lunes, 11 de marzo de 2024

ALIENS WOULD ENTER THE WORLD THROUGH MEXICO, WHERE POLITICIANS ARE SATANIC AND SATANICS ASPIR TO POLITICS. ABBERRANT READ. The spokesperson for the extraterrestrials in Spanish Marcelo Larin said that Mexico would be the door through which the Et would present themselves to the world, this has a perfect logic if we compare all the information: Although Mexico on the facade is very Catholic it is also very pagan and even satanic, it is said that many Mexican politicians made a pact with the devil to triumph, which reveals their ineffectiveness for the position they obtained because politics and satanism are antitheses, in one the law of reason dominates and triumphs, and in the other the law of the jungle, "do what you want" is the satanic motto. The current president of Mexico does not hide his paganism and his freemasonry, let us remember his seizure of power with shamans below and ET ships above, since there were sightings of his bosses in the sky giving him their approval and their "blessings..." This reveals that we are under the eternal conflict, which is the biblical one: Yahweh versus pagan gods = fallen angels = aliens = head of the illuminati, who gave the commandment to make us sin to gain more license for more viruses, vaccines, wars, fires, cities 15 min. The pagan gods are the different masks of the devil. Extraterrestrials need low vibrations to manifest themselves, the satanism of many Mexican politicians is the perfect habitat to begin their dictatorship on planet Earth and it all begins with the 2030 genda and cities 15 minutes away. Do not expect them to assume it openly, that no one is formally invited to hell, but if you allow yourself to be deceived, you accept and enable it and that is what we, the Christian people, are doing with our passivity to work and denounce this. like the following: THE MAJOR WITCH OF CATEMACO THE black unicorn with completely black eyes, possesses his acolytes in front of everyone, recognizes that 133 times he used black magic to kill brothers, including children, and also reveals that in Catemaco they sacrifice children for the andreno- chrome, all in front of us, the "woke ones." Evil will triumph if the good do not do their job: this IS A BERRATION! YAHVE REBUGES YOU SATAN BUT THE LAST LAST IS THAT HE WANTS TO CREATE A POLITICAL PARTY. HE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT GUEST OF THE ANTICHRIST, HIS BLACK EYES GIVE HIM AWAY. EITHER WE DO SOMETHING OR THE FUTURE WILL DEMAND IT AND ACCUSE US OF BEING PUSILANIMES, INDOLENT, INSESSIBLE, COWARDLY. JESUS SAID "HE WHO WANTS TO SAVE HIS LIFE WILL LOSE IT, BUT HE WHO WANTS TO SAVE HIS LIFE WILL SAVE IT... AND HE ALSO SAID "THEY WILL BE COVERED WITH POWER COME FROM ABOVE..." (LITERALLY IT IS ELECTRICITY) YAHWEH MY JUSTICER SO NOTHING FEARS ON THE CONTRARY, COURAGE AND JOY THAT WE WORK FOR GOD HIMSELF AND THE SUCCESS OF HIS WORK AND GLORY OF HIS GREAT NAME YAHWEH. TO WORK PEOPLE OF GOD AS IF EVERYTHING DEPENDED ON US AND PRAY AS IF EVERYTHING DEPENDED ON GOD. BUT DO SOMETHING, IT WILL BE THE REASON WHY GOD AND JESUS IN SUPERIOR SPHERES DO NOT DEFEND BECAUSE TO DO NOTHING ABOUT THIS BARBARITY IS CONSENTING TO IT AND HOW WILL THEY SAVE US LIKE THIS? IF WE DO NOT HONOR AND DEFEND LIFE? HANDS TO WORK PEOPLE OF GOD. PRAISE GOD AND CHRISTOREY .

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