viernes, 5 de abril de 2024

It is not because of the ET contact, nor because of the implementation of AI, nor because of the installation of the NOM that we are experiencing the most critical, extraordinary and impressive moment in the history of humanity, and it is because of the discovery of the astral plane, demonstrating that Our wakefulness is 1% of our entire reality, and you know it, did you never dream that you were flying one meter above the ground? There we live and deal with very strange beings, with contracts signed by hand, etheric prisons, with probes that do not absorb energy, sinister blood festivities occur there, there is the root of our fears and obsessions, from Monroe to these hypnotists. The door to the astral is opening very slowly, but there is a serious problem that this text will avoid, and that is that many hypnotists and researchers are discovering all the falsehoods behind Jesus, and that is why they completely discard all of Christianity. committing the error that they had commented, without realizing the complete truth: the false Jesuses of the astral plane are the lobby for the true Jesus who is behind everything, who is truly fit for the kingdom. While the devil wants you to be a deceiver, the false Jesus wants you to allow yourself to be deceived at some point, demonstrating your ineptitude for the kingdom, these are the two filters that must be passed through, and "deception and self-deception are two sides of the same coin." "These hypnotists are Satanists without being one. Without seeing that the only opposition to the devil is Yahweh and Jesus, if they destroy that faith we are ready for the stupidest of demons to deceive us, they heal one and destroy the faith of all their subscribers who love them as saviors when They are clearly the opposite. The words of Jesus are fulfilled: in the end pure traps. The most revealing thing is what a former satanist told me (but he had nothing of an ex) he told me: "in the astral everyone agrees to say that the creator of the universe is Apollo. Yahweh is a taboo", that is a pact of silence, pure and simple!, so that all the humans who polish out there swallow that mailbox and distributing that lie collaterally destroy the only saving faith and that is the Bible. Because faith is the one law of this game and there is nothing new under the sun than Yahweh versus pagan gods who are the bosses of that plane. Carve those words deep into your being and do not let yourself be deceived at any point and do not lose faith in God and Jesus because you lost everything but after that comply with all the points that your conscience dictates, integrity being the key to I pray that I open all the doors. Also know that only the blood of Jesus frees us from those contracts signed there from all lines and implicit agreements, every time you gave up your power, because that's what doubting is, that's why a lot of faith in the total sovereignty of God and Jesus, if he doubts you. It is giving power over you the concept "I save myself alone" does not exist, it is another trap because it is ego and not having faith, read Isaiah 50 about those who warm themselves in their own bonfire, humility, kids, you rebel that without Jesus you will be able to do nothing. a drake who married sins, but only a breath from Jesus kept him far away. And because? For the light that was made and gained forever by dying for humanity, that merciful love is a powerful light, being darkness they cannot resist its total domination "everything was given to me", "without me you can do nothing" , because I crossed the veil I invited, exhausting all the resources of the devil, the only true way out of the matrix "because if the Son of man frees you, you will be truly free." With hypnotists and healers they are warm cloths, bread for today and deadly hunger for tomorrow. .... . SO LET'S ENJOY THIS IMPACTING MOMENT FULL OF FAITH FROM THE HAND OF GOD AND JESUS FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM! THERE PERFUME OF FREEDOM AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR FAITH WITH TOOTH AND NAILS AND DON'T LET THEM FLATTER YOUR EGO BECAUSE THEY ARE MARRIING YOU. A LOT OF ASTUCE AND OBJECTIVITY. GOD BLESS YOU. PRAISE GOD AND CHRISTOREY. PRAY FOR THE ECPLISE ON MONDAY FOR BRIDGING WITH LIGHT AND FOR WORLD PEACE. LONG LIVE GOD!!!

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