I was his number one fan, I even wrote him a novel, today his number one detractor, because one day God called me and I left him for Yahweh and Jesus, and I started This initiatory journey to God, little by little I began to suspect that there was something wrong with him, identical people seemed to me or I saw him in my mind, then he died in 2009 and things became more and more difficult and today it is unbearable He appears to me all the time, he can jump flat with all the energy his fans give him, has someone like him ever stolen from you? he was him! As we see in "Beat it" that's who he is, he always said it with his art "I have an evil b side", bad, balk or white, you rok my word, gost, there it is! and he has robbed me many times but my angels gave him many more beatings because he does everything without a license in this game that I play with the witches where he is the most brutal, he is very stupid, a genius for music the rest of his life a madman , brainless, when Broke Shield called him pathetic I know what he's talking about, and now they vindicate him because "he went to orgies but he only watched" and they pull all the children in their homes who see how they vindicate the executioner who destroyed their psychology and the same I feel but I know its end. But it's sad to see how the world betrays itself because his guilt is more obvious than a kid's joke, and your conscience will betray you on the day of judgment. But now things have taken another turn, because Jesus asked me to preach repentance, that despite everything that Jesus gave him forgiveness, and the brainless man rejected it and I told him "if before you were a beast, now You are worse" to which he replied: "you because you don't know what they promised me if I win." He believes the promises to the lying traitor by nature and surely it is the reign of the world, but this planet already has a King and as long as one does not betray him, his kingdom will prevail eternally because that is how it is written by God Yahweh, from the beginning and here there is one faithful but there are many more. I'm going to tell you that he wants to kill me, it may only bother me a little but that emboldens me to implore God for justice and that in the end equals more and more power for Jesus saving souls in the UN in the WHO in NATO in the CIA in Davos, that is why the devil hates him and all my enemies because his annoyances indicate more souls lost for him and gained for God, that is why when due to punishment they fall to hell he hits them there with fury, that is, God hits them then hit the devil "lose-lose." This is the true spiritual war of the end of time and which side are you on? Take the test, leave it to God and you will know who is truly an evil and terribly stupid being. Wake up praise God and Christ the king! Christ the King! Christ the King! Total and absolute universal because love is the axis of all creation, its reign is even multidimensional because love is the basis of everything to bring salvation to the ends of the universe where innocent souls are born at the mercy of evil, now with Universal Jesus Christ they will be protected. Amen and Amen and know it illuminate once you left 10% the devil will eliminate that 10% yourself to shout "mission accomplished" that is his plan with you to betray you and eliminate all humanity... but God has other plans... But you will see it if you stop worshiping that demon and worship the Lord of Lords and king of kings, the Son of God Yahweh, Jesus of Nazareth. GLRA TO GOD! WAKE UP REPENT AND RETURN TO THE FOLD OF GOD. DON'T LET YOURSELF SHEPHERD BY A STUPID BECAUSE YOU WILL HATE YOURSELF FOREVER. THERE IS NO GREATEST PLEASURE THAN KNOWING YOURSELF ON THE SIDE OF THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH IS GOD AND JESUS. REPENT THAT THE JUDGMENTS HAVE ARRIVED. COME ON BROTHER LEAVE IT FOR JESUS! BLESSINGS . TIC TAC TIC TAC TIC TAC
jueves, 22 de febrero de 2024
Yo fui su fan numero uno, hasta le escribí una novela, hoy su detractor numero uno, porque un dia Dios me llamo y lo deje por Yahvé y Jesús, y comencé este viaje iniciático a Dios, poco a poco comencé a sospechar que andaba algo mal con el, se me aprecian gente idéntica o lo veía en mi mente, luego murió en el 2009 y la cosa se fue poniendo mas y mas pesada y hoy es insoportable se me aparece a cada rato el puede saltar de plano con toda la energía que le dan sus fans, nunca te robo alguien como el? era el! como lo vemos en "Beat it"asi es el, siempre lo dijo con su arte "tengo un lado b maligno", bad, balk or white, you rok my word, gost, ahi esta! y me a robado muchas veces pero muchas mas palisas le dieron mis angeles porque hace todo sin licencia de este juego que juego con los brujos donde el es el mas bruto, es muy tonto, un genio para la musica el resto de la vida un demente, decerebrado, cuando Broke Shield lo llamo patetico se de lo que habla, y ahora lo reivindican porque "iba a las orgias pero solo miraba" y traccionan todo los niños en sus casas que ven como reivindican al verdugo que destruyo su sicologia y lo mismo siento yo pero se su fin. Per da pena ver como el mundo se traciona a si mismo porque su culpabilidad es mas obvia que un chiste del chavo, y tu conciencia te delatara el dia del juicio. Pero ahroa la cosa a tomado otro giro, porque Jesús me pidio que le predique el arrepentimiento, que a pesar de todas las que se mando Jesús le otorga el perdón, y el descerebrado lo rechazo y se lo dije "si antes eras una bestia ahora sos peor" a lo que el me contesto: "vos porque no sabes lo que me prometieron si triunfo". le cree las promesas al mentiroso traidor por naturaleza y seguro que es el reinado del mundo, pero este planeta ya tiene Rey y con que uno no lo traicione su reino se impondra eternamente porque asi esta escrito por Dios Yahvé, desde el principio y aca hay un fiel pero hay muchos mas. Voy a contar el me quiere matar solo me puede molestar un poco pero eso me envalentona para implorarle a Dios justicia y eso al final de cuentas equivale en mas y mas poder para Jesus salvando almas en la ONu en la oms en la Otan en la Cia en Davos, por eso el diablo lo odia a el y a todos mis enemigos porque sus molestias indican mas almas perdidas para el y ganadas para Dios, por eso cuando por el castigo caen al infierno el alli los golpea con furia osea les pega Dios luego les pega el diablo "perder-perder". Asi es la verdadera guerra espiritual del fin de los tiempo y tu de que lado estas?, has la prueba dejalo por Dios y sabras quien es en verdad un ser malvado y terriblemente estúpido. Despertar alabado sea Dios y Cristo rey! Cristo rey! Cristo rey! universal total y absoluto porque le amor es el eje de toda la creación su reinado es hasta multidimensional porque el amor es la base de todo para llevar salvacion hasta los confines del universo donde nacen almas inocentes a merced del mal ahora con Jesucristo Universal estarán protegidas. Amen y Amen y sabelo iluminati una vez que dejaste el 10% el diablo eliminará ese 10% a ti mismo para gritar "misión cumplida" ese es su plan contigo traicionarte y eliminar toda la humanidad... pero Dios tiene otros planes... pero tu lo veras si dejas de adorar a ese demonio y adoras al Señor de Señores y rey de reyes el Hijo de Dios Yahvé a Jesús de Nazaret. GLROA A DIOS! DESPERTAR ARREPENTOS Y VOLVED AL REDIL DE DIOS NO TE DEJES PASTOREAR AL SEOL POR UN ESTUPIDO PORQUE TE ODIARAS PARA SIEMRPE. NO HAY PLACER MAS GRANDE QUE SABERSE DEL LADO DE LA VERDAD Y AL VERDAD ES DIOS Y JESUS. ARREPENTIOS QUE LOS JUICIOS HAN LLEGADO. VAMOS HERMANO DEJALO POR JESUS! BENDICIONES . TIC TAC TIC TAC TIC TAC
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