martes, 8 de octubre de 2024

Imagine the power of thousands of 45-second personal videos of forceful, truthful and lapidary words against Maduro one after another... Imagine the persuasion of thousands of videos explaining to Maduro and the world why he must go and why there must be an imminent military intervention if he doesn't do it, because by imploring this, the people themselves legitimately enable it in the face of fraud, murders and the torture of children by the tyrant. Imagine the videos of those children that we see crying for his victory or his torture... those adolescents with their future burned by his ineffectiveness and evil, those immigrants against their will far from their beloved homeland, those adults sadistically tortured and above all imagine the videos of those widows, widowers, orphans and that non-existent word "father of dead children" saying things like: Maduro, you must go because according to you, Venezuela is still a state of law and you democratically lost the elections. Your lie was so crude and basic that it does not stand up to analysis. Go away! If you do not, your fall will be much more resounding due to a sudden military intervention which we call for in the name of common sense, respect for life, coherence and in the name of Christ whom you supposedly serve and the exhortation towards justice, peace, truth and freedom and against the tyranny of the Herods. Go away. Maduro, committed Christian, Jesus said: "Woe to him who causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to throw himself into the sea than to disturb them." And you supposedly serve God, but they will be torturing children to feed demons with the lowest vibration! Go away, lighten your karma because that way you will go straight to the worst of the circles of hell. Go away by the power of the truth of God. GO AWAY. Maduro, the loser loses once, the bad loser loses many times. Go away, don't mess things up anymore. Go away now. We don't want you, we are the majority. Go away. Don't fool yourself with your zombie-followers. They don't know what they're doing, they've sniffed too much of that zombie-like powder that your beloved Chavez used so much, spreading it over Caracas with FFAA planes. No more illusions generated by your witchcraft, may the light of the merciful blood of Jesus Christ break that spell. Go away. "On the righteous will fall their justice, on the wicked their wickedness," "Hell licks its lips for you," your sins claim you there and deafen God. "May God hear the prayer of the righteous and take pity" and "it is terrible to fall into the hands of the living God" "put your hand to the shield and the buckler and tell our soul I am your salvation." GO AWAY MADURO NOW This before being a political or military war is spiritual and psychological, first we must win there, then it will fall physically in one way or another. What influencer collects these videos and publishes them on networks, the people of "Efecto eco" have already done something like this, a great job they put actors to interpret the last tweets of people killed by repression. Masterful! The peace that those people felt on the other plane and all heaven can be felt from here! Congratulations to those people - Imagine the peace that the same truth will feel when shouting it thousands of times with people who speak with their hearts in their hands asking for freedom, TRUTH, justice, peace which is never free and cannot be, it has to be earned and with these videos it is another point in favor of that freedom, so deserved after years of tyranny, lies and murders. "WHAT IS NOT SPOKEN IS AS IF IT HAD NOT HAPPENED." HE SAYS A MASTERFUL PHRASE THAT SYNTHESIZES EVERYTHING. AND NICO TALKS AND TALKS LIES. WE MUST COMPENSATE SO MUCH DARKNESS WITH THE LIGHT OF TRUTH, BECAUSE GOD IS THE TRUTH AND JESUS ​​IS OUR LORD AND CHANNEL TO HIM. But BE CAREFUL without physical force justice is laughable. God helps in the fight in the last instance and obviously we are in that moment. SO BE CAREFUL WITH THE MILITARY INTERVENTION. Each thing in its place and in order. From now on you can make these videos so that later someone can compile them. Let's get to work. It would be great if everything had a common factor, everyone with a candle in their hand and with a Christian element such as a bible, a cross on their chest, a t-shirt or an image of Jesus in the background. FINALLY I SAY THAT THEY ARE TORTURING CHILDREN TO GENERATE THE LOWEST VIBRATION TO FEED THE DEMONS THAT SUPPORT THE TYRANNY IN THE POWER TO EAT MORE AND MORE OF THE PAIN OF STARVING, POOR AND SICK VENEZUELA. YAHVE REBOUNDS YOU SATAN! I HOPE IT IS A GOOD STIMULUS TO MAKE THESE VIDEOS. God bless you. PRAISED BE GOD AND JESUS ​​CHRIST.

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