lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

3 videos imperdibles

TRES EXCELENTES VIDEO QUE DEMUESTREN QUE HAY DETRAS DE LA COMUNIDAD LGTBI. DESPIERTEN GAYS!!! ESTAN SIENDO MANIPULADOS AMIGO GAY TE ESTAN TELEDIRIGIENDO HACIA EL PRESIPICIO PERDIENTODE DE VOS MISMO ALEJANDOTE DE DIOS. ES UN TRABAJO ENTRE HUMANO Y ESPIRITUAL PORQUE TU HOMSOEXUAL NO ES NATURAL ESTO NO LO DICEN ESTOS VIDEO ESTO LO EXPERIMENTE YO. PERO LO DICE UN LIRBO PISTI SOFIA . HIPERSEXUALIDAD EN LOS NIÑOS ABERRANTE EXPONIENDO LA VERDAD EL ROSTRO DEL UNO EL CULPABLE Es el emocionalismo!!!! o los emocionalitas, identificada la manzana podrida que esta pudriendo todo el cajón. Y no decimos "emocionales" porque todos lo somos pero si es prioridad extrema la emoción por sobre la razón y el espíritu, es un postura muy toxica y peligroso por que es acorde al lema destructivo de satán "HAS LO QUE QUIERAS" es decir vivir con la ley de la selva : caos y destrucción en breve. "Cumple ley que es fuente de vida" dice la biblia, Obvio. Sin orden no hay progreso y la vida peligra. "tu libertad termina donde comienza a mía" El "has lo que queras" es el padre-madre de la ideología de genero que vemos hoy destruirlo todo haciendo que la emoción de un niño pueda mas que la razón de un adulto. es el colmo, el apogeo de la locura o el ocaso de la razón humana. Todo se trata de educar los sentidos, de que lo superior domine lo inferior. pero hoy los niños mandan, se siente muer teniendo pene es mujer con pene. LA RAZON ES SANTA Y MUCHO MAS EL ESPIRITU Y LO SERA LA EMOCION SI ESTA ACORDE Y SUPERDITADA A LAS DOS ESFFERAS SUPERIOES PRIMERO EL ESPRITU Y LUEGO LA RAZON Y AL FINAL ELLA. ESA ES LA JERARQUI DE LA VIDA Y AL SALVACION. Dear LGTTTBIQ+: WITH A HAND ON YOUR HEART AND WITH A THINKING HAT ANSWER ME THIS SIMPLE QUESTION: What is it based on? What is the criterion? to determine what you are by what emotion dictates and not reason? Because they are taking your entire being to what is crooked, when if you listened to reason you would be straightening it and "only the young can be straightened...." It is the same energy going to either of the two poles but one builds and the other destroys. With one you are you, with the other you move away and get lost. Reason is clearly superior to reason and must rule because reason sees, thinks, calculates, analyzes, organizes, speculates, REASONS SURVIVAL. Emotion only wants pleasure and to get its way no matter who falls (to hell). And not satisfied with this voluntary self-twisting, they defend it, promote it, ask for rights (when they choose the twist) And they want to impose it on others as something normal and valid when you are ceasing to be yourself!!! Order is the one law of the universe and the source of life. And harmoniousness is the naturally desired ideal because it is to have all the physical, spiritual, psychological, and biological spheres in harmony. They always taught us: "things are done well or they are done to us" now we do them wrong on purpose from the start and the most sacred thing that is the family, the cornerstone of all social progress, all of humanity is becoming itself, in the improvised, irrational and blasphemous tower of Babel. And the universe will not be in harmony until that collapses naturally because altering the natural order of things heralds a tragic reordering, it is not revenge, it is inexorable. The question is totally valid, with anxiety and even curiosity I await your answer. Maybe there is a reason that I can't think of, but beforehand I tell you, don't forget that love is an emotion or even a feeling, but it is on it and it should be, the reason and even over this the spirit, emotion can never rule. AND THE TACIT ORDER OF MEN IS TO REDUCE TO THE SENSES. If emotion rules, it is devolutive, irrational and self-destructive, as we see the social fabric disintegrating more and more every day with the madness of gender ideology. So from now on the excuse "love is love" is invalid. And as I wait for that response, heaven hopes that one of you will react and rectify yourself and from the pride marches return to the closed and from there to fight against his dysfunctional inclination. Nobility obliges. Reason compels. Life obliges. Future obliges. And so the universe will breathe easier, and there will be great happiness in the heights... To be or not to be. With all due respect, I await your response. God bless you and enlighten you. CHRIST THE KING

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