martes, 26 de julio de 2022

.Seeing the summary of the Day the Earth Stood Still, I was overcome with a deep and holy indignation. Because there is a sector of ufology where the extraterrestrials unbearably acquire the hypocritical character of preaching and exhorting Fathers where they preach to us: Humans are a danger to the universe, irresponsible, polluting and warlike. Beware of chemical wars, beware of global warming, beware of nuclear energy. More love, more solidarity, less wars. They are in quarantine and penance for their low vibrations. Pollutants. If they don't change there will be a total extension.... "This is seen from Asthar Sheran to Chico Xavier to Swaruu, from a famous appearance on the Uritorco mountain in the eighties, to the famous movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, (where in the recent remake the nature of Kenee Revee is closer to the real one than in the Matrix). But let's expand our consciousness and tie up loose ends. Aren't we run by a perverse elite tele directed by Aliens? call it deep state, caval, illuminati, or that they went to Antarctica? Are not the Anunnaki the DTs of the Illuminati who gave them the mandate: I destroyed faith, religion, morals, so that far from God we have license for total destruction. Things they do with a blind obedience their entourage of pornographic artists, making apology to Homosexuality, abortion, adultery, drugs, paganism, witchcraft.... (Artists who think they will be saved from chaos because they wear illuminati slippers, they would be adducted by ships in chaos as they show in a video... ha!) But beware, also the unarguable and unpresentable economic reset, the 5G, the virus, the AI all have an obvious and natural ET origin. (Demons, Fallen Angels, pagan gods, the lifelong enemies of Yahweh) They were told to leave only 10% and reign over them, but the plan is to betray the Illuminati, eliminate that 10%, eliminate the elite itself, to be able to say: "mission accomplished. Finish with Yahweh's creation." I caught that in many sinics, they put you in a trap and when you fall they say to you: "fool because he falls" My father was like that and in the long run he was their pawn, like father, like son.... ISN'T IT UNNERVING? DON'T YOU FEEL LIKE AN OBNOXIOUS CHILD WAS FOOLING YOU WITH A PUERILE TRICK? LET'S ALLOW THAT FURY JUST FOR A SECOND, THEN LET'S TRANSFORM THAT ENERGY INTO LIGHT. IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. LET US FIRST OF ALL STRIVE FOR HUMAN PERFECTION IN OURSELVES. AND THUS WE BECOME A TRUE LASER CANNON AGAINST THE ANUNAKIS THEMSELVES, BECAUSE IF MAN TURNED OUT WELL FOR GOD, HE DEFENDS HIS HUMANITY. HE DEFENDS HIS HUMANITY FROM THE PARAPHERNALIA OF THE ANTICHRIST TO EXTERMINATE THE POPULATION. THE LANTENTE POWER THAT YOU HAVE MAKES THE LAVISH ANUNAKIS SHIPS SHAKE. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES GOD HAS TO SNAP HIS FINGERS SO THAT THEY FALL DOWN, OR FROM ABOVE AN ASTEROID FALLS ON THEM...? Let's stimulate... let's try... Let us induce such an order with an unimpeachable morality as a kind of holy and sweet revenge not to be trapped by the devil in any, be malicious with the evil one, let reason dominate emotion and body and the rudder of all be the spirit. Love with obedience to Yahweh and then to Jesus there he beat the devil in all. For religions are under Lucifer disguised as Jesus.

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