lunes, 15 de mayo de 2023


  SATANCON THE PERFECT GENERATOR OF THE DIVINE FUEL THAT ACTIVATES THE DIVINE JUSTICE OF THE VIGILANTE LASER BECAUSE... We can see a man praying but we can also see perfectly a laser cannon triggered by God towards the Anunakis-illumiantis- santanite witches, terrorist criminals, dilers, abortionists and all the traitors of humanity. Because there are some artifacts that work with light, such as infrared sensors, or digital photography, are photosensitive, i.e. sensitive to light. Something identical happens when we work with God. Because see He taught us to pray and He demands it, this is how this divine laser cannon works, because when we pray with the miraculous elixir called "holy indignation", all our aura is illuminated, the chakras rotate at maximum speed and become incandescent, and this light activates and calls God and His favor with great power and speed will come to us. It triggers the mechanism that will cause a bolt of justice to fall upon the hard-faced witches. I know that the witches see when we get like this, this makes them feel disgust and fear. God is also "photosensitive" he reacts with full power to our request for help that he detects by the light generated by our prayer with that holy indignation that is produced in our interior when the devil acted without any license, by pure hard head, then the fervor that makes us feel the indignation is to demand divine justice and that he pays and very dearly with land, powers and souls. Holy Father. Listen to us because your sovereignty is total, nothing deceives us, no illusion, and Jesus who already paid for all by Him we ask you, that no witchcraft functions throughout the world indefinitely because the evil one enabled this by his inveterate transgression, once again! Typical of an animal designed for self-destruction, which we do not ask of You, but we do ask for justice. And if Your Holy Spirit inspires such a request, it is because it is feasible that You, who are our righteous one against the enemies of humanity, will accede to it. Transgressors and evaders of the game of judgment where first they go as lawyers and then as cheaters, in any case they will lose because you are the perfect and just judge of this game, so we have everything to win, especially with this faith and obedience to Jesus, channel to you, Holy Father, then justice! Justice! Justice! for all the unlicensed misdeeds of the evil network that today we call the matrix. Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! very soon and soon after Jesus comes definitively so be it and so it was because we have and we are full of FAITH - faith - Faith - Faith. TO PRAY BROTHERS AGAINST SATANON AND THAT DEEREBRATED BREAKING THE ONLY LINK WITH GOD TO PRAY BUT WITH THIS MIRACLE FUEL AGAINST THE NOM AND ITS AGENDA 2030 WHERE THE ENTIRE ILLUMIANTI PLAN TO DESTROY THE WORLD IS CETRALIZED. That the evil will triumph if the good ones do not do their work. THAT THE BLOOD OF JESUS CLOSES ALL DIMENSIONAL PORTALS. THAT THE ARCHANGEL MIGUEL BINDS ALL THE DEMO'S.BIND ALL DEMONS. MAY THE LIGHT OF GOD BLOW UP EVERY BLACK CANDLE AND EVERY CUMULUS OF DARKNESS, MAY THE ANGELS OF GOD NEUTRALIZE EVERY DIABOLICAL ENTERPRISE SUCH AS SATANCON AND THE CHURCH OF SATAN. MAY YAHWEH REBUKE YOU SATAN. MAY HE WHO CHOSE ISRAEL REBUKE YOU. SHALOM ISRAEL AND Amen AND Amen. AND CRISTOREY

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