sábado, 29 de octubre de 2022

BECAUSE THE LIE OF "SYMBOLIC SATANISM" IS SO OBVIOUS AND THEATRICAL AND HAS VERY SERIOUS IMPLICATIONS... ...GOING FROM LIE TO LIE YOU GET TO THE TRUTH... IT SAYS A PHRASE AND IT IS TRUTH IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD, because it has a perfect logic: as human beings are different and we were born in different cultures, the devil to deceive one by one in his pernicious eagerness that not even one is saved, to each one he tells the lie that corresponds to his intelligence and culture. So if one does not go tying ends from culture to culture, from sect to sect, with the antennas stopped and the lights on, one can grasp and collect in the total account the true concept. Treating the world as idiots, these agents of evil are arguing that there is a "symbolic Satanism", they say that in reality they are atheists but they take Satan as nothing more than a symbol of opposition of the reigning corruption of the established, (what Jesus actually did and is today and always is) with this position they deny all power to the satanic symbols. it is to shout it from the rooftops gentlemen: They are taking us for stupid and of the lowest rank! Isn't it well known the veneration of satanic symbols in all black magic rituals, for the invocation of their evil spirits? As Baphomet, the inverted star, the devil, the 666, the inverted cross and the pagan names! And those symbols have latent power whether you know it or not, whether you are aware of it or not. If I know for sure they love to put their symbols camouflaged among your things so that with them they bring you a demon that will block all your ways, once when I was working in a furniture store the Sabbath Spirit made me spontaneously open a closet and turn over a drawer where I found satanic symbols. After a while he came and took the closet because... it was already sold! and there went that symbol with its respective demon to carry out his misdeeds. Do you know how effective black magic is? 99%! Whether you know about the symbol or not, they don't have the power to do it! If you have to be as holy as Jesus for nothing to reach you, I do not understand how the government allows it when it is clearly an apology for crime. What is unnerving, alarming and to denounce is that it is not only a lie, but it is Trojan, it is a theatrical pose, to make you relax they exhibit their symbols publicly to open portals to the underworld to contaminate us, possessing us, parasitizing us and so first we do not like Christmas, then we reject the cross, finally we hate the message of Jesus and we are satanic! and all without realizing it and all for letting us, like stupid sheep let us twist the noose around our necks. The traitor of humanity Lucien Greaves is a satanist, sorcerer and illuminati plotting with the devil killing his brothers because they are his "chosen ones", when the devil thinks to betray them for a very obvious reason we are all creations of Yahweh. But this Lucien Greaves acquiring the posture of "my neighbor got mad because she stole my chicken" made a lawsuit to Netflix because the Sabrina series said that the satanic symbols have power, when it is obvious that it is so, just open your eyes. He was astute but only for the idiots who swallowed it because it is Pure Deceptive Publicity for his Theater !!!! because everyone talked about it and swallowed that Trojan horse whole, without processing anything, or check all the information that here reveals the Holy Spirit of God that sentences Lucien Greaves as a scoundrel, liar, deceiver of humanity, we wish and pray for this: that a good politician, Christian with balls take action on the matter because it is not for less. And without fear because "they will be covered with power from on high" and "whoever wants to be saved will be lost, but whoever risks for this gospel will be saved". One never runs with more advantage than when you know that your interlocutor is lying to you beforehand, if he tells you north, it is south; if he tells you left, it is right, if he tells you these symbols are innocuous, it is because they are highly harmful. A BAPHOMET STATU IN A PARK OR ON A TABLE IS A DIMENSIONAL PORTAL TO THE UNDERWORLD. And here there is no place for relativism "if you believe it has power, if you don't, it doesn't". Isn't the pebble board just that? symbols attracting demons? how many people are possessed by playing that? And they say this today! with the internet where all the time we hear of cases of possessions, madness, zombies, sudden abandonment by sudden falling in love, unknown diseases, paranormal phenomena, accidents produced by black magic, see what happens in the mountains of Venezuela as they are possessed by invoking demons with "symbols". The mind does not receive and emit waves? when I think of the statue I see, I attract it, whether it is of Jesus or Baphomet. It always has power! When you watch a horror movie, your house is filled with evil spirits! That is the evil intention of the producers, the money is secondary... we are talking about Halloween? Once in an esoteric bookstore I read the phrase "..."Does the mind not receive and emit waves? when I think of the statue I see I attract it whether it is of Jesus or Baphomet. It always has power! When you watch a horror movie, your house is filled with evil spirits! That is the evil intention of the producers, the money is secondary... we are talking about Halloween? Once in an esoteric bookstore I read the phrase "The drawing is the door to the invisible world" and observing and experimenting I have discovered that it is a great truth for evil as well as for good. The most basic definition of magic is: altering reality through signs (... symbols =signs =icons =drawings =statues) and isn't that what is called "resar"? "Call upon me" asks God in the bible, that is why his Holy Name and the word "Jesus" is so powerful. So feared by witches and demons although other kind of witches use it as a mask. "God made the world with his word" the word is a symbol" the thing to be created, its first vibration before it materializes. This is what the law of mentalism speaks of. Since the birth of quantum physics it was said that this was the reason why Voodoo (and all black magic) works, everything is quantum connected. As it has no power, you shameless, impudent traitor of humanity, Yahweh rebuke you satan. Even in the Cern those witch-scientists use them in their entrance and in the accelerator tunnels, pagan names were seen written there! The power of the symbols is also of the light, I know of the repuslion of a kind of sorcerers by the cross, because they being pure evil and darkness, they are disgusted by the great misery of the Lamb of God dying for guilty sinners. Thank you God and Thank you Jesus! That light, love, brotherhood, passion terrifies them. By this power the ark of the covenant was decorated with angels, hence the terror of the Philistines when they stole it and wanted to return it at once because of the havoc that befell it. The Holy Spirit has made me learn of the great power of drawing angels, the Archangel Michael, celestial rays, divine arrows, or Jesus the Redeemer throwing rays and arrows of light, truth and justice through his hands is the terror of the witches and demons. Here it is only a drawing, but in the astral and etheric they are real and that affects them in their actions in this physical plane for our survival. With clear accounts with God, draw biblical things and you will be protected in this spiritual war of the end of the cycles. And remember "when you ask for something imagine that you already have it and sooner you will have it" isn't that giving you the opening with a mental symbol? let's imagine a better world of good people, coherete, logical and rational where we are ruled by love, reason, truth, righteousness, truth and justice, because this is polar: God: light / devil: darkness, he invented lucifer, more political and seductive but his end is the same: total death of the human race, will you believe his version of the cases to an inveterate liar? after seeing all this is unforgivable!!!!? Only a madman can be capable or someone very parasitized by the way learn to detect the devil's hooks inside you manipulating you from inside, using your own voice... so he wants to set us all against each other when Jesus preached forgiveness and love! which are life, resentment and hatred is death and life is more sacred than freedom of expression Lucius Lucifer! we are not going to strain the mosquito to swallow the elephant, as Jesus said. Then I will continue to expand on this for it gives for more but for now we leave it here although you yourselves can continue with the expansion of consciousness where things are infinitely and infinitely related. That all these paths must lead you to God Yahweh and Jesus the Christ where there is only salvation because they are light order law and man is designed to associate, evil, corruption, crimes and black magic destroy everything. If the politicians on Earth do nothing in the face of this apology for destruction, Jesus will do it soon Isiah 66:16. God is merciful but everything has a limit and many transgress them with total impudence and impunity. Repent, for the judgments have come. And to the christian people not to rant against this that evil will triumph if the good ones do not do their job. God bless you. Praise YAHWEH and JESUS CHRISTOREY. .

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