viernes, 28 de abril de 2023

secret code bible


There is no greater pleasure than to be on the side of truth. Come and share this sublime and exquisite pleasure. Kill your ego, I kill mine, and so free from human stupidity we go together for her, and she at the highest and absolute point. She is the truth. Who "is a very pure maiden who always swims very covered" as someone said... she only shows herself when she sees purity. Without false modesty I say that my ego is like a wet chick surrounded by crocodiles which represent the truth, what truth? That everything comes from God, it is foolish to boast of the least, that is a sign of blindness and zero perspective. We are condemned to give all the glory to God forever. Not to do so is darkness and who can reach to see the truth in the darkness? Then dead to the ego and go for it. I am absolutely certain that I am on the right path to God and Jesus, especially when I was clearly marked where the false light of the false savior Jesus is going nowhere, which is the "Jesus" of today's world. As their dark programs are from the matrix, so are the programs of the false spiritual leaders from the matrix. I knew with a lot of luck that I was on the right path. But how to convey this with verisimilitude? Without possessing the signs that Jesus possessed! But after 17 years God gave me a guideline out of my words to believe in the message of this servant and it has to do with THE SECRET CODE OF THE BIBLE, when I began to shout my truth on the internet I thought that people would surround me like Elisha would surround Elijah, obviously it is natural, who would not do that? if you know that there is the truth, do not let it go, the rest is lies and falsehood, finally find your field with the pearl of great value, buy it without hesitation, but no, nothing to do, "what did you smoke?" they tell me (when I never got high in my life), go to the psychologist, (when psychologist = matrix). Let's go in order: Jews are born from gentiles, God modified them genetically and as the races were mixed from the beginning and it can happen. When this happens the matrix locates them, studies them, makes them sin and systematically destroys them with drugs, witchcraft, homosexuality, sexual abuse is programmed from the beginning. Let us clarify that the matrix is actually the mental network of the black magicians who dominate the world, having as its ultimate goal the total destruction of the work of God and begins or ends with the suffering and true people of God, far from the Jewish Masons who rule the world, they are rather the antithesis of those. And this sinister enterprise is enabled by the sins of God's people, because they are also of flesh and are falling seduced by the same matrix, and also enabled by the global karma of this world santero, palero, pagan, abortionist, drug addict, gay, and increasingly engolosinado by porn artist iluminatis increasingly lewd and openly satanic. But we have good news! not everything is pale because also the world karma has allowed that The company is enabled by the sins of God's own people, because they are also of flesh and are falling seduced by the same matrix, and also enabled by the world karma of this world of the santero, palero, pagan, abortionist, drug addict, gay, and more and more seduced by porn artist illuminatis, more and more lewd and openly satanic. But we have good news! not everything is pale because also the world karma allowed one to escape from the process of destruction, and like someone who escapes from a fire, he arrived intact to his 30s, a miracle. And he woke up, and with the help of cinema, how paradoxical! When it is used to numb and program. And he woke up in the highest degree to the point that he consecrated himself entirely to God, which was the best thing he could do to survive, because only giving 100% can neutralize the efforts and resources used by the dark ones to destroy them, they are professionals of evil, effective and efficient, they invested their heads like the devil for Job, that is why they go for everything, sure to win after centuries of pure triumphs, almost at the end, the devil's machinery reached its perfection to the point that not a grain falls out of the harvester, as we said there is a false light for those who aspire to escape "vibrating high", because all spiritual leaders are this, if your light is genuine, if you are a Nathanael (John 1: 43) the Matrix sinks you, that's why the Yanuca ben David is a fraud and another program of the Matrix, because the Matrix forgave him? The thing is not like that as we already said? But even though they are asphyxiating and to uproot what is sown in a little plant they make an unbridled well of two meters, one escaped, and escaped at all, first from the darkness and then from the false light and arrived intact at the feet of Jesus to take him to God and God Yahweh. And everything was justified, and those who were pouring champagne beforehand were choked. Wrong! they will vomit it all up, God will take their morsels from their throats. But we don't sing victory beforehand either, there is still a long way to go, but we are happy to be on the shepherded road with Jesus through the hard tribulations that are still to come and the many moments of happiness that are still to come, because Jesus is so talented and even happy and great to have us. Since I left the system of the matrix, both physically and on the internet, the network surrounds me suffocatingly so that I do not pass my "evil" to another, that is the true salvation, the true light because for them it is evil because it is life ... (sarcasm without being sarcasm ...) but inexplicably I manage to contact me, but inexplicably I manage to get in touch with Jesus. ) but inexplicably I manage to contact a specialist of the secret code of the bible in Spanish, this is the name of his channel in YTB, and I ask him if he can look up my original name and surname in the code (because today my name is Juan de Dios) and he very kindly answers me yes. Very strange God allowed this to leak into the matrix, Glory to God! You see? his sovereignty is total! Well, for the glory of the true God I tell all this. And finally after a few His sovereignty is total! Well, for the glory of the true God I tell all this. And finally after a few days he answers me as follows: Look, here is enclosed your full name Pa... Ar... Da... in this small matrix, it is necessary to look in detail those verses that are there and then he told me In that matrix that I sent you, I found the year of your birth and a verse that speaks of the month of December, so it is very curious to find those 5 elements together in that small matrix, which ultimately may be about you. hese are the passages where my name and surname appear which was the most significant thing Ezra 3;7 7:6 10:9/ Nehemiah 3:30 7:37 9:35 12:47 1 Chronicles 2;48 6:16 9:8 12:18 16:23 21:4 24:31 28:9/ 2 Chronicles 3:3 6:34 10:4 14:11 19:1 23:1 26:2 29:25 32:19 35:7



Because they all talk about the rebuilding of the temple, which every time I read it during these 17 years, it was like a balm for my soul. And from now on much more. I hope this will encourage you more to conform the group that I must conform according to Jesus' request SO THAT THERE WILL BE A TOMORROW AND NOT AN APOCALYPSE WITH A TOTAL EXTINCTION. Write to the mail hacheceroh0 gmail or through my blog armas luminosas blogspot called armas de luz. You do not know how many times I writhe with anger and impotence when you speak that Yahweh is the evil demiurge... but for yourselves you will lose your bodies as all my family lost it for agreeing to do black magic to me for being of the people of God. Repent and reflect that Yahweh is God and Jesus the Christ. This is my truth for what else? Blessings

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