene is what sustains, shelters and protects Maduro with great zeal, because thanks to him, they eat from the suffering of the Venezuelan. The Bible is about "Yahweh versus pagan gods" and says at some point two very encouraging promises "at the end of time I will punish the kings of the earth and the gods of heaven." And at various times like in Hosea and in the Apocalypse it says that witchcraft will be left without power. If we have our accounts clear with God, we can implore God for the fulfillment of these promising words, but specifically aimed at the Venezuelan conflict. WE CAN MAKE MARIA LIONZA, THE BLACK FELIPE AND THE INDIAN GUAICAIPURO FALL FROM HEAVEN, consequently the witch doctors will be left without their power, consequently the wall of darkness that astral travelers have seen over Venezuela will crumble and finally the rays of light and the angels of God will be able to execute the divine justice that the previous darkness prevented. And we can even do the following. As we are all one and thus count for God, we can even ask for the darkened minds of the paleros to be released or request the release of their souls where they are captive and return their bodies to their natural state, returned to themselves, those acolytes of their own death to reconsider, react and repent of their wandering pilgrimage and redeemed return to the fold where salvation is the only thing. That same darkness that stuns them and does not let them see that the current crisis and misery is due to their counterproductive satanic cult. And I refer to the evidence, the Bible is true: Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela the most pagan the poorest. With prayer, fasting, works, preaching, we have all the power to do this, we can intervene for others, because we are all one for God, Remember: evil will triumph if the good do not do their work. Let us remember 4 things that Jesus taught us: 1) pray having forgiven brothers. 2) spiritually united. 3) Insist. and 4) imagine what was requested as already being carried out. Let us imagine right now that the light of Christ bursts in the sky and Maria Lionza, the Negro and the Indian fall into the lake of sulfur where they are already in an eternal present with the Devil, the Dragon and the False Prophet and then let us imagine Jesus reigning majestically with his powerful and diaphanous light over Venezuela and the whole world. Nothing is impossible for those who have faith and with God we are the majority. But it is integrity that will make all this real and that is where we begin in ourselves, that God will defend humanity if we meet his objectives, otherwise the power will go to the bad guys, GOD FORBID THAT EVER! DEAR EX PALERO THANK YOU BECAUSE YOU ALREADY LEFT YOUR PERNICIOUS CULT AND BECAME AN ANONYMOUS HERO OF OUR BELOVED VENEZUELA. GOD BLESS YOU AND ENLIGHTEN YOU. PRAY BROTHERS AND DO ALL THE ACTIVISM THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT DICTATES. PRAISED BE GOD YAHWEH AND JESUS ​​CHRIST.

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