sábado, 18 de marzo de 2023

IF THE MATRIX DID NOT CREATE THE FAMILY AND WANTS TO DESTROY IT, IT DID NOT CREATE US BUT GOD DID. The elite, the Matrix, the ET, the witches, the AI, the Anunnaki = devil and the team Grifasi. The Matrix wants to assimilate us, to swallow us, they digitalized, they told us with many movies and with the choreography of the opening of the world summit of AI in Arabia, (Anunakiland), they want, and they are already supplanting us, all as a contempt to Yahweh because he has the blood in his eye since the humiliation of the exodus, then they encourage all kinds of heresy, blasphemy and torpedoes to the faith as the same movie The Matrix and make us sin to get away from God, they can eat us energetically, for this very reason the exodus was so painful. The snakes that stung them were for criticizing God because the black magic of the Egyptian magicians reached them by lowering the vibrations. To achieve its goal the matrix, which synthetically is the mental network of black magicians bosses, has several obstacles: Christianity, democracy, love, the couple and the traditional family of soul mates parents of heterosexual children, they have literally told Fredy Marin of Team grifasi that their main obstacle is the family .... BUT WAIT A MINUTE! IF THEY ARE THE OMNIPRESENT MATRIX WHICH CREATED US BECAUSE IT STIPULATED IN ADVANCE THE FAMILY IT WANTS TO DESTROY TODAY!!!!!! A HA! GOD catches the crafty in his cunning!!!!, it was God Yahweh then, who created the family: "be fruitful and multiply...a man shall leave his parents and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh and man shall not separate what Yahweh has joined together...and did not God make you one with your wife and want from that union? but children who live in the service of YAHWEH...." Matrix 4 is right once again when it recognizes that the matrix does not want soul mates to unite because too much energy and it escapes from its range... that is why Lgtbi dictatorship and de-gender ideology... and dis-connecting humanity from itself (and here is a re-encounter) the exodus was an earthly symbol of the liberation of the soul from the matrix = Egypt = anunkis = devil. Remember the appearance of obelisks all over the world, the obelisk is an Egyptian symbol used to drain energy. Many when discovering the matrix burn their books (the bible) just for not checking the information well as the Holy Spirit does here for you. We are here because of the fall of Adam and only Jesus freed us because he did exactly the opposite way, in an imperfect place is perfect, obey and reason well under maximum pressure you exhaust the resources of evil and cross the veil undefeated and out of the womb! ergo Christian martyrdom is the only way out of the womb. Jesus said: ...God came and made his people and the devil came and made his people... there was born the 3d matrix, that of the sorcerers, the adversity, the duality, the structure, that makes us sin and suffer to absorb our energy being God Yahweh the only source. Hosea says: their false religion takes away their strength and they do not even realize it... I did not create the matrix nor the anu Neither the matrix nor the Anunnaki created us but Yahweh Father of Israel who always defeated Babylon and Egypt, except when they moved away from God, in the implausible war of the 10 days an Assyrian commander recognized that he did not give the coup de grace on Israel because an army of angels was seen in heaven? You see? the matrix is a graft, I LOVE YOU YAHWEH AND I WANT YOU TO HAVE YOUR WAY, WHICH IS GOODNESS, TRUTH, JUSTICE, TRUE FREEDOM, BECAUSE ONLY IN YOU THERE IS TRUE GOODNESS, LIGHT, PEACE AND LOVE. WHO FOLLOWS ME?.... i know this makes me the most unpopular man in the world but "woe is me if i want to please men", this gave him grinch even dante guebel but that grinch is a short circuit of the matrix that wants to keep us away from God with lies and blasphemies. First with darkness and then with the false light that was born already with the Icar. Anunnaki Creation, with it the lie and the truth advanced together in the world, so entangled is everything. REMEMBER THAT THE ARCHITECT SAYS TO NEO "WE TAKE YOU AS AN UNWANTED ANOMALY", ERGO SALVATION IS NOT A PROGRAM OF THE MATRIX, SHE HERSELF RECOGNIZES IT, GLORY TO GOD THERE IS A REAL SALVATION AND IT IS CHRIST AND YAHWEH. PRAISE THEM. DO NOT TAKE JESUS FOR GOD, THAT IS FALSE LIGHT, THE LAST TRAP OF THE DEVIL, JESUS DOES NOT KNOW THE DATES THE FATHER DOES. SO LET US LEAD IN NETWORKS AND IN THE STREET NO TO AGENDA 2030, NO TO GENDER IDEOLOGY, NO TO ABORTION-EUTHANASIA-NO TO GAY MARRIAGE, AND YES TO THE LIGHT OF THE BIBLE. REASON, ORDER, TRUTH, LIFE. AND NO TO EATING WORMS, THEY DO IT AS HUMILIATION! THEY HATE THE HUMANITY OF YAHWEH. WHO ERASED GIANT SIUS FROM AUI AND WILL DEFINITELY DO IT NOW. AND THEY WILL KNOW THAT YAHWEH IS GOD. The womb will erase all this but not if you don't let it, try to listen and obey the most subtle dictation of his angel. "Listen to the voice of my angel for he acts in my name" God said in the exodus and we are again in the final exodus. God bless you. Put yourself in The Divine Order that order is the first law of the universe: 1) The spiritual. 2) The rational. 3) The emotional-physical. And love 1° God Yahweh and 2° the king Jesus Christ. Who asked me to form a group, please contact me through the comments on the blog armasluminosas.

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