miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023

Próvidas contra abortistas = los hijos de Dios contra los hijos de Tánatos = pulsión de vida contra pulsión de muerte = luz, ver, ser contra oscuridad, no ver, no ser = morir. El satanista (brujo, drogadicto, iluminanti, abortista, terrorista, delincuente) es un hombre que quiere ser el último en morir, un perfecto roto y podrido, porque está en conspiración con el diablo, traicionando a todos, matando a sus hermanos, y el diablo dice lo mismo a todos: "Traicionaré a todos menos a ti..." ¡obviamente tiene la intención de traicionar a todos! Para empezar a los de arriba, M. Jackson, Jeffrey Epstein, Escobar, Chapo, Madonna, porque le ha quitado su cuerpo, como dice su cara demoníaca, así pagará el diablo a todo abortista, brujo, satanista, illumainti quitándoles su cuerpo, el primer don que Dios nos da. "Hago con mi cuerpo lo que quiero", ese cuerpo te lo dio Dios, él tiene licencia para hacer lo que quiera y como le faltaste el respeto a la razón, a la biología, a la vida, a tu propio cuerpo violándolo, porque contra natura mataste a un bebé, Él, Dios creador, se lo dará al verdugo, Él, Dios creador, se lo dará al verdugo que te hizo concebir criterios tan descerebrados como matar a tu propio hijo con orgullo, arrogancia y hasta con lágrimas en los ojos de felicidad, te hiciste el tonto "no tiene vida" "como juzgues serás juzgado" porque "este no tiene vida, esta raza satánica no se reproducirá más" Ligadura de trompas obligatoria para todos los abortistas ¡ya! Y vasectomía para todo abortista, por supuesto al médico que le quiten la matrícula y la prepotencia. Médicos por la muerte. "Anti-médicos" más bien. "No me importa si fuiste violada, sólo me importa saber que no quieres abortar" dicen en una propaganda abortista, haciéndose los justos, ahora preguntamos a las chicas decentes que no quieren abortar y van a esas lujosas clínicas presionadas por su padre, ¿allí se niegan a abortar o por amor al dinero acceden? Hipócritas. Traidores de la humanidad y de la medicina. Porque era para generar vida y hoy matan. YAHVE NUESTRA JUSTICIA. VEN SEÑOR JESÚS Al que venciere y guardare mis obras hasta el fin, yo le daré autoridad sobre las naciones, 27 y las regirá con vara de hierro, y serán quebradas como vaso de alfarero, como también yo la recibí de mi Padre; 28 y le daré la estrella de la mañana. 29 El que tiene oído, oiga lo que el Espíritu dice a las Iglesias. Ven Señor Jesús a poner orden, porque hoy las leyes las dictan las emociones. NO A LA AGENDA 2030 =666 = ET = Anticristo. YAHVE ES DIOS Y JESUS CRSITOREY. Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator Próvidas against abortionists = the children of God against the children of Thanatos = life drive against death drive = light, to see, to be against darkness, not to see, not to be = to die. The Satanist (sorcerer, drug addict, illuminanti, abortionist, terrorist, criminal) is a man who wants to be the last to die, a perfect broken and rotten, because he is in conspiracy with the devil, betraying everyone, killing his brothers, and the devil says the same thing to everyone: "I will betray everyone but you..." obviously he intends to betray everyone! To begin with those above, M. Jackson, Jeffrey Epstein, Escobar, Chapo, Madonna, because he has taken away their body, as his demonic face says, so will the devil pay every abortionist, witchdoctor, Satanist, illumainti by taking away their body, the first gift that God gives us. "I do with my body what I want", that body was given to you by God, he has license to do what he wants and as you disrespected reason, biology, life, your own body by violating it, because against nature you killed a baby, He, God the creator, will give it to the executioner, He, God the creator, He will give it to the executioner who made you conceive such brainless criteria as killing your own child with pride, arrogance and even with tears in your eyes of happiness, you played the fool "it has no life" "as you judge you will be judged" because "this one has no life, this satanic race will not reproduce anymore" Mandatory tubal ligation for all abortionists, now! And vasectomy for all abortionists, and of course the doctor must be stripped of his license and his arrogance. Doctors for death. "Anti-doctors" rather. "I don't care if you were raped, I only care to know that you don't want to have an abortion" they say in an abortionist propaganda, pretending to be righteous, now we ask the decent girls who do not want to have an abortion and go to those luxurious clinics pressured by their father, do they refuse to have an abortion there or do they agree for the love of money? Hypocrites. Traitors of humanity and medicine. Because it was to generate life and today they kill. YAHVE OUR JUSTICE. I will give him who overcomes and keeps my works to the end, I will give him authority over the nations, 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and they shall be broken as a potter's vessel, just as I also received from my Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star. 29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Come Lord Jesus to put order, because today the laws are dictated by emotions. NO TO AGENDA 2030 =666 = ET = Antichrist. YAHWEH IS GOD AND JESUS IS CRSITOREY. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

 Próvidas against abortionists = the children of God against the children of Thanatos = life drive against death drive = light, to see, to be against darkness, not to see, not to be = to die. The Satanist (sorcerer, drug addict, illuminanti, abortionist, terrorist, criminal) is a man who wants to be the last to die, a perfect broken and rotten, because he is in conspiracy with the devil, betraying everyone, killing his brothers, and the devil says the same thing to everyone: "I will betray everyone but you..." obviously he intends to betray everyone! To begin with those above, M. Jackson, Jeffrey Epstein, Escobar, Chapo, Madonna, because he has taken away their body, as his demonic face says, so will the devil pay every abortionist, witchdoctor, Satanist, illumainti by taking away their body, the first gift that God gives us. "I do with my body what I want", that body was given to you by God, he has license to do what he wants and as you disrespected reason, biology, life, your own body by violating it, because against nature you killed a baby, He, God the creator, will give it to the executioner, He, God the creator, He will give it to the executioner who made you conceive such brainless criteria as killing your own child with pride, arrogance and even with tears in your eyes of happiness, you played the fool "it has no life" "as you judge you will be judged" because "this one has no life, this satanic race will not reproduce anymore" Mandatory tubal ligation for all abortionists, now! And vasectomy for all abortionists, and of course the doctor must be stripped of his license and his arrogance. Doctors for death. "Anti-doctors" rather. "I don't care if you were raped, I only care to know that you don't want to have an abortion" they say in an abortionist propaganda, pretending to be righteous, now we ask the decent girls who do not want to have an abortion and go to those luxurious clinics pressured by their father, do they refuse to have an abortion there or do they agree for the love of money? Hypocrites. Traitors of humanity and medicine. Because it was to generate life and today they kill. YAHVE OUR JUSTICE. I will give him who overcomes and keeps my works to the end, I will give him authority over the nations, 27 and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and they shall be broken as a potter's vessel, just as I also received from my Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star. 29 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Come Lord Jesus to put order, because today the laws are dictated by emotions. NO TO AGENDA 2030 =666 = ET = Antichrist. YAHWEH IS GOD AND JESUS IS CRSITOREY.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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