sábado, 25 de marzo de 2023

justicia divina sobre jane fonda

Estar en contra del aborto que es un asesinato, no es un delito, al contrario, fomenta el primer objetivo de la ley que es preservar la vida, la señor Jane Fonda dijo que a los provida habria que asesinarlos, osea matamos al bebe y matamos al que se opone! eso es apologia al delito, eso si es un delito, EXGIMOS JUSTICIA HUMANA Y DIVINA! JESUS YA APGO POR NOSOTROS! ARRIBA LA RAZON SOBRE LA BARBARIE! el mundo se puEde poner muy incoherete si nos alejamos de Dios, porque infiltrados estan usando el derecho contra el ser. oracion ayuno predica y mucho activismo cristiniano en calles e internet, que el que quiera salvar la vida se perdera pero el que se arriesgue la ganara, para que el mundo no se vuelva tan loco, en el nombre de Dios gritemso no al aborto, no a la ideologia de genero, no al reseteo economico, no a la agenda 2030, no a la invasio et, no a la inteligencia anrtificial que el el diablo el ventrilocuo, y si a Dios a Jesus y todos los valores biblico que es la fuente de vida. ALABADO SEA DIOS Y CRISTOREY



To be against abortion, which is murder, is not a crime, on the contrary, it promotes the first objective of the law, which is to preserve life. Jane Fonda said that pro-lifers should be murdered, that is, we kill the baby and we kill those who oppose it! that is an apology for crime, that is a crime, we DEMAND HUMAN AND DIVINE JUSTICE! JESUS HAS ALREADY DIED FOR US! the world can become very incoherent if we move away from God, because infiltrators are using the right against the being. prayer, fasting, preaching and much christinian activism in the streets and internet, whoever wants to save life will be lost but whoever risks it will win it, so that the world does not become so crazy, in the name of God we cry no to abortion, no to gender ideology, no to the economic reset, no to the agenda 2030, no to the invasion and no to the artificial intelligence that the devil is the ventriloquist, and yes to God, Jesus and all the biblical values that is the source of life. PRAISE GOD AND CRISTOREY

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