sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2024

Ideas that we could all do against Maduro for Venezuela until the UN, the OAS, the international court, the United States and the European Union stop drinking coffee and thinking and finally do what the most basic common sense dictates: INVADE VENEZUELA IN THE NAME OF GOD!!!! THEY HAVE EVERYONE SANE ON THEIR SIDE BUT THEY STILL DOUBT, KNOW THAT THOSE DOUBTS ARE GENERATED BY DEMONS WHO HAVE OVER THE UNITED STATES FOR 60 COMMUNIST-CUBAN YEARS... WITH THE LIGHT OF CHRIST THEY WILL BREAK THIS CUBAN-AFRICAN SPELL. Maduro holds marches, names new ministers, brings forward Christmas, moves, the UN blah blah blah. Not solving problems brings tragedies. Said and done. So let's act from our place. Yes, God can do everything but the door opens from the inside. In Isaiah he says to his people: "Israel, your sins have created an abyss between you and me." It is the paleria, santeria, yoruba, spiritualism, metaphysics that has them captive raising a wall of darkness before God for failing to follow the first commandment "You shall have no gods before me." Venezuela has no gods but demons of the nameless that allow themselves to be possessed in Monte Sorte and because of those ignorant people everyone pays. Astral travelers have seen a mesh of darkness over Venezuela, there is that wall, there we must aim with the following activities that are not quixotic against windmills, we know what we do if that wall falls or Maduro comes to his senses and retires in peace, or the invasion will be anesthetized, effective and surgical. You know what? That Maduro retires in peace is not so far-fetched because a seer saw that. At some point in the multiverse that can happen, let's say there that it would be ideal. But let's not give another second to this Maduro who is the only one we have and for him, time is gold and life because he does not stop exuding diabolical and contaminating darkness. Ideas 1) Pray, pray, decree, visualize the triumph of light. Pray 50 Our Fathers morning, afternoon, night = 150 in total asking God to transform those Our Fathers into missiles of light against that mesh. In high holiness and well repentant and forgiving. Integrity makes all this real. Let's imagine this. 2) Preach to the stooges they could be the anonymous heroes of all this because if even a few repent there will be so much hubbub in heaven that God will send his most powerful angels for an immediate liberation. God also uses statistics. Come on, palero, stop worshipping your perdition, wake up and love yourself and your brothers and return to the fold of Jesus where there is only salvation and your reward will be very great for having done the feat of doing what you had to do: wake up and use what God gave you: REASON... repent because the judgments have arrived!!! 3) Some powerful Venezuelan influencer should better create a video with a worldwide outcry of thousands of different volunteers from around the world expressing in 50 seconds why Maduro should leave power, or why they should invade Venezuela now: BECAUSE CHILDREN ARE BEING TORTURED!!!!! This is a psychological and spiritual war and this would be very effective in both fields. 4) El Puma Rodriguez, Ricardo Montaner, Karol G, have already expressed their repudiation of Maduro and there are many more, because instead of singing I left, they sing something more aggressive against the tyrannical dictator, and do something like "Artists against Maduro." And all the profits are either to donate to hungry Venezuelans or to reach the sum that Erik Prince requires. Idea 5) If someone famous opens an account in hours the sum required for his heavenly enterprise would arrive. The songs either radiate light or darkness, these would be powerful torpedoes against that wall to be demolished. 6) One time the witches did not let a believer sleep, he had already exhausted all his resources and heaven whitewashed him and told him: "if you do nothing we can do nothing." He had already done everything, then it occurred to him to do 50 push-ups and ask God to transform that energy into strength and power for Jesus and my angels for that punctual battle and he slept like a baby. It works like an express and instant fast. Remember "this generation will not go out except with prayer and fasting." Fasting for Venezuela to neutralize so many fasts of the others at the other pole... 7) Heaven taught me the power of illustrating and drawing, it is a portal to heaven, the protective power of the ark of the alliance was in the cherubs sculpted above. Let us draw Christ the redeemer surrounded by angels over Venezuela and everything that your creativity tells you if you expose it on the street better. Below I leave some of my drawings. But being careful not to fall into idolatry, we only worship God. That integrity is what makes everything described here real, otherwise it is just a drawing on any paper. Coherence and integrity are the golden keys that open all doors. 1 + ) Write a handwritten letter to Maduro and send it to him by regular mail to Miraflores. When one is filled with the Holy Spirit, that form where that light was deposited is filled with light, be it a paper, a wall, a canvas or the web. If one with one's heart in one's hand writes to him "MADURO, GO AWAY IN THE NAME OF GOD, ACCEPT IT, YOU LOST, YOU SAID YOU WERE A CHRISTIAN, YOU ARE SUPPOSEDLY A DEMOCRAT. WELL, FOR THOSE TWO REASONS YOU SHOULD GO IN PEACE. YOU LOST, ACCEPT IT. GROW UP MADURO! ACCEPTING THE TRUTH HURTS BUT IT IS CALLED GROWING UP. I ASK YOU IN THE NAME OF GOD AND JESUS. AMEN AND AMEN." And add a psalm 37 or 50 that the word of God is the maximum vibration... LET US MEDITATE THAT In Miraflores there is much darkness, those letters entered legally will be like rays of light that crack that wall to be torn down. Draw Christ the redeemer throughout the area Neighbors of Miraflores and everyone HANDS TO WORK. GOD BLESS YOU AND VENEZUELA REPENTANT AND FREE IN GOD AND CHRIST. AMEN AND AMEN.

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