lunes, 29 de agosto de 2022

..Of course, like Jesus I am not with those sinners-yet-not-fishy who wanted to stone an adulterous infragant fisherwoman for blood. And like God I am with the position of His words: "what I want is their change not their death" as He says at some point after exorcising them. But let's see that for the sacred freedom of expression today depraved in gay pride marches go out completely naked and even have sex in the street, or destroy the bible in gay floats, they do not make apologia to "Respect we are normal" do not make apologia "be degenerated like us" disintegrated more and more the social fabric, because for the eyes of the mediocre there is nothing medrioce says a phrase the same is said of the sexual pervert, "what's wrong with it? I'm free..." he asks, blind and arrogant without seeing that Satan has him chasmuced, chased and shepherded to hell, not to mention sites that promote married people to "have an affair" making them break the oath they took in front of a judge AND/OR in front of God. And today the degenerates have knocked us down (I before the so-called, degenerate...) but today every show is pronographic, everything is homsexuality, lustful, pagan, diabolical. because the stitches were not put in time. A story says that the old matrominio was invited by the brand new couple recently married in the next field, at one point the joben called a hen, she did not go, he immediately took out a knife and slit her throat, then he called his wife and she went running. The old man wanted to do the same thing, he slit the throat of a chicken and called his wife and she told him with a bad gesture that he should not bother her and not come with these things now? it's too late to put the points that have to be put at the beginning and today we see Israel almost the gay capital of the world. i'm even afraid to shoot this... So was God bad or his order very functional? one phrase says "some madnesses are more toxic and contaminating than the most toxic of diseases and another says "let a madman speak and soon he will have his acolytes", and today we see acolytes of sexual perverts in this neo sodom to the nth power that the world has become and that enables the wrath of God of Isaiah 24 and 66. Read. Repent for the judgments have come. REMEMBER THAT FOLLOWING GAY WITH VENGEANCE ONLY GENERATES MORE GAY ...TO THE PERSECUTOR HIMSELF, EVERYTHING MUST BE WITH RESPECT AND EDUCATION BUT THE TUMORS MUST BE REMOVED IF WE HAVE PITY WE HATE OURSELVES AND WE DO NOT DEFEND NEITHER LIFE NOR TRUTH AND THE TRUTH IS GOD AND ORDER AND PRUDENCE ARE INDISPENSABLE FOR A WORLD FIT FOR LIFE AND THE LAW IS THE SOURCE OF LIFE. DISORDER IS CHAOS, SICKNESS AND DEATH. LET US NOT FORGET THAT WHEN JESUS FORGAVE THAT ADULTERESS HE SENT HER AWAY WITH "AND SIN NO MORE" SO "AND SIN NO MORE" YAHWEH IS MY RIGHTEOUSNESS AND CHRISTOREY. THE METAPHYSICAL EFFECT OF THE VENEZUELAN EXODUS. Are we paranoid if we see in the massive invasion of Venezuelans a parallel expansion of that pagan-communist darkness that led Venezuela to perdition? Because after it, quasi-communism is spreading throughout America like a spark that ignites in the prairie: Nicaragua, Chile, Argentina, Colombia. And if it is so, as indeed it is, then we can also see how it was the beginning of the route of darkness, everything began in Africa when the Africans came with their pagan-satanic cults to America that took root more deeply in Cuba because of its communism and almost extinction of Christianity, There those cults became deeply rooted and then with the Chavez-Castros friendship and with the invasion of Cubans to Venezuela that darkness the Palera religion or Santeria that they themselves recognize is Satanism, arrived in Venezuela and with the consequent poverty generated that exodus that was like a catapult of darkness to all America branching out profusely, they do not even know what they do when they give away their bills or make handicrafts with them, do not touch those bills! !! Remember John: "my children beware of the contamination of idols", because they take the thought and pilot us and make us do crazy things like leaning towards something that evidently led to the perdition of Venezuela and as if it was clear there is Francia Marquez worshiping the Pachamama, a cult that at some point requests human sacrifices as happened a few days ago in Bolivia, how brainless! The bible is clear: the pagan gods are demons and to the proofs I refer: Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela the most pagan countries of America. The true New World Order is pagan communist. With the word satanic we describe it more quickly. A few years ago the Holy Spirit gave me a clue of what is going on with a story "that I came up with" (note the quotation marks) called THE MATRIX OF THE LORD OF THE RINGS. Where a witch man with infinite lust for power befriended some politicians to whom he gave some beautiful rings that had the particularity of absorbing the consciousness and he managed them, making them give more rings to other politicians until the same president with whom the witch became friends and made him attend every meeting of world leaders to give him more rings. Or he would organize big meetings and each president, king or prime minister would receive his own rings and the sorcerer would dominate them all. The hero of the story had to destroy the matrix before it was too late. When the matrix was destroyed, the rings were powerless. When Maduro wanted to attend meetings where he was not imitated and was not welcome, my head clicked and I understood that he was the one the story dictated to me was talking about! He was that friendly president, a royalty and nice guy who makes world tours and wants to make friends with everyone and call them on the phone or shake their friendly hands for the expansion of the darkness that ate his coconut. That sorcerer being the antichrist himself. And now the third part of the route of the darkness as there is much talk of a Chinese invasion of America that would use Venezuela as headquarters. And that is not a conspiracy theory because the Chinese and Russian armies are already there. Also know that there is no east and west elite, the illuminati are not the true NOM, in the bible they do not appear, there the opposition of God is China-Russia, with the illuminati the evil one seeks a pre-apocalypse for a complete extinction of humanity. "Evil will triumph if the good guys don't do their job" says a true phrase. It is we, you and I, who must destroy that evil matrix that is called darkness, sin, paganism, it is called abortion, drug trafficking, terrorism, it is called gender ideology, homosexual marriage. It is called open Satanism. If you read Psalm 59 carefully you will notice what the Holy Spirit wants to tell us there, we are the ones who must demand the righteous action of God on the evil ones, illuminati sorcerers, and all traitors of humanity, the instruments of the devil for his desired goal: to extinguish humanity completely, we are the ones who have and must sink it to God with our ingenious pleas to wake him up, otherwise the evil could suffocate the light and extinguish it, which will be infinitely negative. There is a moment to ask for mercy for the enemy but another fundamental moment to ask God for justice before the great injustices, beware, do not hate, do not ask for punishment, death and destruction but that they remain impotent in their wickedness, that they lose lands, power and souls, horns, fangs, claws and forks, forked and poisonous tongue, and all mental power, that all black candle be extinguished and all demons be tied up, invoked by the power of the light of the blood of Jesus already paid for all humanity, Justice! truth! and freedom! for The power of the light of the blood of Jesus has already paid for all humanity, Justice, truth and freedom! For example, let us ask God to stop the secret meetings of satanists where they design great tragedies of humanity to sacrifice all those souls to the demons. Let us implore God to stop the production of andrenochrome through the suffering of innocent children, or to stop the sexual abuse of their children in their childhood to destroy them and not to bless the world with the light they had programmed. Let us implore to stop crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, corruption, communism, open satanism, abortion, legalization of drugs, the nefarious gender ideology, etc etc, "because God allows this injustice" live shouting the heretics without seeing that they are the reason for what they accuse, because we are the ones who must do the justice of God first being honest and upright because God will listen to sinners and defend sinners and then demanding his justice imploring, pleading, praying, praying, decreeing. That is how things work, that is the order of the gears to turn, first we in holiness because today it is "either holiness or death". That is your responsibility. Tomorrow depends on it. Once the angels said to me, "yes, we do defend humanity but not everyone prays to us as you pray to us." So we can't demand anything from them because Jesus taught: "they incite" either to satisfy them or to shut them up but they will listen to them if they urge, so with clear accounts to implore justice from heaven. Because YAHWEH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. One more thing. The food you are hoarding is going to rot. Know that the first layer of "angels" that assist me are dual, they come and go. God fills them with light and they are straight as a laser beam, beautiful and companions, now the light is over and I must not turn my back on them... I mean everything they tell me I must analyze it from zero, a few days ago they told me: "yes a famine is coming but in many years, for now there is no famine". We will see if the one who told me that prophecy was full of God's light or not. But I bet he was, because of the high volume in which he told it to me, we will see... and last but not least: When I started to preach in the streets against the illuminati and their desire to decimate the population, a proud, arrogant and accusing voice told me: "and how do you know that". Peus: I am raising a false testimony without evidence? Then I thought: "they say it and recognize it officially and openly in the rocks of Georgia!!!", then so that they cannot accuse me of anything every day I added now "... they say it in the rocks of Georgia" ... the rocks of Georgia do not exist anymore. You see the power of the Holy Spirit? Do not miss to be the channel of that power of God and take this responsibility with love, in holiness we are untouchable, do not be as brainless as some singer who wanted to denounce them being a degenerate sorcerer because as much as he was a king they killed him like a cockroach. They boast of what they do in our own face because it is a sinful world but if only one of you makes the peace of God. GOD IN HIS FAITHFULNESS WILL HEAR US, WHATEVER WE ASK OF HIM. THEN LET US ASK FOR: JUSTICE! FREEDOM! TRUTH! PEACE! SAFETY! LIGHT AND LOVE AND CHRISTOREY AND NO 5 MATRIX, BUT THE FIFTH KINGDOM OF DANIEL, THE GOOD ONES ABOVE AS IT WAS AND IS PROGRAMMED FROM EVERLASTING, THE KINGDOM OF GOD THROUGH JESUS FROM IRSAEL. SHALOM ISRAEL. PRAISE GOD AND CRISTOREY. AND TO WORK FOR A FUTURE OF HUMANITY THAT WENT WELL TO GOD AS YOU ARE READING THIS FULL OF FAITH... AND FAITH IS THE LAW ONE OF THE GAME. HANDS TO WORK. GOD BLESS YOU.

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