viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

the secret enemy

 I DIE FOR HER... I have a light bomb to drop. The name of a secret enemy that you would never, never expect her name but her secret poison is lethal... But in order for you to understand why she is the worst of all, being today so loved, desired, sought after, decorated and even restricted with papals and copyrights, I must put her in context. Let us meditate that man has as objective traced by God in the bible that the spirit triumphs over matter, reason over emotion, the biblical conflict is identical to the conflict of the body, the spirit with its reasons wants order, prudence, chastity, discipline, will, progress, evolution, fulfillment, that is, to fulfill the natural objective, which is the correct order, the superior over the inferior, because reason thinks! While the body and its emotions only want to have their way: pleasure, joy, existence, whatever it takes and whoever falls. With this pattern you can measure everything and you will understand its true nature in the act. Because it is present everywhere you look: in abortion, in adultery, in homosexuality, in drug addiction, in gender ideology, in witchcraft, in pedophilia, where always wins what emotion says over what reason says. The most perfect definition of wisdom is to be able to anticipate the consequences: to foresee what differentiates us from animals. The triumph of emotion is bread for today, hunger for tomorrow. We know of a sinister NLP technique to dominate your interlocutor by looking at the right eye that governs emotion. When by this technique, or by publicity or by insistence, this inner sphere is filled with energy, leaving the rational sphere with little energy, emotion takes power and a man will find it good to like another man when this is unnatural, irrational, dysfunctional, etc., he will find it good to be a woman when he has a penis, he will find it good to murder a baby in a womb and he will call it an interruption. It will even be fine with pedophilia, stealing, witchcraft, drugging, without measuring the consequences because the forte of the devil and emotion is to focus on the here and now. This is present even in the Marianology that transformed Catholicism where the cult of Mary is greater than the cult of Jesus and not to mention God himself, because emotion won over reason because Mary appears 8 tiny times in the bible. I explained to a lady why the black virgins are idols of the ancient mother goddess, not Mary and she answered me: BUT I LOVE MY BLACK VIRGINS. SEE? THE EMCION WON HER REASON. And even in the religious sphere this secret enemy is very present and today more than ever, you have already realized who she is? With the title I gave a clue... yes she is THE MUSIC. All the time everywhere it MUST SOUND AS IF IT WAS SUBSIDIED BY THE STATE, AS VITAL AS OXYGEN AND LIGHT. She is all the time giving us fat injections of emotionalism, of BUT I LOVE MY BLACK VIRGINS. SEE? THE EMTION WON THE REASON. And even in the religious sphere this secret enemy is very present and today more than ever, have you realized who she is? With the title I gave a clue... yes she is THE MUSIC. All the time everywhere it MUST SOUND AS IF IT WAS SUBSIDIED BY THE STATE, AS VITAL AS OXYGEN AND LIGHT. She is all the time giving us fat injections of emotionality, of feelings, of magnetic currents called "goose bumps", in order to keep us well emotional. Well enslaved, well rechochos of emotions so that the reason is transformed into fallacies and the man fails in all the spheres of the being, even in the spiritual one because today the Christian music is booming but it is terribly harmful for the main objective of the religion and it is as we said that the reason dominates the emotion, Another thing is sacred music, like Gregorian chants, that music does put us in a state of spirituality but today all the rock and Christian music hits you in the center of the basic emotions, worldly, hedonistic, egocentric, it does not sound detached, but the opposite, worldly; neither altruistic but ego, nor God but "I", "look how beautiful I am". The song of the birds says that "aca macho sano y libre", how much difference is there with the music of the media? None! basically they all say the same thing. So musical, emotional and not reasoning, spiritual we will fail in all planes because we will be slaves of emotions. Our judgment will be flawed, erroneous, tainted, unbiased. She will have her way because we are her slaves and we do not act for reasons. Because we are free when we do what reason says because emotion is in contact with the body and that is more "thing" or "matter" than reason which comes from the spirit: wave versus particle. I found this dilemma: what differentiates us from a robot or a half-dead person without joy or passion are the emotions, but if they take power, it is the power of slavery and therefore of death. In the middle you will find on the way, to know when it is the turn of each one, if we go to an electronic party or to a soccer match, if ok, no reasons there, to feel the passion of dopamine! But in an abortion you have to be impartial. Emotions will always be right when they have a reason for boss, if she is the boss, it is the disturbance of the natural order and tragedy will be inevitable. I have experienced severe fasting from the world, of not listening to music and unbelievable things have happened to me, when I accidentally listen to a very powerful song, it is a shock, it paralyzes me, tears fall down and I am pure electricity, that's how fat is the layer that does not let you see the crazy world as it is turned to a clear and obvious idiot-cracy with the gender ideology and agenda 2030 as a cork crown. TO THE DRUG ADDICTS, FORNICATING WITCHES YOU HAVE TO ASK THEM, DID YOU CHOOSE TO BE LIKE THIS OR DID YOU ACCESS THE SOFTWARE THAT THE ILLUMINATI PLUG YOU IN FOR THE FINAL SLAUGHTER? TO BE OR NOT ASK THEM, DID YOU CHOOSE TO BE LIKE THIS OR DID YOU ACCESS THE SOFTWARE THAT THE ILLUMINATI PLUG YOU IN BEFOREHAND FOR THE FINAL SLAUGHTER? TO BE OR NOT TO BE! Start thinking about stopping listening to so much music. That will be a small brightness in all humanity that for God will make all humanity have another color and another aspect. You must see to it in you throughout the world that His order continues to triumph and that is Spirit over reason over emotion. For reason alone is lost, it must have the spirit as its north. That is all that God wants and whoever reveals himself before this does not love himself well. Love yourself then and stop listening to so much hedonistic and concupiscent music and read more the Bible with the assistance of the Holy Spirit because the good walk in the way of God but the bad stumble. And in order not to be evil and stumble, ask for light. So? "I live for her" or "I die for her?" To be or not to be, that is the question. All this will be for you a new compass that you will be able to measure everything and no one will be able to deceive you surreptitiously with their injections of emotionality. BE WATERED DOWN BY REASON! BUT FIRST THE SPIRIT. GOD IS SPIRIT. AND OUR CHANNEL TO HIM IS THE LIGHT OF JESUS. PRAISE GOD AND CRISTOREY.

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