jueves, 17 de agosto de 2023


THE TRUE FAILURES OF THE MATRIX THAT DO NOT MAKE A BLACK CAT APPEAR BUT WILL MAKE YOU WAKE UP. For an atheist pagan, it would explicitly seem that there is a silence of creation as to why we are here, and everything seems a haze of confusion, but not for an awakened believer who takes "GOD IS LIGHT" to heart, BONE TAKES THE CHOICE OF SEEING EVERYTHING WITH LIGHT AND WITH THAT SAME LIGHT allows you to read between the lines of creation, and that is when it becomes obvious that this is an experiment or a process, a game-trial, and that the details are clearly described in a book called the Bible. . Where there is a lot of dead time, superfluous data and apparent contradictions but making a worldview and collating all the information correctly, in a little while of all the content the internal mechanism of life is discovered, which is the same as the Bible, then the truth is exposed as clear as a lit candle in broad daylight. But both God and the matrix must hide the traces of the creation tools to test what they are testing, if they digested it, the result would be altered. No! God is not the matrix, rather it is the antithesis, it is Anuanki, Egypt, the devil, the black magicians who rule the world. They are the elite, the Illuminati. Now, if one is capturing the internal message of life step by step and wakes up, the traces of the matrix become more and more visible, appearing untidily everywhere, and not only that, but today at the end of time, the end of time was reached. shameless point of telling us everything to our faces in series and movies, but they don't do this to put us to sleep, but to brag about how asleep we are and how far from the truth, already at the point of no return from such confusion. Described below are true Matrix glitches that expose the truth but will only grasp it if he sees them all simultaneously. If not seeing each one individually, the truth will escape on a tangent. Falla 1: There is a covert paganism in the whole world, supposedly this is the Christian hemisphere where God Yahve, Jesus and his holy book that sentences the pagan gods as demonic would reign, however there is a fragrant paganism everywhere, we see it in brands commercials, in the names of spaceships, in obelisks in every park, in Greek deities as superfluous decorations on promenades, at the base of the trade center, on the White House, the same Statue of Liberty, always pagan gods, but how suspicious !, when the Bible is just about Yahweh versus pagan gods... you see? If he would wake up, he would see that this tells us the truth about which is the true God: Yahve. Falla 2: And if I already grasp this, you can grasp the true mother of all conspiracy theory, and it is the one against Yahve, although it would be the God of the world, then everyone is against him, to begin with, satanists but also Gnostics , ufologists, metaphysicians, pagans, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and even cabalist Jews, even Protestants who call him Jesus and Catholics who in 2008 banned the name "Yahve" because "it is not Christian". I personally know that many famous atheists are covert satanists, because they hide their true ideology because it would indirectly reveal that Yahweh is God because if there is an antithesis, the thesis is true. SO DIRTY! COWARDS! HYPOCRITES!. Falla 3: I have also caught the most impossible theological lie of all: they want to “Egyptianize” Yahve, who is Anu, or Enky, or directly one more anunnaki, when as the heart of the bible is said to be Yahve versus Ra, and all the gods of sumeria, the sons of the anunnaki, the fathers of egypt and babylon, the eternal enemies of israel, Yahve never tires of ranting and humiliating the pharaohs and their gods and magicians, over and over again in Isaias, in Jeremiah, in Ezekiel and in the Torah, not to mention, and the world, as the Bible does not read, swallows things LIKE YAHVE IS ENKI = MARDUK, when he provokes it in Jeremiah 30, or they quietly accept things like "IS-RA-" EL” : “IS”IS, GOD “RA”, AND “EL” = GOD. What an impossible hogwash, ISRAEL MEANS GOD WHO FIGHTS. And another alarming fact, how was it for the children of loa anuankis Egypt and arabia united against little Israel in the unlikely war of the 6 days? YAHVE IS AND STILL IS GOD!!! Falla 4: Another piece of information from personal experience, the Pope was going to introduce the Pleiadian extraterrestrials, Marcelo Larin said this to the world but they recognized themselves as a descendant of the Greek gods, that is to say paganism, that is to say Zeus, that is to say the abominable desolation that It will lead to the last and greatest persecution of Christians. Heaven told me "scream that everywhere" I did so and just 20 days later Larin said "the pope no longer symbolizes the owner of the world, that was before (20 days before) the revelation et will come through the world of the politics"... what a tough face!! but that turn in the air without a solution of continuity exposes the truth we are in the same conflict eternal conflict Yahve versus pagan gods = fallen angels = aliens. Fault 5: after discovering all this, you must discover the false light, since the matrix plays two ends, or at all ends, since everything is "another program of the matrix" from Icar to the most brand new sect is matrix, yes you do not fall into the darkness of black magic and have a spiritual concern that falls into this false salvation, which indicates that the true path is interior and personal but biblical. Pay attention: every spiritual guru who does not preach the highest sanctity is a hunter of sinful souls but Fault 6: Another obvious flaw of the matrix is the shameless debauchery of all Illuminati artists if they are all drug addicts, pagans, gay friendly, abortionists It is obvious they are making the masses sin to gain more license to destroy, license earned in the judgment game that we all play: Jesus defends, satan accuses, more sins, more viruses, lockdowns, vaccines, resets, chips, the devil tempts you then tempts you accuses, there are his satanic servants the traitors of the illuminati plugging the culture woke us up in the soup for children ... they are True tumors that are only alive for the death of everything. Because once they left their desired 10%, the devil himself will eliminate that rest and "mission accomplished ends with the creation of Yahweh." That's why they want to make us eat worms to indirectly mock God for his failed work, but failed? Not if you wake up reader friend! Failure 7: at the last artificial intelligence summit in Arabia (what a union! Anuankis + AI) we were shamelessly told THROUGH A CHOREOGRAPHY that the AI was going to reveal itself evilly and was going to force us to "go digital" by merging with it, pay attention If she is evil, then the ventriloquist is the devil, and he wants to absorb us, doesn't this answer the million dollar question? What is the meaning of life? Well, it's the opposite…!! and it was always obvious, the mystical marriage, the soul marrying the spirit, with Christ, with God, after all the ego had dominated. As someone said, man is a symbolic animal, that exchange makes us grow, evolve, that indicates a line, the question, where does that line of growth point? is it economic growth? Social? Technological? No, no, no, but spiritual since we have a soul and a spirit and something must unite and merge. That's what our design says. Where are the gays and their pride now? Falla 8: Regarding this, how much is this revealing experience for you to see the nature of homosexuality = matrix, since they made me homosexual, (although no one is homosexual, that does not exist, but I committed a sin) and with years of fighting against homosexual demons I already know how to do it and once by force of prayer, meditation, decrees and breathing I managed to get out of the influence, the spell, the homosexual hacking, that they do to us and I was so elevated that I even saw with suspicion, disgust and incredibility that two men look at each other with desire, because I completely left the emotional sphere and focused on the rational and I saw it that way 100% with rational eyes, which technically sentences homosexuality as an aberrant abomination and just that day I ran into a "cute boy" in the park and he tried to get looks and avoided him and I had that feeling of revulsion and do you know what he did? His sensual face changed to one of surprise, serious and he tilted his head and as if looking at me but at infinity, it was obvious he was reading my mind and he is seeing how far I went up, it was not a chance meeting, it was one more agent of the matrix, one more of the army around me But that failed act says it all: they are the authors of the "homosexualization" of humanity, what a novelty, right? but the blind do not want to see it. If they don't see that, they will capture the failures of the matrix, asking the elm for a pear tree is called this. But the thing is that nobody knows what is elm and who is waiting for a pear, you have to test one by one and if a pear thinks it is an elm but is awakened by this text, God will stop the advance of the global depopulation of islands 24 because of this homoapocalysis that we are suffering today. Regretful that the judgments have arrived. Stop the antennas and continue with this parameter capturing more true failure of the matrix that God is also there producing it to see if it wakes up. Make it so that for that we are to wake up and love, praise and bless the true God because nirvana is not the highest point of human evolution but to praise God Yahve. Nothing higher and there is no higher pleasure than knowing oneself on the side of truth and yes, it has a particular charm that we are few, but in truth and in spirit, I give everything so that your reader brother may be one. Finally, I say that the great flaw of the matrix that the devil is committing is that first they are very legal, they make us sin and then they accuse us at the throne of God, but at the same time they are coercive and tricky to the point of preventing the light from reaching the man, the elite light, which God gave us, they give us fluoride to drink, black go to eat, porn on TV, unhealthy waves 5G, and slowly a serious persecution of Christianity is beginning and there are already arrests for praying or preaching. And closing of churches and oratories like in Nicaragua, Colombia in Asia, no way. But the drug queens in schools so that children are more inclusive... In other words, first they are legal, then cheats, which invalidates all their accusations of their misdeeds against humanity and thus allows God to cancel everything and save innocent souls without being proven because if they were I was trying to see if humanity wins tomorrow or not and as soon as it seems that wanting to sprout, they appear with a mechanical shovel and make a 15-meter well. Trap! Cancelled! Invalidated your accusations! This last failure will be very expensive for the womb, but your brothers will be able to claim this from God for their brothers if you wake up 100% and you are impeccable, if one does it, the devil lost because one alone justifies all the work because all the work is believe. you know what? This is not about man, he is rubbish with all the evils he does, but rather it is about seeing if the miracle that man, being so weak and having so many lynches evil, occurs, to achieve the lofty goal that God has given him. I program that it is as we said to overcome the ego and that the soul dominates the whole being in pursuit of the reasons of the spirit so that it marries the spirit and from the part to the whole we see it in the apocalypse when Jesus, the spirit, getting tired of Jerusalem , the soul of God, it is programmed that it will be so, but you will see that if you are the best version of yourself. And you will be when you arrive at the truth, captured on the one hand the failures of the matrix and on the other the voice of the angel within you. God bless you, praise God and Cristorey.

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